Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Successes for today..
Didn't drink any diet coke - this was hard!
Didn't eat any bread, pasta, potatoes, or fruit
Ate my dairy portion today
Drank 3L water today
Under my kcal limit today only because I ate my exercise kcals
cooked chickpeas and spinach curry - have enough left for tomorrow too :)

Didn't eat lunch at the right time so had KFC hotwings and a piece of chicken at about 4pm once I picked up kid1 from school.. Ok didn't eat any chips - but didn't say NO to the chicken either.. Kids had snack boxes for dinner - if they had not asked I wouldn't have gone in :( Don't let them have KFC very often - I try to avoid the place!!!

I have a choc cake in my cupboard calling me - my SIL brought it over on Sunday.. Think I might have to muster the will power to dump it in the bin!!!
Goals for tomorrow thursday 31/5/12 :)
No toast or bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit carbs etc
Water 3L - !
Diet coke 2 cans (150ml) max only after I have drunk 3L water!
I will have lunch and dinner with loads green and coloured veg/salad - 1/2 my plate filled with veg/ salad
I will cook with red lentils tomorrow.
I will have 2 cups dairy a day.. 2 yogurts and cup skimmed milk

Am feeling lighter and less bloated already :)

Day4 of phase1 SBD.. I will focus only on tomorrow and succeeding :)

Kettercise tomorrow evening 8:30 OH should be home by then, kids in bed asleep too :)
My shoulder has been really painful today, managed not to go for the bread.. Instead chose to have 3 oat cakes and some sardines, plus some paracetamol :) sorted that out!

After lunch my wee son spies the hidden choc cake - ooooh pleeese mama (cherry grin) can a have a piece.. OK I had a piece too :( I have since put it in the bin!!! Made my head spin all that sugar rushing round my body!!

A slip up/over will not destroy my day, I will not let my body rule my eating! Or my emotional reaction to pain cause me to reach for the sugar!!
Have made the decision not to go to kettlercise class tonight as my shoulder is more painful than normal and am needing to take paracetamol as well as naproxen .. Want to go but am taking the sensible approach! Next class is Monday morning.. Let's hope it has settled by then!!
Just have to wait now I have key hole surgery booked for 22nd aug.. And then my arm is immobilised for min 4 weeks.. I am right handed and do almost every thing with my right hand/ arm and as you would imagine not being able to use it for a few months is going to be a nightmare!!!
Successes for today..
Didn't eat any pasta, potatoes, or fruit
Ate my dairy portion today
Drank 3L water today, plus 2x 150ml cans
Ate my chickpeas and spinach curry for lunch..

Rest of my day went to pot after lunch and started with the choc cake.... Finished with a banana wrap with sweet freedom instead of honey..,

Tomorrow will be a better day! Let's hope the pain in my shoulder feels better tomorrow.. As I now realise that it effect my food choices!
Goals for tomorrow Friday 1st June
No toast or bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit carbs etc
Water 3L - !
Diet coke 2 cans (150ml) max only after I have drunk 3L water!
I will have lunch and dinner with loads green and coloured veg/salad - 1/2 my plate filled with veg/ salad
I will have 2 cups dairy a day.. 2 yogurts and cup skimmed milk

I will remember to take my pain killer tablets!!

Repeat of Day4of phase1 SBD.. I will take one day at a time!
Ok I have lost 200g this week better than a gain!! Know it would have been more except for my crazy afternoon/evening - food wise yesterday... Oh well .. let today be a good day!! Am on top of the pain in my shoulder today :) I hope it settles down soon!
Was a really rubbish day food wise, tomorrow is another day will carry on, Busy day tomorrow, Kids football, mcDs/ subway for lunch will have salad bowls - no fries!!

Shoulder is not so sore tonight! Let's hope tomorrow is even better :)

Still same goals .. One day at a time..
A few mths ago I swapped Cadburys chocolate powder for baking cocoa powder in my hot chocolate made with skimmed milk.. I was just adding 1tsp brown sugar, now I have sweet freedom sugar replacement instead - I am amazed at how my taste for sweet things is changing - slowly :)

Today was alright mostly - I was hungry late afternoon and wanted a snack/ muesli bar type thing but low GI - nothing in super market.. So ended up with a mr Kipling slice - low ish kals but high sugar.. Have looked on line at the food doctor bars - they look good - have ordered a box of 20 off amazon for £17 inc postage apricot and almond.. Let's hope that helps with my snack cravings as they are low fat and low GI :) and taste yummy :)
I also found a Nairns oat muesli - no added sugar , gluten free - I made it into a porridge this morning was really nice, I like it cold as a Muesli and as a hot porridge.. Kept my hunger demons happy till just before lunch lol
Rosemary Conley do a muesli bar that's about 100 cals and less than 5% fat. I've just looked at them in her magazine and think I might order some as they look ok and are a good snack size item

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Mmm was looking for muesli bars with no added sugar.. Found the Naked bars - the coca one is really yummy! Def one for the cupboard and for TOTM as it really hits the chocolate spot with Out the chocolate or sugar high ;) Going to be taking enough for when we go on holiday and I want something sweet and chocolatey that doesn't melt in the heat :)

Food wise bit rubbish..

My arm is really swollen with an insect bite, it's sore, hot and itchy as heck!

The bar 9 seed bars are yummy but high in cals cos of the seeds

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I got some food doctor apricot and almond 35g bars- within xen rules too and crunchy, filling and yummy

I also got some coca delight nakd bars ... Ok not in xen rules but they cure the choc cravings and are 135 kcals - much better than a snickers :)

Went to chiquitos for dinner and had a grilled chicken salad for main .. really enjoyed it.. But think it needed more salad in it ..

Ok new day .. Have my snacks now.. Just need to stick to plan now :)

Holiday weekend over..