magazine moan.....

thanks for all your replies everyone, sorry havent been back to read them until now.

Whats the verdict on the latest magazine? Is it worth buying? Usually really look forward to it and rush out the day its in the shops, but have been so disappointed with the last few!
Whats the verdict on the latest magazine? Is it worth buying? Usually really look forward to it and rush out the day its in the shops, but have been so disappointed with the last few!

would like to know if its worth a buy , too xx
Is it not all down to personal opinion though? I always find something new to make or a new healthy extra to try.

I think it's good, more recipes i would make than in the last one but you might buy it and not agree.

I always think its £1.95 well spent!
You're right, def down to personal opinion! I'm quite a keen cook and nothing in the last 2-3 magazines has jumped out at me, it's all stuff I would have made before.

Could be a summer thing for me too - I always like the casserole type dishes they have in winter!

I've also switched from doing EE to mainly red/green recently so that could be it too! Might pop in after work and get it tonight :)
I have done two recipes both green days as I have my vegetarian sister staying, they were lovely. Would defiantly recommend the magazine some lively stuff
I found it much better than the last few. more recipes for me to try out this time too. Also going to try the tomato and basil chicken.
Will give it a whirl, saw a few people on FB groups saying its much better too.

And jealous of the £1.95 price tag, its €3.97 here!
Currently munching through the chicken tikka rice salad which is lovely. Except the raita. The cumin makes its unpleasant and grainy. Won't be putting that on the rest of the week.

Surprised there was any chicken tikka left as everyone kept pinching it yesterday cheeky blighters!
bought the latest mag this morning, much better than last months! plus it looks very pretty and colourful :) x