"Minimins Fallen Angels"

wow...i just admitted to not only cheating but eating enough to keep a village going for a week lol. all in one sitting. i dunno whether to be impressed or ashamed....
there was a time i used to hide wrappers from hubby and wait til he'd gone to bed so i could eat and i would never admit to anything to anyone lol. feels weird to remember that now !

No more trips out to pizza places then Karen?? I love pizza and think i would have been like you. Start again tomorrow - and don't let it build into a bigger blip.

Well done to everyone else on their new stars ... I agree Irene, this thread is wonderful! I know have my first star towards next weeks spinney!! What do we get whne we have 4 spinneys?? ie a month of being good. Maybe an angel???

Keep it up tomorrow everyone who has done well - and start with a clean sheet those who have slipped slightly.
hi beverly :D

i dont really like pizza so thought i could cope but pizza hut pizza is very different to frozen asda pizza and i didnt think of that. forgot how wonderful pizza hut smells and tastes. have only been a few times in my life so wasnt prepared lol. so....considering i only go once every few years....i ought to be able to steer clear. when the kids have burger king or McDs or whatever (usually every couple of weeks) Im fine and can ignore it but ive learned that pizza hut doesnt count.

sonya...yeah i always thought the calories that werent eaten with any witnesses around didnt count either. sadly my waist didnt agree with my brain.

i will be getting a spinny soon...and then another...then another!
Had another good day today so just collected my 5th star... 2 more to my spinny star... woo hoo....

Hope all OK....

Karen.... Pizza Hut pizza is just the best pizza in the world....mmmmmm yummy.....
Another good day for me .... just added another star

Well done everyone else awarding themselves a star tonight and for the 'fallen angels' don't worry tomorrow is another day, just think, this time tomorrow you will be in here claiming your star too! :) ... nite, nite, Angels, I am off to my little pit soon ...

Well done all those who have had a good day and for those struggling I hope tomorrow will be better for you.

Sorry I am not around much, very busy. Just off now to collect my star for today.

Night night!:nightf:
night mini! well done star grabber. lets move our butts for tomorrow, fallen angels lol
hello everyone
well 2 more perfect days so going to give myself 2 stars for yesterday and today
well done to everyone that stayed on track,
everyone that didnt tomorrow is another day, come on guys lets get cracking with the water and you will soon be back to it 100%:tear_drop::tear_drop:
love nat xxx
Evening guys and gals :D:D:D

Just been on my diary thread and done a quick update. Sorry I couldn't get on last night so although I had a very good day I know you don't get a star unless you post. I'm here claiming my gold star for today though:D

My feet haven't touched the ground, let alone have time to think about food apart from 2 shakes, 1 bar and 4ish litres of water so far.

Most of us girlies here will know how much work is involved in planning to be able to go away for a couple of days and if any of you gentlemen reading doubt this, then go and look at my day on my diary thread!!!...lol

2 more sleeps till Dublin!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
u do get a star, even if u dont post! or am i wrong? i dont think its fair if u have been good? i always take mine whether im here or not anyways lol.

well done on being good isis. i'd take the star if i were u, u EARNED it! xxxx
Good morning!

Thought I'd come to this page first (with sleep in my eyes) and claim my first star!! Oh and I earned it. First 2/3 of day was fine, but then CB started nagging at me when hubby came home, but I fought and won and would like to claim the symbol that got me through it :D

What do I do? Do you update it for me??
Good morning!

Thought I'd come to this page first (with sleep in my eyes) and claim my first star!! Oh and I earned it. First 2/3 of day was fine, but then CB started nagging at me when hubby came home, but I fought and won and would like to claim the symbol that got me through it :D

What do I do? Do you update it for me??
Hi well done for getting through the day :) To claim your star copy it and paste it into your signature.
Day 4 for Debz...

...so far so good....:)

this thread is really helping to keep me on track - thanks guys !!

have a fabby day everyone....:D


Debz x