Milestones galore...


This Time It's Personal!
I just realized that my WI last week caused me to achieve a number of milestones. And I've only just noticed!

1. I've passed below the 100kg mark for the first time. I'm now officially only double digits!

2. My BMI means I am no longer medically classed as 'obese' but 'overweight'. Yay me!

3. I just put on my "control jacket" that I last wore in 2003 and have been trying every two weeks. As of today, it fits perfectly. :)

It's quite fitting that all this has happened after my first WI with CD. I know it sounds silly, but it reaffirms my belief that it was the right choice to swap over from LL.

Anyone else pass any milestones this week?
Yay for you :D

I am also now 'overweight' instead of 'obese', yay for me.

I'm due for my first WI tomorrow and will let you know how I get on :p

Jenni x
Yay for us both!

Seems strange for us to be celebrating the fact that we're 'overweight'. ;)

My next WI is tomorrow too. Also: ooh look, we have the exact same BMI.
Aha but you must be tall cause I'm 165 lbs :p

I'm a shorty at 5'3" :p

Well being overweight is something to celebrate when you've been 'obese' :)
And also, people with BMI 25.1 are 'overweight' :)