Mandy - 93lbs to go!

Well so much for going to bed! Just had a major blow out. Epic fail lol! So bloody annoyed with myself! I didn't think I was an emotional eater by there u go, it seems I am! After today's situation with my dad and his failing to put us anywhere near the top of his priorities I just felt so crap. I won't lie I ate loads, and I now feel so sick and yuck and disgusted with myself! And saying tomorrows a new day just doesn't seem good enough. I dont want to get thru one day, I need to toughen up and really challenge myself. I'm not harsh enough with myself usually I just think "ok tomorrows a new day don't beat urself up". Well that approach clearly isn't working lol. I've decided from tomorrow im TS til the 20th of July which is the last weigh in before my hols a few days later. I know I can do it but if I'm too lenient with myself I won't so it's time to get strict. And as for my going on about ketosis not helping me that's prob cos I'm never in it long enough to benefit from it lol so no more diet coke, no more sugarfree jelly and no more monumental screw ups! Phew I feel better now lol x

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Just popping in quickly to say hope you feel better tomorrow! Good luck on the TS I'm with ya on that after all the eating I've been doing recently! Xx

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Thanks huni yeah I need to do it too, I'm getting nowhere fast lol. Good luck!! I'm still mega pissed off today and can feel a major argument on the horizon at some point today but this is a good diet day, TS all the way xxx

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Right Mrs, put the wee overeat behind you. Nows the time to do TS, properly ;)
Listen to me eh? I've binged loads this weekend lol
Just remember however bad you feel, food certainly won't make you feel better xxx
Your totally right hun food doesn't help lol. Why do we do it eh? I've started another wee diary in the TS forum and have committed myself to 72 days TS taking me up to weigh in before hols. No excuses now, it's not gonna get the better of me! Xx

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Good morning so far! Got up early, drank 2 pints of water, done the housework then took sonny the half mile walk to nursery, power walked the half mile home and am now having another pint of water. Not hungry at all yet so gonna leave my first shake til about eleven then power walk back to the nursery! Mondays are always the hardest day for me cos there's good tv on a Monday night and I'd usually pig out in front of the telly. I've got thru Monday's for the last few weeks but after the last few bad days I've had I know I'll struggle tonight. But so far so good! Xx

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Oh my god I have craved theee worst foods tonight but I won't give in. Too many times I've gave in and know the way it makes me feel so I know it's not worth it! Day 2 of my 72 day challenge done! Xxx

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carly82 said:
Sorry I haven't checked in here in a while and sorry your dad is being a pillock :(
But really well done on your TS challenge :)

Thanks hun. He is a massive pillock, still not really heard from him grr x

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Good luck with the 72 days TS Mandy. It sounds like you're really focused at the moment, which is great :) You've done really well getting straight back on the wagon after the stuff with your Dad - nice work not letting it affect you for longer. Hope today is going well :)

Well if anyone was following my TS diary in subforum u'll know that de to meds the doc wanted me on (but wouldnt give me while i was on exante) i switched to calorie counting. It was going well, lost 6lbs first week and STS this week. WAS NOT happy at all at givin up exante but couldnt see an alternative. Anyhow...the meds arent helpin in the slightest, so im giving up on them and coming back to exante. Yipee! Ok so i still have major reflux, a sore stomach fairly often and its a pain, but looks like the damage has been done and im stuck with gonna stop whining about it, and im sure losing weight will help with it all too! TS challenge restarts from tomorrow woohoo xx
The med's not working is pretty crap babystar but on the plus side -6lbs wahoo! Lol
Welcome back and good luck :) x
Thanks lovie, yeah im happy that while ive been off exante ive still lost weight in other ways :D bit pee'd off that the meds arent working as i was hoping for a miracle cure....but not to be! Thing is being overweight probably caused me getting gallstones in the first place so its my own fault in a way. Ok if it hadnt been misdiagnosed for years i might not have damaged my stomach and oesophagus with constantly being sick....but thats life i guess! Now to get back to a healthy weight and reduce any more medical probs! :D x