Mamma Caz - snuck back and in gear again.....`

Thanks Jane (Well Done on your 5lb weight loss - Brilliant) & Coley, just picked up the info, what a cracking idea.

Am going to make up sign and put it in the Kitchen - I still can't get over that its brilliant and yet so simple.

When I teach I have to tell my students when they first learn to ride the natural form for asking a horse to move.

Thought, Weight, Legs, Rein-aids and Voice.
Think about what you want to do.
Distribute your seat (weight).
Then apply your legs etc.,.

The time it takes for this simple action keeps the rider calm and then therefore the horse.

So the same will be for H.A.L.T. just thinking these sayings through will make you think twice.

Sorry just thinking outloud.

Had a good day yesterday, it was so easy to go back to the 790 instead of messing around, and because I had eaten I didn't feel as if I needed to do something with my hands. So I picked up a book I have been trying to finish off and read some of that. I went for 7.5km walk it was so lovely yesterday afternoon and it felt great, Meggie enjoyed it too, still chases the blasted cars, but I just keep her on a lead.

Hope everyone is okay - take care one and all.


Thanks Coley,was tearing my hair out trying various ways to find it.
As a mantra/post is it worth asking mini to make it sticky do you think?

Aha!! carolyn,I hear a bit improvement in your outlook.
Good good.
Keep it up-remember I'm watching.
(mind you i could do with someone having a quiet word with me as I've been a bit lax this week & it must stop today!!!)
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Sticky? why not!! ask Mini.

Little me went and pressed the Search Button and typed H.A.L.T in .....only that thread and this thread came up, so it wasn't an epic search or

Excellent work there are you doing today?

Well lucky old you.
I tried & tried y'day in different configurations,upper case,lower case,with full stops & without.
It must be the way hit the keys or summat.
I shall contact mini later today & ask.
Hiya girls and boys if you are reading this.

Well considering I was so silly since seeing MD last week when she weighed me last night I had lost - wait for it - drum roll 0.25lb yes a quarter of a lb. But who cares I lost and it all counts in the scheme of things, not going to bother altering my ticker.

Coz I went to see MD didn't get out for my walk, but I was still good last night, it is so simple and easy to do the 790, the only reason I started messing about was coz I was bored, well I have had my break and am now in focus for my last 2st odd.

No GP next week, the leader has finally been admitted for her op so we are attending fornightly instead and the nurse is weighing us. So MD is going to be really important - as if she isn't already (message to MD got the book will bring it with me next week) as I will be seeing her weekly.

Might try and come on over the weak end (and no that is not a spelling mistake - that is how I feel about them) not sure how my time will be taken up.

Take care one and all - until the next time..........

Hiya hun

Thanks for the book.

Do come onto Minimins over the weekend if you can, it sure helps.

You're sounding so focussed again and I think the 790 is really going to suit as you whizz down the last couple of stone. The end's in sight my love, just don't let it slip out of your grasp. You are looking so fabulous already, but just think how much more fabulous you're going to look in another month or so.

Take care, have a good weekend if I don't speak to you before then.

Well the weekend went with few hitches, didn't get out for walk, read book instead. Will get out later and again tomorrow and Wednesday, seeing MD Thursday, gosh where has the time gone?

I think it has only just dawning on me that I am under 13st, I am finding it difficult to get my head round the idea. Coz it has been so long since I was this weight (19 years) I find it weird to realise.

I took my daughter shopping on Saturday, we as a family choose 3 horses on which to have a bet in the National and her horses came 1st , 3rd and 6th so she wanted to spend her winnings on a new skirt. Now then herein lies a tale, she is 5ft 10ins (13 years old) and wanted one of those denim skirts (did I say skirt more like belt) that girls are wearing with leggings. So we compromised and bought a longer skirt and I cut it to 16" long and I have to say she looks good in it, so she is happy now. While we were having a nose, it felt good to know that I could look at the 16s and below and know that shortly I would be wearing them, and as I walked past the mirrors on the columns I actually looked at myself and thought (Well actually you don't look bad). It seems weird to look at myself in mirrors (not at home) and see someone else looking back, I still think of myself as larger.

But it is slowly coming together and in only a couple of months I know I will be able to start maintaining, oh yes to be able to eat legally again can't wait.

My friend bought me some choccy for easter and it is in the fridge at work for when I can eat it so it is a constant reminder to keep focussed, sooner I lose the weight the sooner I can eat. But please do not think that by eat I mean binge, I mean properly with my eye on the ball (calorie counting book) at all times.

I love choccy tetras I just wish there was more to them.

I will sign off for now, take care .......
Well done on being under 13st.
i'm snappingon your heels there & loving every lb I lose.
Also on the ticker you're only a fart outside the over-weight range.
How exciting is that!!!!!:D :eek:

get used to your reflection ,it's gonna get better still.

Re H.A.L.T., Mini has kindly made it sticky .
it's in the Bring your head inside & body will follow forum.

ps good for you with ther skirt. I realy don't like these young girls rearing them so short,especially as they aren't really aware of the effect they create,they just want to have the new look.
(there speaks the older mother...oops what a giveaway)
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Also on the ticker you're only a fart outside the over-weight range.quote]

:rotflmao: What a fab way you have of putting things Jane - love it :D
WOW Jane what great weight loss, only 1lb off being over half way, thats really good and yes it is being an older mum that does it.

She is happy as larry with the skirt, says its too cold to wear it at the moment. I quite agree I am in trousers again today.

Am tired today, not sure why, bit of excitment yesterday, boss broke door lock, locksmith needed before I went home. Vet with two of the dogs, rush rush then home cook lasanga for everyone else, used to be my fav, then sat and ate my tea, and felt stuffed for the rest of the evening, didn't get my walk in the end. Will do tonight (I feel guilty when I don't go).

Hope everyone is okay and coping take care, see you on here again shortly.........
Morning Hunnie-pie

Hope you're all ok this morning & all's well in your world :)

Catch ya later

Hey MC,

I really love reading your thread, it helps me try and solve my own problems with being on CD i.e. I miss food lots and have been in this trend of nibbling when I know its wrong.

At least you got a loss last week. Let us know how it goes with wi at MD's.

You're doing really well so keep it up.

Helloo carolyn,glad to hear you sounding so chirpy.

diet going ok too?
Why did boss break the lock? On purpose?

I used to love lasagne too.was forced to sit & watch last week while friends tucked in to some. A couple of seconds later I relised it looked all heavy & stodgy & I didn't really fancy any even if it had been allowed.

Weird effects this diet as.
Hiya folks.,

Feeling good again today, although a little tired still, teach me to sit up and watch Law & Order, then cows out so that woke me up at 2.00am then hubby at 5.00am and blinding coz he was late getting up to help them load cattle.

So a bit bleary this morning, have booked whitsun week off, my first major test to see if I can cope doing CD and be away from home, as we are camping have got to take hand whisk, well I have plenty of practice at work so no major worries there, but with hubby and son there it will be "oh lets try that" or "We haven't had that for a while, lets have that for tea". So they are in for a shock, I am going to prepare menu ideas before we go and then take the ingredients with us so no naughties.

I want to keep up the loss during the week, and there are plenty of walks in the area, we are not going far only to mid-wales, hubby and son may still be silaging when we go, so Han and I will go on and then when the lads have finished I will come back home to pick them up and go back. I am looking forward to a little daughter and mum time, don't get much normally, as the other two can be a little loud and interupting.

Did walk last night blew a few cobwebs away, but still felt very weary when I got home. Just adjusting to being lower in weight probably.

Will go to bed early tonight, and hopefully I will be bright eyed and bushy tailed (read in this case Baggy Arsed) tomorrow morning.

Had complaints off hubby and friends to get new trousers as from behind I look as though I am wearing "Sh*t Hangers" charming lot aren't they, but as I pointed out to them, why should I get some more trousers when I will not be in them for long. So am going to get a cheap skirt later as the weather is getting better and then wear that along with the two pairs of trousers that are the smallest for work.

Thats all for now, thank you all for your support, its great to keep in touch through this site, wish they had done this sort of thing years ago.......
Morning folks, hope you are all coping well??

Well 27th Wedding Anniversary today, I think that maybe I gave myself a target for today, not sure what it was I will see tonight at MD's as I have a WI.

We don't really celebrate anniversaries much, but have bought Hubby, some Pistachios, Salted Peanuts and a large Fruit & Nut Bar, all his favs, so I can sit and drool tonight as I watch him eat them. I drew the line at Cashews coz I know I would have not resisted the temptation of eating them.

Well see you all around the forum - take care..........
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, We are the same, only this time we both forgot it was our 31st wedding anniversary lol, Hope your hubby enjoy's his chocolate and nuts
Hi, and it was March 26th, so that is well and truly gone, so we thought we would wait and do something special on holiday in Cyprus (i want him to try scuba diving)