MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

My giddy aunt I'm bored!! Work is like a ghost town, systems down so can't progress, just sat twiddling my thumbs and all I want to do is eat!

So far have munched 2 Melba toast, kerry low low spread, toasted wm WW pitta, plum, banana, yogurt, hifi light, and I still want more.

Just want to WI now and then fill my face.

Im bored as well :( need a new job!! Its so depressing in here and weve hardly any work today.
Im gunna hav a look at those 7 day meal planners :)
Good stuff! :D xx
Well done :) xx
Happy with that following Sunday :D

Just waiting for dinner to finish cooking. Campfire stew, baby Brussels, WW petit pain and cheeeeese on top. Nom.

Tomorrows food is based on one of the red days in the magazine planner.

Breakfast - sausage, mushroom and onion sandwich with banana. 2 syns.

Lunch - ham, egg and cheese salad with coleslaw 1 syn.

Snack - mango and strawberries with mullerlight

Dinner - roast chicken (200g, 2 syns) and vegetable stew done in the slow cooker (carrot, onion, swede, bns, stock, chopped tomatoes)

Using 1 HexA and 1 HexB, with 3 syns. Will incorporate some more as I see fit xx
Just from the magazine, couple of small changes to suit me and my preferences but minimal to be honest xx

Might steal your idea there - my food is far too same ish, I lost 3 lb last week and the main difference was changing my healthy extras!
Need to learn to be brave and try different meals
Well done on STS. I lost 3 last nite and got my 1 and 1/2 stone award and slimmer of the week
Might steal your idea there - my food is far too same ish, I lost 3 lb last week and the main difference was changing my healthy extras!
Need to learn to be brave and try different meals
And green days! :D xx

Well done on the STS and I hope you enjoy the meal planner. I've had some of my best losses (4lbs) using them.
heres hoping for the same! I need 3 lbs for my 9 stone and I'm determined to have it within the next week or 2! Xx
Well done on STS. I lost 3 last nite and got my 1 and 1/2 stone award and slimmer of the week
well done Hun! That's fantastic, you should be very proud of yourself xx