Maintaining with JUDDD?

Phew I made it(unless I sleep walk to the fridge...)! That was tough!
Sneaky hop on the scales is showing 10st 9 this morning, hopefully that will stick around for official WI tomorrow (I wouldn't dare be greedy and hope for a bit more...).
Got some shopping for bits for OH's birthday to do today, try to keep busy, yesterday was torture!
Food will probs be similar to yesterday, might have an omelette for tea though. X
I almost felt embarrassed by my basket in Sainsbos; cake, crisps, nuts, chocolate, haribo and a ltr of vodka. I'm the best baby momma ever! :D
HAHA yes and the best up day ever by the sounds of it too! I remember when I had baskets whilst pushing a pram I used to stash heavy things like bottles of wine in the buggy basket, always felt a bit wrong!
Ha. I ALWAYS feel a bit dodgy buying spirits when I've got Mia with me, I want to let everyone know that it's for a few civilised beverages *ahem*, and I don't sit swigging from the bottle during the day while my child plays with knives :D

It's all for tomorrow and Saturday. Can't wait. Just need to ignore the deliciousness for now!
He's also demanded a takeaway tomorrow, sausage butties for Saturday brunch then a meal out in the evening...why and how is he not a fatty? No fair! X
Today has been so much easier than yesterday, I was sending myself crazy!
Looking forward to a couple of lovely days now. Fingers crossed for weigh in tomorrow.
10st 9. Not the best but totm appeared just before I stepped on the scales, wondered why/how my tummy felt bloated after 2 days of very little food! Need a better loss next week. Grrrr!
Anyways, food day, woop, although as the law of the sod would dictate I'm not hungry and even feel a little sick. Yay!
Ooh plus side I'm in the 140s. Sounds a bit better than the 210 I started at! X
Thanks lovely, how you getting on? X
Hee hee thanks! X
Bleugh feeling a bit rough this morning. Didn't even drink that much but just couldn't sleep. At all. Was downstairs at 4am. I'm rubbish without sleep!
Bucks Fizz for breakfast might not be helping! X
I find when I drink, that I then have a rubbish sleep? Even though the drink makes me sleepy. How does that work? Lol x
missnic07 said:
I find when I drink, that I then have a rubbish sleep? Even though the drink makes me sleepy. How does that work? Lol x

Congrats on the 9s! Well jel :D
Yeah, I was falling asleep on the sofa yet when I got in to bed my eyes wouldn't stay closed.
So tired. Eaten so much junk, looking forward to a DD!
Sooooo didn't have my op on Tues, rescheduled for the 21st which is rubbish but I need it doing so didn't want to delay it further. Put me in a shocking mood though and resulted in my first mid week double up. Far too much food (and wine). Double down now. Scales showing 10st 11, will weigh in on Saturday, hoping to be back to 10st 9 and sts at least. Eek. Would like to be 10st 7 next Fri for my op, have gotten rid of my 10st 5 Target for Xmas, I was beginning to feel a bit disappointed with myself, which is silly, last Xmas I was 15st! X