Mandy's Weightloss Diary....Here's to success!!

I've had my ww weigh-in tonight and just a 0.5lb loss. A little disappointed but a loss is a loss.
I'm going to cut down a little on the ww yoghurts and low fat snacks, up the fruit intake and water. My daily ww point allowance is 42 and the last three days have stayed under 32 so hopefully next weeks loss should be better.

Sometimes we have to tweak things a bit, until we get what's right for us..well done hun! :)
When I had that problem with SW. I used to eat less than my syns but when I upped it to the max I lost more weight. Something to do with making your body not get complacent about what it gets. Sowing try and eat your 42 for a couple of weeks and see if it helps
I've been having porridge for breakfast every day, i've altered it to fruit, yoghurt and a cereal bar. I only have porridge twice a week now. I don't think it helps sticking to the same meals, swapping and changing is the way to go!! I think your right your body gets used to the same intake.

Porridge is a very good breakfast, it's low gi too which is good for you. I used to live on porridge,I'd have for my dinner :)
Had a good weekend, sons party went well, the kids had a great time, so job done there. Didn't really have any time to think about food so was so saintly on saturday.
We bought a 7 seater from west yorks so bro-in-law brought it over for us saturday night. All today we've been sorting out our old car and putting it up for sale. No time to think about food again. I think thats the way i have to go, just keep busy.
My weigh-in tomorrow and feeling fairly confident. Probably fall flat on my face now lol.

yeah i agree, it was so much easier leaving it to others to clean up the mess. It isn't that cheap at £7.95 per child but it's worth it all i had to do was bring the cake. They even did the party bags. Happy days lol!
Got weighed this morning and it's another 3lb gone :party0011: i'm really chuffed.

Well done hun!..

My youngest is 5 in september, he went to a party the other day, they had a huge inflatable slide, ball pits etc then a go cart track, it was amazing.. £15 per child!!... we wont't be doing that, just bowling I think and maybe see cars 2 :)
Thanks karen, is it your weigh day tomorrow or are you waiting for your dr appointment?

It's soon come round to thursday again, ww weigh in day.........doesn't seem that long since the last one. Hoping for a decent loss on her scales but they weigh heavier than mine and the dr's.
ww have brought out a new cereal berry bar, they're really nice, helps fill a void i often get. Will be stocking up on them this week. It's within xenical rules too.

Good luck for ww wi later :)
Thanks guys, not going to get my tea till about 9pm tonight. I don't like to eat too much before i get weighed, you never know it might put an extra pound or 2 on. Does anyone else do this?

Probably everyone who goes to a slimming club lol :) we're all so desperate . Although if you ate tonight then you'd be able to eat your tea every week . IR would only be tonight that counted
I always weigh in the morning, after 20-30 minutes of getting up, always after the toilet and before breakfast lol! I wouldn't like getting weighed in the afternoon or evening, I always weigh more as the day gets on :(
That's partly why I went back to SW on a morning group :) it's a truer weight. - and I don't have to starve either :)
Lost 3.5lb at ww tonight. My scales this morning were registering a 5lb loss (thurs to thurs) but i like the group on a night they're a scream and the consultant is as nutty as me.

I've noticed my clothes are getting roomier so thats always a good sign. I have a bottom drawer full of my 'lighterlife during and after clothes' so i reckon another stone off and i shall start trying on the larger stuff in there. That will be a boost for me, haven't had some of them on in more than a year. Has anybody else got clothes they've kept to get back into?
