Melly's go for it diary - worried about cruise!!

Thanks Jo and M-mouse! Glad to hear about the squash - I'm a recent convert to it and love it, so very pleased to know I can carry on eating it! Have got some multi vits - now must remember to start taking them!! (They've been in a kitchen drawer for about 4 weeks!!) Am glad I don't have to go overboard on the veg - not too much of a fan unfortunately, so stick to the ones I like and am very hesitant to try new ones!!

Today I made some pancakes for breakfast.... hmmm they were edible but not brilliant, just tasted a bit too eggy for my liking -a kind of cross between pancakes and omelettes - very odd combination. Oh well, will keep trying. Am about to try m-mouse's oatbran biscuit shortly, so will see what happens with that!

Lunch was very vinegary salmon - yum! I seem to be eating more salmon than I've eaten in my life and it's so good, I'm wondering why I haven't eaten more of it in the past. Had a couple of turkey slices with it too - was stuffed!!

I've had a few slices of roast beef for dinner, doesn't seem like much so I may have something else with the oatbran biscuit shortly. Not sure what but will have a look in the fridge!!

I'm not too sure at the moment what to do about Christmas.... am having my my mum and 2 of my sisters at mine for the first time so want it to be quite traditional for them, without going too crazy myself! Got friends coming down on Mon and Tues next week, then Mum coming on Weds... so pretty jam packed. Need to get some serious planning done! That will be my aim for this week, to get it all sorted!

Hope everyone's good!

Melanie x
a tip with the squash, when Nigella makes soup she doesn't even peel the squash - she just blitzes it all up together at the end.
I generally use tinned tomatoes when I'm making a chilli so I'd be interested in hearing any other ideas too.
Hi meally I have read your dairy from start to finish well done on your new job and your smashing weightloss too.
I so can't wait to start next week.
I agree people on here are so helpful which is wonderful, I will buy the book tomorrow ready for attack.
Hope your well ? X
Confession time.......

I'm back!! :wave_cry:

Well after doing really well before Christmas and in the run up to Christmas, I managed to completely mess it all up over Christmas!!!:eek:

I had lost 9lbs, and was feeling really good about everything... I knew I would find it hard over the holidays, but figured I would keep it simple and stick to plan as much as possible! Well, that flew completely out of the window, I went absolutely mad on carbs for about 9 days, and you guessed it I put the whole lot back on!!!! :sigh:

So since New Years day, I think I've tried to restart almost every day, and it just hasn't worked for me.... so I guess this past week I've sort of been low carbing but not really watching the fat intake etc. I guess you could say it was more an atkins way of eating than anything else. However, I have also been feeling really rubbish, and not the happy cheery motivated me that I was before Xmas. So today I have decided that tomorrow is it for me, I am getting back on the attack train, and I WILL stay on it for 6 days..... I am actually looking forward to it, rather than dreading it so I think my head must be in the right place now.... whereas it just wasnt before now.

I think I've lost about 3 of the holiday pounds just by being careful, but still got 6 to go to get back to where I was. Hopefully I can do that in Attack over the next few days. I have told myself that when I get back there, I can wear my new coat that the in-laws bought me for Xmas!! I'm desperate to wear it, but it shall be my reward!!!

Got chicken cooking in the oven as I speak, so will be eating muchos chicken tomorrow to get myself back in the game!!!

Hope you are all well, and I am very impressed with your post christmas losses.... you're doing fab!!! :D

well done for coming back hun xxx im sure when you get back into it you will be fine
make sure your well stocked up and ready to go . I think a few of us found the first few days of getting back in to attack hard but as soon as we got back in the swing of things it got easier ,,,
Hi I'm new around here but wanted to say hello.

You are so completely right if my head isn't in the right place I can't do it for love nor money - you need to be in the right place, fingers crossed you have hit that point.
welcome back! Glad you're feeling better about getting back on track - you know once those first few pounds come off you'll feel really motivated to keep going. You've done the best thing by resolving to start again so well done! Have a good attack phase and don't forget to keep us updated.
Welcome Melly!

Im always ease into a diet anyways. A couple of healthy days and then straight into it. You will be back Into that coat next week after attack. And think about one of your earlier posts ' re - I think dukan can get me lower than any other food diet' !

And preparation is the key, which you are cooking now!

When does your new job start?

Good luck with restart Melly. Lots of us restarted last Monday and it's very quickly SUCH a relief to be back in control... and the mood lift is incredible!

Post your menus you know where!
Hi all!

Thanks for your messages! Its amazing how much better I feel already! You're right, that feeling of being in control again is what I've been missing, hopefully it will soon come rushing back to me!!

I've had a pretty good day today... lots of chicken for breakfast and lunch, then steak and chicken for dinner.... I know I'm supposed to have my lightest meal at dinner time, but one thing at a time hey?!?! :D

I didn't have any yoghurt, so popped into the shops after work today to pick some up. Am stocked up now ready to make my galettes etc!

Only problem is, it's that totm coming up so despite drinking about 3l of water today, I've got puffy ankles!! This doesn't happen very often, so I must be very hormonal (more than usual!!) right now, so am just drinking away trying to get rid of it!! I normally get on the scales on a Saturday to weigh in, so am umming and aahing about weighing in tomorrow morning. I really don't want to get disheartened so early on. I'm considering skipping it this weekend, and just going for it this week and weighing in next Sat.

Bren, you're so right - I did feel so good on this diet before and I KNOW it works better than anything else for me, so just got to keep on going and get back to it!! I started the new job last week, have done a week and a half now, so slowly getting used to it! It's a private school, so very very different to anything I'm used to!! But I'll get there!! They do offer lunch every single day as well, so am desperately trying to avoid that most days. There is a salad bar, and very often eggs and/or tuna most days so when I'm on cruise again, it will be nice and easy for me - now worrying about soggy salads!! I think when I'm on cruise I shall do fri-mon pp, then tues-thurs pv. This is because nearly all staff eat in the dining hall every day, so it's easier for me to get to know them all if I eat in there a few days a week!!!

Hmm, anyway I think that's all for now - thanks for welcoming me back!!

AAAAhhhhhh, just posted and it all disappeared!

Tough day today, but have stuck to plan despite having a horrendous headache. I am hoping that its my carb withdrawal and should all be over pretty soon, therefore I can look forward to the weight dropping off now!

Breakfast was a yoghurt, I do need to eat more in the mornings but need to start getting up a little earlier!

Lunch was a combination of cold meats - beef, turkey and chicken - and I am very pleased that I didnt succumb to the dining hall today!

Just had dinner of more chicken and some salmon.

I will have another yoghurt with some oatbran in a bit. I am struggling with the bran I must admit. I don't know if its my cooking or the taste of the bran but it all just tastes revolting to me. Have tried the cookies and the muffins, and they were both awful! I will get round to trying the galette, but have been put off a bit so far.

Anyway thats all for tonight as I am shattered! Hope you are all doing well

I remember that headache only too well! Hang on in there - it does go away and you'll feel so much better. Definitely worth it for the weight loss.

I thought that the muffins were horrible at first, but then I developed a taste for them. Same with the crème au chocolats in the book - they need to be REALLY cold before you eat them. I make my muffins using a Mullerlight toffee yoghurt and add sweetener, vanilla essence and almond essence (oil, alcohol and sugar free).
Thanks DD - I shall give it another go!! Do they stay all moist in the middle or do they dry out?? The ones I trued to make last time were all squidgy and wet in the middle - bleurgh!!

Have a go at the galette and see what you think. I make them with sweetener and cinnamon and take them to work with me for breakfast - i'm never ready to eat before I leave the house. Remember the more fromage frais you use the spongier it will be (so slightly more cake like) and you need a really good non stick pan on the lowest possible heat and it needs to cook for at least 10 mins before you even think about trying to turn it over.
I'm a BIG fan of muffins, as most of you know... but I absolutely detest ALL sweet muffins, and over the years I've tried a few. The only way I can eat my bran is in a savoury form (yet I've a very sweet tooth "off diet"!). Worth a try (p.1 of recipe thread - try smoked salmon/smoked fish/crabstick whatever and no sweetener. Mine are "dry" textured (compared to the soggy rubbery texture of the microwave cooked ones!)

I love the fact that you're planning your diet around the hazards of your life, notably ref the canteen, and it's true that "forewarned is forearmed" in these cases. I even have a French Dukan friend who goes to her work canteen early (before she's hungry) and orders her lunch. Then she can't be tempted later on when she picks it up! They'll often do her an omelette if asked in advance also.
You could always try porridge - I love it, especially when it's cold out. Is very nice with spices too for a change.
Resurrected!!! Starting over again!!

Hi all.....:wave_cry:

I've decided to restart the Dukan diet again..... I did so well before yet have spent the last 6 months messing around with all sorts and losing and regaining the same half stone!!

I need the support and motivation that this forum has to offer so this must be it now......

So the hubby's away again... he's off in Canada until August, and I'd really really like to be a stone lighter by the time he comes home... I want to prove to myself that I can do this for once and for all.... bit down in the dumps about so many things - I hate being on my own up here while he's away, and am ridiculously fed up with myself for stopping and starting so often with the weight loss. Hopefully this diary will keep me on the straight and narrow this time round.

So today I've had:

B: Chicken
L: Chicken
D: Chicken, salmon, prawns
Sn: Galette

Have just made my first decent galette that didn't stick to the pan - whoop whoop!! I'm still not sure about the taste, but if I can cook them the night before, they'll do alright for breakfast! Any suggestions to make them more palatable?? :D

I feel like I should be clucking with the amount of chicken I've eaten today.... but the protein's all good!! :D

Just a quick question - will not having dairy slow me down?? Yoghurt tends to make me gag at the moment.... and as for skimmed milk (or milk of any kind really_ bleurgh!!!

Looking forward to tomorrow - now that doesn't happen too often!! How does exercise impact on weightloss?? I know DD prescribes walking.... but I've just started C25K programme using the treadmill - this wont affect any losses will it?? :)

M xxx
Hi Mellie,
Welcome back - I'm new since you started the first time - I've been at it about 10 weeks now :) I am mostly dairy free and I seem to do a bit more constant weight loss than the rest of the group. Many of the ladies have reported stalling when they over do the dairy. Your exercise program may produce a plateau as you convert fat to muscle, but do it anyways! It will work out so much better in the end, just be aware and be patient if you seem to stop losing numbers on the scale for a bit. Take some beginning measurements and track those along with your weight. I love my gallettes now, but I had to get used to them. I make mine sweet and add vanilla and cinnamon, so they are kind of like cinnamon bread. Since I'm in the States I use FF sour cream to make them :)