Main meat at lunch


Full Member
Does anyone have their food meal at lunch rather than evening? I find it gives me more energy for the day and i dont go to bed feeling bloated n full! X

Ps in the title i meant to write MEAL NOT MEAT!! cant edit the title now!
I swap and change depending upon how hungry I feel at lunchtime, although I tend to find if I have my main meal at lunchtime I have to stop myself picking on the evening sometimes.......... and I wake up RAVENOUS the following morning.
If anything, I think this would be better. If it's your balanced meal, then eating earlier would give your body time to work the food off before you go to bed. Having your snacks afterwards could keep you going until bed time. I do something similar with eating my main meal at around 4 (after uni). So I'll snack a bit before, and a bit after.