Marie's Diary

Marie ur very entertaining hehe ;)
Thanks Girls :D
Getting very frustrated at the moment. I dont know why but i am starting to actually feel hungry and im not liking it one bit. Been fine threw the whole of this plan and now week 7 and i'm always waiting for the next pack which arnt filling me up anymore. This morning i had porridge as normal and could have easily demolished another bowl. Just waiting for lunch time to come around so i can have my banana shake. Not only that the past week i have barely made it home without eating my own arm on the way before i get in the door and go straight to the freezer to grab my bar. I dunno whats up with me. Im drinking enough water between 3 and 4Ltrs a day but even this isnt filling me up. It may well just be pyscological but im not so sure.
I also think im getting ill. My throat is starting to hurt feels a bit dry which is good for the getting the water down my neck but this is usually followed by a bad cough :(
To top it off the WW Monster is back with avengence. Which is driving me mad. The amount she eats and what she eats is SCARY. I cant imagine eating like that ever. She says its all ok as she counts it in her points but then tries to hide the food from people so they dont even know shes got it.
Yesterday for example she had the following
Mini Cheddars
Bacon Roll
Soup with a bread Roll
Mcdonalds Cheese Burger and Chips and a Toffee Sundae
Kit Kat
And this all in the space of an 8 hour day at work. I was having a little bit of an obsessive moment as aparently she lost 2 and half pounds this week which i see as very unlikly considering she eats chocolate mouses and sharer bags on MnM's and Flap Jacks and Peanuts...Sorry far too much food talk lol So anyway i worked out on average how many cals this all added up to ..... 1699KCALS plus whatever she had before she got to work and whatever she had when she left.
I am getting so fed up of moaning and complaining about her, but its just annoying me i am working so hard and stuggling at the moment and shes not even trying! And tries to pass off that all this food is ok. AHHHHH
Anyway its the weekend and the Ex is actually giving me some money he owes me today so i am going to go shopping and buy some nice stuff for my new house and maybe even a little something for me too.
hey, reading about your work colleague is like reading about a girl at my work. when i say she eats... she really eats!! and according to her shes on a calorie controlled diet.... hmmmm. for breakfast she has a BIG bowl of special k and full fat milk, break she has a coffee bun, lunch is either a bowl of her homemade soup, 3 slices white bread, skips and a bar of chocolate, washed down with a lil bottle of full fat coke or a chippy!!!! how the fudge is that calorie counting??? what bugs me more is that she says my diet is unhealthy??!! i just said in passing one day " do you realise how many calories are in a slice of white bread?" she didnt know? how can you say your eating 1000 kcals per day and not count anything? aaarrrrgggghhhh she drives me insane!! lol....

back to you huny, im a sabotager to myself and my mind has some very naughty and very crooked thoughts... the main thing is your doing it and your on here when the going gets tough! xx
Hey you, I am on the same week as you and ironically I too am feeling hungry finding myself looking at the clock a lot!

Oh I do laugh at your WW monster stories. If I am honest I dont think she actually lost 2.5lb, I feel awful for saying it but seriously of she eats that much I cannot see it being possible. Has she informed you of how much in total she has lost? Thats half the problem with WW it makes you believe you can eat everything, but the reality is completely different in my experience!! Just try to ignore her and focus on how well you are doing and how close you are to your goal.

How exciting its always nice to get some money to spend, happy shopping my lovely xx
Hey carrie and tbsx Looks like every office has one lol it is mental how much she can put away and I think back and try and remember if I was like that. I mean I got big somehow. But no I know I was never that bad and when I was on a diet I tried my best. Yes I fell off the wagon alot and took ages to restart but I don't know who she's trying to kid. When I wanted to eat something naughty I just put my hands up and said I have failed this time but she just tries to hide everything and make it seem like it's aloud when we all know it not.
I don't know why we sabotage ourselves! It doesn't make sence after being so good for so long.
I've even done it again today!!! I had another bar instead of a porridge so 2 bars in one day. I know it was wrong and before I even opene the wrapper my mum told me off but I shrugged it off and acted cool about it like I didn't care. I do bloody care! Then like a ninja I dipped my tongue into my mums glass of baileys and lapped a little up like a cat. What the hell am I doing. It's driving me crazy. I'm starting to not be able to see the end again. I can't see me ever reaching goal and being slim.
Anyway I've punshed myself enough I'm going to promise myself that this weekend I will be 100% and I'm not licking or nibbling anything I shouldn't!
I'm glad I'm not the only one tbsx that is starting to feel hungry. Although I was a little better today I still felt like I could eat a scabby horse. I know what I've done isn't going to mess up my weight loss and I think that's the problem Im in a rebelious child mode and coz I know I cam get away with it I'm pushing it a bit more and more each day. Well not anymore. I've got 10 days to go till I move into lite and I swear I will not touch a single thing that is not aloud past my lips. Time for the countdown
10 days left!!!
Just made my very own cream soda...sort of. I fancied seeing what a pack would taste like in fizzy water and just picked out a vanilla one at random and viola! Tastes like cream soda :)
Got a 70th birthday party to go too soon. Big test with the mind set I'm in at the moment to not pick at any of the nibbles
Ooooo get you very adventurous lol!

Enjoy the party xx
Me adventurous. Look at you!!!! You have a pic up and wow you look stunning chick. Don't know why we have been worried about it :)
Party went good thanks and I felt pretty amazing too didn't feel fat and frumpy and shy and didn't mind sitting on a chair where I didn't have a pillow or the table to hid most of my body.
Also have been good as gold today. Not picked at anything I even cut a peice of cat for my brother and almost licked my fingers out of habit but caught myself in time and just washed my hands instead. One peice of ham was staring at me all afternoon however. I kept telling myself it will be ok it's ham and won't take me out of ketosis but I promised myself yesterday that I wouldn't pick at anything else and I made myself proud. If I don't stick to my own word what is my word worth??
Had a nice haircut to suit my upbeat mood as well and I'm feeling really really good. I can do this. And start to feel good aboug myself. Bring it on!!
Ok that was ment to say cake not cat hahaha why is it always me with the typo's haha. So don't anyone call the RSPCA my family don't have some twisted tradition where we eat cats for peoples birthdays lol ooops
dizzy34 said:
lol at the cat typo. I spent ages trying to figure out what it was short for or what C A T stood for. Well done for not picking at anything.xx

Lol I won't blame you there. I spend most of my time on here trying to work out peoples abreviations.
haha the cat bit made me laugh!!!! i like ur diary entries marie xx
Marie, wow well done firstly for the pep talk and secondly for staying true to LL.

Bet you looked stunning, new hair and body. It certainly makes a difference to our outlook on life and situations like going out to parties etc even if it is a strange cat fetish party pmsl, seriously I was laughing when I read it. lol

Quick question, we are the same height, how did you come by your choice of goal? This is the one thing I am not sure about, I opted for 10 stone, but I am now worrying that when I eat I will have to work bl**dy hard to maintain that! xx
Hahaha I really have to learn to proof read. Oh well never mind.
Well I didn't really have a goal weight I have no idea what I will look like the more weight I lose so I just opted for the weight where my bmi puts be at healhty which is 10st10 although the more I get into this and even tho I'm getting happier wth the way I look I'm starting to think I'd like to be less than 10st10 so like you would like to get to 10st. But I'm gonna get to my healthy weight first and then go from there. I don't think it really matter how little we are I think we will still have to work hard whatever weight we end up at.
One thing that has really made me feel more positive is that my LLC done LL and she said she now weighs herself every Thursday before the weekend and she gives herself a 6lbs leeway either side of ther goal weight. If she's a little heavier than her goal weight she knows he has to have a sensible weekend. And when DES either at goal or evens little under she knows she can have a litle treat like a takeaway or go out for a nice meal etc. I'm scared sh!tless of getting to goal and thn just putting all ther weight back on but knowing I can just keep an eye on my weight once a week and be disaplined enough to be able to control when I'm good and when I want to be a little bit naughty I know I can. If we can go 3 months or so without food I'm sure we can say no to those foods and know that they will still be there when you are able to have them. I thought 6lbs was a little much to be honest as 6lbs is a fair bit to get rid off. I'd prob be less leanient than her and only alow a 4lb increase on my weight I know I can get that off in a couple of weeks then.
Hope that's kind of helped x
So as of Tuesday I shall be eating again. I will be moving to lite and it's a little scary but so exciting at the same time. I've planned out all my meals. Gone shopping and have all the ingredients so I will have no excuse to veer off track. I can't believe how time has flown by. Coming up to the end of week 8 I've lost 2st 3lbs so far and hoping for another 3 this week although I've struggled with my water so I may be being optimistic. I've even managed to fit into my jeans that have been hanging on the back of my wardrobe. Admitidly they are s little tight but not so much that I'm spilling out of them and looked horrible. It was such a great feeling I actually jumped up and down little a kid at Christmas. Another couple of weeks and I might even venture out clothes shopping. Well I won't buy but I'd like to see if I can fit into a 12. Never worn a 12 in my life :)
Not much else to report really. I do have insights after class and mean to write them down but by the time I get on here I forget.
I've not had any crisis and I've not been naughty just getting on with it. Still not actually noticed in my head I look any different but clearly the clothes say otherwise. My boss who is doing this with me sad that she couldn't stop looking ate on Friday she said I looked so slim and that she would love to be my size. Wow never had anyone say that they wanted to look like me haha. And even my mum who finds it hard to really notice any changes said to me yesterday wow marie look at you. Where have you gone? Haha. Just need to keep focused. I'm not at my goal yet and even tho I'm getting conplimented I need to keep a straight head and focus on that end result. I may be looking better than ever but I'm not looking my best :)
I helped out conic relief on Friday night answering phones and taking donations. And I am so proud of myself not only for my volentary evening but for resisting the food. I knew there would be pizza ordered and all week I was going back and forth wether to have a slice or not. An even when the box was right next to me I just ignored it best I could even tho it smelt divine!! And then sandwiches were brought round also smelling amazing. And free maltesers and frijj drinks. I can't say no to free stuff for some reason so I took both but I came home and gave them both to my brother :) yay!!
Hope you guys are all ok. I struggle to get on here much now an catch up with everything. So much is going on :)
Oh my god-well done on resisting all that yummy munch! You angel! Halo nice and shiny? :)

I'm amazed by your weight loss, it's fabulous hon. Well done. I've started on Lite but still want to lose 3 stone so it feels like it's going to take a lot of time. Having said that Lite has been good so far. I try to enjoy spending time cooking and weighing and creating my dinner, everything tastes amazing as soon as you have it there and so you eat nice and slow and I always save a shake or choc bar for dessert later. The recipe book is okay but to be honest-it's fairly simple to create new meals yourself. Just pile up the veg. Made a beef and Ginger stirfry yesterday and it was DIVINE!

I hope Lite goes okay for you. It really makes you realise how you took food for granted before and I've still had good losses (not as good as yours but still good).

Looking forward to seeing you enter the next stage and can't wait to hear about those size 12s you'll be buying soon. Xxx

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Hi tilly thanks for the encouragement. I'm so prepared for lite and as I already have the food I'm going to start today. It's prob not what I should be doing but I'm so looking forward to enjoying a salad that I just can't wait anymore.
I'm glad to hear that your losses have been good as well on lite. Sorry I can't see what you have done as I can't get that info on my phone. It's nice that there will be another lite on here to talk to as I thought I was about the only one haha. I've got a few good recipes from the book but like you have made up a few of my own. Like stuffed peppers with lentils and quorn. Not worked out the herb and spices I'd put with it yet. Think I'll make it up as I go along.
Question for you if you don't mind. I noticed a few of the recipes have LL savoury stock. Do you use that at all or is there an alternative?
Hello Joy
The alternative is almost the same, but cheaper - Marigold vegetable bouillon - available in all the large supermarkets and health shops. It's a powder, comes in a green tub with orange lid.
There's also a salt free and an organic version, but I like the green best.
Thanks slenda. LL is expensive enough as it is without having to buy more of there products. I'll have a look for that :) x
Panic time!!!
So I've done total for 7 weeks and 6 days before I decided to switch to Lite a couple of days early. So day 2 and I've stuck to what I'm suposed to eat. Day 1 salad consisting of chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions etc. Today I've had chicken on skewers following a recipe from the LL book and being a curious george I've just gone and weighed myself and not liking the resuts. Acording to my scales I've put on a pound!!! How the he'll have I put on a pound!!!
This is not what I'm looking for and I'm impressed. My scales have always been under or on par with the LL ones and I'm really hoping something has happened for them to break terribly. I was hoping for another 3 this week. Doesn't look like it. I'm in the verge of tears but I'm more angry than upset. How would it be possibly to gain weight!!! I havnt cheated in the slightest. On a normal diet it would even be impossible to gain weight with what I've had to eat. I know I need to wait for the real results tomorrow but things arnt looking too great right now! Ahhhhhhhhhh