Maintenance products after refeed

Hi Everyone

Me again, I was just wondering how many of you use the maintenance products after re-feed? One of the things I am missing and cant wait to have is my bowel of porridge in the mornings, then salad for lunch with some lean protein then fish or chicken for dinner. Surely as a bowel of low GI porridge with skimmed milk no added sugar is less cals / sugar / fat then the maintenance caramel bar and will be just as good for me?

Please help!
Hi Claudia, you can certainly have your porridge. I think the maintenance products are helpful so that we can keep tabs on what we eat -stick to a set number of calories when we have a maintenance product; and it keeps us in the mindset that we are still on a food monitoring programme. We also still have to weigh in at the pharmacy which adds structure and further support. I intend to keep using the maintenance bars till I am comfortable with maintaining and confident that I know how and that I can. You can try having the maintenance products at a different time of day. Sometimes I have a regular breakfast and then have a maintenance bar for lunch.
What is low GI porridge? Is that something you can buy anywhere, or is it a specific brand through a health shop?
low GI porridge is the one made with jumbo oats...
Not the instant kind, if that makes sense.

You're right liberty girl. I read somewhere that instant oats -the microwavable type have a very high GI, while the good old fashioned big oats are low GI
(I wish it were the other way round as I like the microwave ones but find the other ones too gooey!). I plan to have ban flakes with hot skimmed milkwhen i want a hot breakfast...
The reason the instant porridge is high GI is because it's already broken down so the sugars go straight into you bloodstream whereas with the jumbo oats your body has to work at breaking it down so the sugars are released into your bloodstream slowly therefore you dont get that dip in your bloodsugars & want to eat again soon after. Thats how i understand it anyway, so you dont have to get special GI porridge just get the jumbo oats. The same with bread, dont get white bread get the seeded granary breads.