MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Last nights curry and followed by HexB of fruit ryvita and chocolate Philli



Total syns 14
Not a happy bunny :(

My stupid phone has decided to freeze itself on my lock screen and has been since 11:12. :badmood: I can't turn my iPhone off either because the button to do so... yeah, thats right, broken.

So for now, there will be limited updating until I can work out how to fix it :'( or until it dies and then I am able recharge it so it turns back on. frigging thing. I am so annoyed right now! Amazing how dependant we are on technology though?

Lunch today was ham, couscous 1 syn and various salad bits (chopped pepper, sliced cucumber, sliced radishes and yes some more gherkins!). Was ok, think my phone disappointment has kinda killed my appetite. Couldn't take a snap either as I take them on my phone :sigh2:

Tonights food is camp fire stew, 2 syns for sausages, and maybe wedges and HexA Cheese on top? Served with cauli and brocolli.

So syn wise - choc philli 4.5, couscous 1, sausages 2, Total 7.5. hmmm, what else to have??

Well, hope everyone is having a good day so far!
Have you tried taking the SIM card out? You'll beef a paper clip or something to access the sim tray.

Or force restart..hold middle button and top button for about 5 seconds, let go of middle one but keep hold of top. It may restart!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Have you tried taking the SIM card out? You'll beef a paper clip or something to access the sim tray.

Or force restart..hold middle button and top button for about 5 seconds, let go of middle one but keep hold of top. It may restart!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
I've tried taking the SIM out but its not changed anything and the top button hasn't worked for about 6 months now :( I am getting more and more frustrated as the day goes on with it all! Am hoping that the battery will wear out and then when I plug it back in to recharge it will all be sorted and ok again. Fingers are crossed! xx

Hope you get it sorted!!! I'm feeling your frustration!! I'd be lost without my iPhone
So do I, really felt quite lost and super frustrated all day without it. Silly really. But I have got loads of pictures/texts/contacts that are all needed and sentimental y'know? Frigging technology xx
Minks take the sim and battery out. Leave for 5 minutes and then put them back. Normally this should work. worth a try!!

You can't take the battery out of iPhones?

Well, not without some serious dismantling and special tools?