Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Didn't eat enough for breakfast yesterday so was hungry at about 10:30 when I was doing the supermarket trip... Had KFC later (hot wings and 1/2 portion chips) too .. I know not good - but it's kind of what I felt like. The cravings I had last night seems to have shut up .. Don't know what it was about the KFC that made the cravings go away .,
Yesterday I stopped eating at 4:30pm and due to my silly car not starting (had to call AA to come sort it out) didn't start eating till 13:30 today .. Was really hungry .. Had loads to eat .. Eggs, bacon to start . Waited a bit and then had some coleslaw, ricotta stuffed peppers, beetroot, cold roast chicken and new potatoes ... Totm due so eating a few more carbs this week :)
I'm not hungry at all this morning .. I'm assuming it's the roast beef I ate last night. I've drunk plenty of water this morning still not hungry ..

Have a cake to bake for youngest sons birthday party, his birthday is during 1/2 term on the 3rd but a lots of his nursery friends are going to be away so thought it best to do it today after nursery finishes .. So that's 8/9 3&4 year olds to mcds for lunch .. I know mcds is not great, but thought it's easier than having them rushing round my house .. If it was going to be a nice day maybe I'd do it in the garden .. But it's wet and garden it soggy. Next year I will have to have a better plan :)

Also need to make his birthday cake after dropping them all at school .. Primal devils choc brownies .. Baked in mini loaf tins topped with vanilla icing and haribo's Am meant to make the cake in the shape of a rocket too ., but oh well I'll do that when the family come over on Sunday the 3rd which is his actual birthday day :)
Had a good day yesterday, WI today is 91.7kg so 200g up from last week.. Monday I weighted in after going out for lunch/dinner last Sunday and I was 93.8kg .. So I'm happy it's back down lol

I'm going to continue with the patten of how I'm eating as from what I've read it takes about 3 weeks to see any sort of real weight and fat loss. I have noted that some days this week I've been really hungry and just gobbled up everything and my kcals have been really high. So I'm going to work on making sure I drink enough water in the mornings, and try and eat more mindfully :)
After the weekend my Monday weight is 500g up.. At least it's not 2 kg up like it was last week ., today I started eating at lunch time .. Not hungry hungry (like I have a bottomless pit) today .. Which is a good thing :)
Finally totm arrived today.. Must say my cravings. Have not been as bad this month, I'm putting that down to the kelp and magnesium supplements .
Yesterday my cravings were ok lol today's another story, just hungry and wanting stodgy carbs .. Also I stop eating at 4:30 pm today .. Which will be interesting lol
Managed to stop at 4:50pm .. Although I have licked the spoon lol when I gave my OH his dinner .. But am not hungry and my cravings seem to have settled .. For now phew!
Struggling a bit this morning as it's 1/2 term and instead of rushing around we are at home .. Scales coming down slowly .. Belly is looking less puffy assuming that's because of totm arriving/ being here ..
No loss this week - was a gain .. Ate loads yesterday.. Didn't even track some of it.. Also I know the KFC make me retain water .. Also drank to much diet coke yesterday .. Birthday party for kids yesterday - asked what they wanted to eat? chicken and chips as only a few thought why not and got a mixed bucket less hassle - had also offered sausages and buns .

Got people coming today and tomorrow too, see what the damage is on Monday.. Kids back to school Tuesday teacher training day Monday ..

On a positive note my trousers are a little bit looser :)
Going to give this way of eating another 2 weeks then .. Have a rethink .. I've done 2 weeks and yes my belly is a bit flatter but my weight is still much the same. I'm still eating loads and I know eating less does make a difference. Loads to think about..

Lol my cats are not happy, I've put them on cat kibble and only the occasional wet pouch .. With bit of left over meat from dinner .. So I'm being stalked and purred at by grey cat and the other one brought me a bird .. Alive .. In the house trying to catch it as he's hungry - he's refusing to eat the cat kibble.. As I have a no eating/ playing with birds etc in the house rule as the cats make a big mess - I caught the bird and put bird outside .. Cat is now meowing in distress as he can't find the bird lol.., it's war! am I strong enough to resist the purring and meowing ..
Can't believe it I've got my period back after no sign of anything yesterday and today nothing till about 5 and started having mild cramps again.. I've been eating carbs all day .. Popcorn and other bits - now I understand :(
Didn't check the scales this morning .. But know it's up after all the eating (desserts and Chinese with no msg) yesterday ..

Kids back to school tomorrow and I will be off to curves gym .. After not going for the last week because of half term ..

Stopping eating tonight at 5pm .. Start again at 12pm Tuesday
Did ok till lunch time .. Have munched my way through rest of today .., I'm seeming to eat about 2000 kcals need to drop that amount lower ..

Naughty me didn't go to curves .. Had 40 winks instead. Think I needed it after sitting in the traffic and almost falling asleep .. A 10 min journey took 40 mins this morning.. Would have been healthier and quicker to walk home .. Think I might do that tomorrow :)

I'm off to visit my parents in New Zealand in a mths time . Would like to be back in my size 14 clothes by then.. We are going for 1 month me and my 2 boys .. My OH has to work and May or may not come for last 2 weeks when he has holiday time off. My mum can be a bit of a B1tc# when she's had a drink - which is most nights.. My mums not well and my dad has lost his memory and last time we visited was 3+ years ago ..

Loads of friends and family to catch up with will be doing lots of driving.
Went to Curves gym circuit- 47 mins HRM 319 Kcals .. Feeling pretty good..

Started eating at 11:30 today ..
Curves gym circuit- 54 mins HRM 379 Kcals .. Started eating at 11:30am . Aiming to stop at 5pm tonight ..

Had my measurements done again today and I've lost inches off my waist and lower belly/ hips .. Yay no actual weight off the scales but as I've said my trousers are a bit less tight :)
yayyy well done! I'd take inches off over lbs off on the scales any day :D
Yes good news :) stopped eating at 5:30pm going to have an early night .. Tired as have been late to bed last few nights .. Body's a bit achy too as it 2 days in a row I've been to curves :) not going tomorrow. Need to go to the supermarket etc