Minilady's Diary... getting back on track

Stress the discomfort to the GP just incase he/she needs to be encouraged to take the vein biz seriously. Good luck

I hope it dosent conflict with the training day:eek: I'll put it off if it does. Can't wait to meet up again Jane I'm so looking forward to it.

I've got the radiofrequency treatment at 1.00pm so will give a full report tonight:D

Hope the radiofrequency treatment went well ........... did you automatically tune into Radio 2 :D

No seriously I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I've got the radiofrequency treatment at 1.00pm so will give a full report tonight:D


OMG didn't realise you were actually having it done! :eek:
thought it was a fact finding feasability type appt.

Come on, gorey details etc etc.

HHurry hurry...urgent reply needed!!1q
Hope the radiofrequency treatment went well ........... did you automatically tune into Radio 2 :D

Excuse me:eek: In upper class areas such as ours it's automatically radio 4;):D

No seriously I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes.

OMG didn't realise you were actually having it done! :eek:
thought it was a fact finding feasability type appt.

It was a consultation with chance of treatment starting straight away.

Come on, gorey details etc etc.

HHurry hurry...urgent reply needed!!1q

Feeling a little silly as I hyped this up on my thread I was so looking forward to it. Sadly I haven't gone ahead yet with it:(

Got to the appointment, lovely clinic all very chic, I was greeted by the owner of the clinic who turned out to be the head cheese on radiofrequency therapy and also a mental health therapist:eek:

I was shown many before and after photos which were impressive, one thing I noticed was that ll the bellies I looked at were a lot bigger than my own. The improvements were very good and although noone was left with a washboard tummy I felt sure that I wanted to have the treatments myself.

The therapist explained all about the process, how it worked, how I'd feel etc. and at this point all was going well and I was itching to get out the cheque book.

Then I was asked medical questions to make sure I had no contraindications to the treatment, again all went well.

I was asked exactly why I wanted the treatment, I explained my weight loss and how I'd lost the weight etc. etc. She then asked if I had an eating disorder:sigh: I didn't lie and told her what I'd been going through over the past months since reaching goal, how I'd realised after losing weight that yes in fact I did have a disorder and that I was getting help through CBT etc.

Outcome was that I was physically ok to proceed with the treatment, but she felt that I wasn't along the road enough mentally to undertake a body treatment and that it could have an adverse effect and I could possibly be put back to square one with the binging:(

I argued my case a little and she said that she felt it only right to tell me this and that of course she would take my money and go ahead with treatment if I insisted. However she felt I should go away and think carefully about it. I was left with the choice of going downstairs to reception and booking my first appointment or going straight home.

I went straight home.

As I drove home I was angry at myself I thought if only I'd kept my big trap shut, she'd have never known. Thinking about it now I think she already had her suspicions.

So although I still want to go ahead I shall heed her words, talk to my therapist and either wait or not bother at all.

To be honest I don't think I want to do it because I look in the mirror and hate what I see, well certainly not to the extent I did:rolleyes: But her words have haunted me a little, I know and feel I'm actually making progress, I'm not binging like I did but I don't want to jeopardize my progress.

So I'm sitting here typing this with my little tyre still intact!


Wow ! a bit of an emotional rollercoaster day for you then.

Bit confused: was she cautious about the treatment & your bingeing because she thouoght it'd make the bingeing worse or because she assumed the bingeing was part of alow grade body dysmorphic problem & that you'd have the treatment & then move on to become dissatisfied with some other part of your body?

I can sort of see how CD might aggravate a binge tendancy,or certainly how (as in your case) with a poor CDC & no emphasis on developing good regular eating habits the binge-habit might become more exposed after weight loss. but I fail to see how it can be aggravated by the radio4treatment.
Have I missed the point here?

totally with you on the 'mouth shut' conclusion.
Sad as it may seem honesty probably didn't help today.

have you made a decision yet?
Wow ! a bit of an emotional rollercoaster day for you then.

I actually am quite glad it happened in a strange way. Firstly I am pleased with the way I dealt with the situation. Normally I would listen, agree even if I didnt and go away not stating my case. Then I'd be upset with myself for not saying how I felt and would reward myself with the contents of the kitchen cupboards:rolleyes:

I haven't behaved in this way at all. I said exactly how I felt about her remarks and how I feel I have started to make great progress and that I felt I earned through my dieting efforts the luxury of such a body treatment, and that didn't everyone who had some form of beauty treatment whether it were Lipo or a facial do it to make themselves feel better in some way. If we were all totally satisfied with our looks etc. then there would be no beauty industry at all or diet industry for that matter. Does that mean that everyone who has a treatment has some kind of disorder.

To which she understood what I was saying but reminded me I had just admitted to having such a disorder:)

Bit confused: was she cautious about the treatment & your bingeing because she thouoght it'd make the bingeing worse or because she assumed the bingeing was part of alow grade body dysmorphic problem & that you'd have the treatment & then move on to become dissatisfied with some other part of your body?

I think she was concerned about both really. Would I be disatisfied with the treatment as it dosent have the effects lipo would have, would I then feel terrible about this and would these feelings lead to a binge episode. Also if I were satisfied would I then focus on another area and for example have a face lift:eek: I could see what she was getting at and I think she was thinking of me and not her profits which I am very grateful for.

I can sort of see how CD might aggravate a binge tendancy,or certainly how (as in your case) with a poor CDC & no emphasis on developing good regular eating habits the binge-habit might become more exposed after weight loss. but I fail to see how it can be aggravated by the radio4treatment.
Have I missed the point here?

I think I've probably answered this in the last paragraph. The treatment is subtle unlike lipo which would give me a washboard tum if desired. I think she felt I may not be happy with subtle (which I feel I will be) and that after the treatments I may look at myself feel miserable that it hadn't worked, turn these thoughts on myself and berate myself again with food.

totally with you on the 'mouth shut' conclusion.
Sad as it may seem honesty probably didn't help today.

have you made a decision yet?

Lol I still want it done of course:D I shall have a chat with my therapist, she may be able to worm out something in my subconscious that I dont know is there which may make me think no dont have it done. But I think I'll go ahead after a chat. I feel fine about it. Surely if I were doing it for some obsessive reason or because of my eating problems I'd have been devastated by her remarks. Also if I were in a bad place mentally I would have lied about the eating and would have denied everything!

Lol I still want it done of course:D I shall have a chat with my therapist, she may be able to worm out something in my subconscious that I dont know is there which may make me think no dont have it done. good idea.

But I think I'll go ahead after a chat. I feel fine about it. Surely if I were doing it for some obsessive reason or because of my eating problems I'd have been devastated by her remarks. good poiint!Also if I were in a bad place mentally I would have lied about the eating and would have denied everything! absolutley


Q: cost wise what is the diff between this & lipo?
What other diffs are ther eg post treatment pain etc
Have/had you considered lipo?
what was it that drew you to this in the first place? Non-invasiveness?
Q: cost wise what is the diff between this & lipo?

This treatment costs £1,500 for 8 treatments

What other diffs are ther eg post treatment pain etc

There is no post treatment pain at all. Very slight chance of bruising or blistering if treatment not administered correctly.

Have/had you considered lipo?

No. Mainly because this is purely for vanity reasons and I don't feel that strongly enough about my tyre to have an operation and put myself through pain. The tyre is annoying as I still feel unable to wear certain styles of clothes that I would like to, but it dosent make me feel miserable and it wouldn't be the end of the world if it stays forever and I never get to wear a fitted top I like.

what was it that drew you to this in the first place? Non-invasiveness?

Exactly, it's afforable I dont have to have an operation and have time out to recover. The treatments take between 30 and 45 mins once a week for 8 weeks, there is no pain and from what I've seen the results are quite good.

hmmmm I'm actually falling on the side of being in favour of this woman and her treatment - it would have been so easy for her to take your money, do the deed and 'possibly' leave you in an emotional wilderness that 'may' have led to your binging/bingeing (don't know how to spell that one). However she put you yourself ahead of her financial gain and there aren't that many who would do that.

It may be that if you were to go back in a couple of weeks and tell her your throughts since todays meeting and how there are calm, level headed reasons as to why you want this treatment (the same way you would a manicure, an eyelash tint, a false tan) that she would be different in her reasoning as she would see it's not just a rushed decision into grabbing something which may/may not work.
Got to say that having read your review of it I think I more than fancy it myself when I'm at the end of my dieting journey - does sound excellent.
hmmmm I'm actually falling on the side of being in favour of this woman and her treatment - it would have been so easy for her to take your money, do the deed and 'possibly' leave you in an emotional wilderness that 'may' have led to your binging/bingeing (don't know how to spell that one). However she put you yourself ahead of her financial gain and there aren't that many who would do that.

my thoughts exactly!

It may be that if you were to go back in a couple of weeks and tell her your throughts since todays meeting and how there are calm, level headed reasons as to why you want this treatment (the same way you would a manicure, an eyelash tint, a false tan) that she would be different in her reasoning as she would see it's not just a rushed decision into grabbing something which may/may not work.

Quite so. couldn't put it better myself. (could have been more pompous more verbose etc,but not better!)
Got to say that having read your review of it I think I more than fancy it myself when I'm at the end of my dieting journey - does sound excellent.

Ditto! but lets send Miniladty up as a guineapig first!

No idea about what lipo would cost but assume it's a lot more than this.?
hmmmm I'm actually falling on the side of being in favour of this woman and her treatment - it would have been so easy for her to take your money, do the deed and 'possibly' leave you in an emotional wilderness that 'may' have led to your binging/bingeing (don't know how to spell that one). However she put you yourself ahead of her financial gain and there aren't that many who would do that.

Yes I agree Katie, I did feel she put me first and I thanked her for that and told her I very much appreciated her time and frankness. She did say it was up to me if I wanted to book I could do so on my way out. I chose to do as she suggested and think about my reasons and talk about it with CBT. I see CBT this saturday so will see how she reacts, she probably knows my state of mind better than I do:D If she feels it won't do me any harm (as I do) then I'll go ahead and book next week.

It may be that if you were to go back in a couple of weeks and tell her your throughts since todays meeting and how there are calm, level headed reasons as to why you want this treatment (the same way you would a manicure, an eyelash tint, a false tan) that she would be different in her reasoning as she would see it's not just a rushed decision into grabbing something which may/may not work.

Yes I think you're right. However chances are I probably wont see her again, she told me she does the consultations but dosent often perfom the actual treatment herself. She filled out a medical form for me, which I signed so I can have the treatment when I want:)

But her words made me worry that although I feel I'm not doing this for some weird psychological problem and purely for vanity:D I still think she's right in saying I should take time to consider what I'm doing is going to be right for me.

Got to say that having read your review of it I think I more than fancy it myself when I'm at the end of my dieting journey - does sound excellent.

It's used for cellulite, skin tightening and fat removal! What more could a girl want;):D

Ditto! but lets send Miniladty up as a guineapig first!

:rotflmao: What a friend:p

No idea about what lipo would cost but assume it's a lot more than this.?[/quote]

At least twice the price I think! With lipo they remove the fat cells, with this the cells are just shrunk. Potentially their is more risk of regaining your original fatness as if you overeat the fat cells will swell again. However with lipo chances are that you will remain slim in the areas treated but fat will build up in other areas instead as its got to settle somewhere if you're overeating.

But her words made me worry that although I feel I'm not doing this for some weird psychological problem and purely for vanity:D I still think she's right in saying I should take time to consider what I'm doing is going to be right for me.

hmm but her words would seem differently depending on the frame of mind you're in / context as to what you're talking about. At another time you would know and state without doubt that you're doing this for vanity which is completely right and fair - it's to make you look better in your clothes, get rid of any bumps and bulges ...... same reason as we go for all kinds of treatments and mini tortures (legwaxing!), eyelash perming, any waxing! It reminds me a bit of when you ate the biscuits the other night - was it a binge as you thought or was it you wanted some biscuits and you ate them the same way that anyone else would who would have wanted the biscuits. Sometimes I think we feel so insecure about our thoughts/reasoning that we worry we're doing it for the wrong reasons .... and we're not we are just making sensible choices.

I've got a similar thing going on in my head in that I want to lower my goal weight loss by possibly a stone - aim to finish when I weigh 9.5 stone instead of around 8.5stone --- now I'm planning that in my head as I don't think I really want to weigh so little (never have done before) plus that leaves me about 4 stone to lose which I think will be well enough ............. but in my head I keep thinking 'am I only changing my goal because I can't do it/don't want to do the diet' .... all sorts of corrupt thoughts just because of the way my head is at the moment.

Same thoughts/words - different results.

Ditto! but lets send Miniladty up as a guineapig first!

excellent idea ....... like your way of thinking :D
It's used for cellulite, skin tightening and fat removal! What more could a girl want;):D

okay that's me sold ...... though to be honest if it did the ironing I'd do a Remington and buy the company :D
hmm but her words would seem differently depending on the frame of mind you're in / context as to what you're talking about. At another time you would know and state without doubt that you're doing this for vanity which is completely right and fair - it's to make you look better in your clothes, get rid of any bumps and bulges ...... same reason as we go for all kinds of treatments and mini tortures (legwaxing!), eyelash perming, any waxing! It reminds me a bit of when you ate the biscuits the other night - was it a binge as you thought or was it you wanted some biscuits and you ate them the same way that anyone else would who would have wanted the biscuits. Sometimes I think we feel so insecure about our thoughts/reasoning that we worry we're doing it for the wrong reasons .... and we're not we are just making sensible choices.

You've hit the nail on the head! I dont trust my own judgement entirely at the moment. One minute I know exactly what I'm doing and why then I become confused and over analyse everything I'm thinking and doing. This is where my wonderful CBT will save the day. I know she wont directly tell me if its the right thing or not to do, but she will be able to get me to know. Lol if that makes any sense! not sure I've managed to word that correctly.

I've got a similar thing going on in my head in that I want to lower my goal weight loss by possibly a stone - aim to finish when I weigh 9.5 stone instead of around 8.5stone --- now I'm planning that in my head as I don't think I really want to weigh so little (never have done before) plus that leaves me about 4 stone to lose which I think will be well enough ............. but in my head I keep thinking 'am I only changing my goal because I can't do it/don't want to do the diet' .... all sorts of corrupt thoughts just because of the way my head is at the moment.

It is so hard to imagine yourself at a goal weight and I think that lots of us have felt similar to you. I am 5'3" and now weigh 9 1/2 stone (most of the time;)) I am happy with this weight. If I went purely on BMI etc. then this weight for my height is nearing the top end of healthy. I could lose another stone and still be a healthy BMI, however I got to this weight and feel comfortable.

I think once you get to the latter stages of the diet you will know when to stop and at what weight you feel truely comfortable.

I completely understand how you feel though, as when I got nearer to goal I toyed with the idea of trying to go a little lower and questioned what I should do.

Same thoughts/words - different results.

excellent idea ....... like your way of thinking :D

There was I thinking I had some friends:p

okay that's me sold ...... though to be honest if it did the ironing I'd do a Remington and buy the company :D

I went to the GP today to discuss having treatment for my veins. Would you believe it:sigh: I've put this off for so long and GP told me that in our area they are very reluctant to treat varicose veins anymore, apparently this took effect from last year! So if I'd have gone before last year I'd have had them treated with no problems, now it looks like I've got a fight on my hands.

GP is referring me anyway and has said she'll highlight the fact that I suffer from phlibitis (sp:confused:) regularly and that they are extremely uncomfortable at times.

I also have to have a blood test next week as she feels I need an MOT due to age:eek: So blood tests for glucose, thyroid and cholestoral will be taken. Blood pressure was taken today and I haven't had that done since Deven's birth all normal:)

Lol it was a bit of a shock her saying about my age as although I know my age I still feel like I'm 20 most of the time:D

Right need to think of ways of raising extra cash as if I can't get legs treated on NHS I'll have to go private.

Maybe I could try busking:rolleyes:

:rotflmao: well good luck cos if you sing like me then you've not a chance! Go on, give us a song and I'll send 10p your way ;)

How typical that you go in when they've stopped doing them, good that you doc will still refer you though, you might be lucky and not have to rely on your vocal talents as they could still go ahead with it for you - think positive and you'll get positive.

Also good news that you're having your MOT - to be honest I'm one of those that feels 20 too, just don't look it and the body doesn't always want to act it even if the mind does. Hubby went for his MOT on Tuesday and had all the tests done, gets his results sometime next week.
B****Y NHS.

Just asked the boss about this & he said it's not uncommon for PCT's to take this attitude to V V's.
No idea about cost of private treatment. Done non-invasively shouldn't be excessive but that's not the point really is it.

Hope your GP can egt you through by playing the phlebitis card.
:rotflmao: well good luck cos if you sing like me then you've not a chance! Go on, give us a song and I'll send 10p your way ;)

mmmm my singing does leave a lot to be desired! There's a chap in Canterbury who sits making beautiful creations out of his tenants extra cans, maybe I'll try that! If I dont post for a while you'll know I gave it a go as I probably wont be able to type due to lacerations to the fingers:rolleyes::D

If you can think of any ingenious ways of making some money I'd appreciate the imput;) I could always go back to the day job:eek::eek::eek:

How typical that you go in when they've stopped doing them, good that you doc will still refer you though, you might be lucky and not have to rely on your vocal talents as they could still go ahead with it for you - think positive and you'll get positive.

Also good news that you're having your MOT - to be honest I'm one of those that feels 20 too, just don't look it and the body doesn't always want to act it even if the mind does. Hubby went for his MOT on Tuesday and had all the tests done, gets his results sometime next week.

Hope all is ok with Hubby and results show he's fighting fit.

Oh the joys of middle age:(

B****Y NHS.

Lol Very politely put, my thoughts exactly;)

Just asked the boss about this & he said it's not uncommon for PCT's to take this attitude to V V's.

I suppose it's because they aren't exactly life threatening, the treatments are more for cosmetic reasons than health.

No idea about cost of private treatment. Done non-invasively shouldn't be excessive but that's not the point really is it.

Had a brief look online and am probably looking at 1,500 - 2,000 for the one leg. I'm going to have to make a bloody load of swans out of tenants extra cans to make that sort of money:D

Hope your GP can egt you through by playing the phlebitis card.

Me too. My GP is lovely and I know she'll try her best. After all I saved the nhs money by not accepting my place for CBT, so the buggers owe me:cool:

Changing the subject completely I've cut a fringe into my hair:eek: I had a moment of madness and wandered what I'd look like with a fringe, before I knew it I'd cut a lump of hair off. Actually I quite like it, not sure what my hairdresser will make of it though.

Also aquired a treadmill:D One of my clients no longer wants it as they are moving and have no room, so she has given it to me:D Lol I haven't informed Scott of this new toy, I think he'll be a bit annoyed as our house isn't exactly the size of a mansion. My plan is to place it in the conservatory once the guinea pigs are back out in the garden.