MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

Good morning Mel hope your well, and my advice would be join the gym and make it a life time commitment hun.!

Have a good weekend x
I must be the only one who finds gyms so boring, likewise swimming, up and down, up and down. I would much rather play something tennis, badminton (sp) rounders (like baseball Mel, only for girls :D) netball (like basketball Mel, only for girls :D) even hacking my way around a golf course would be preferable.

I have spent so much money joining gyms. You always get some pert little thing in her thong lycra thingy, admiring her perfect face and figure in the mirror, then she catches a glance of you, leggings that are baggy around the knees, a long baggy t shirt with some naff logo on it. You hope that it hides the hideous ar$e but it doesn't. You see the way she looks you up and down and you see the little smirky smile and you go home, feeling more crap and think............nah, don't need that!!

Well thats my experience.......sadly. xx
Sorry........how remiss of me!!! Good day to you MM. How is your Saturday doing?

Can't believe I was so rude as to not say hello to you. I must still be on Route 66 :D xx

I am still debating, but I think I will do another 10 class top up, and see if I use the ten classes in a month. I never have, so it isn't cost effective to join the Leisure Centre. I already have a "free membership" at a very good state of the art gym on the Air Force Base (which has a sauna and some free classes), and have used it loads over the years.

even hacking my way around a golf course would be preferable

Golf: A good walk spoiled! (My father was at one time a professional golfer. If he wasn't at work, he was on the gold course. it has left a bitter taste in my mouth for the 'sport'.

Like your new avatar - your DD's space project has turned out brilliantly. :)

I am still debating, but I think I will do another 10 class top up, and see if I use the ten classes in a month. I never have, so it isn't cost effective to join the Leisure Centre. I already have a "free membership" at a very good state of the art gym on the Air Force Base (which has a sauna and some free classes), and have used it loads over the years.


Golf: A good walk spoiled! (My father was at one time a professional golfer. If he wasn't at work, he was on the gold course. it has left a bitter taste in my mouth for the 'sport'.

OMG I have to say i am totally with you on the golf thing .. my hubby went through a phase of thinking about playing golf .... I threatened divorce !!!!
OMG I have to say i am totally with you on the golf thing .. my hubby went through a phase of thinking about playing golf .... I threatened divorce !!!!

Hi Katie,

I am very sure that between the Military (always being separated, working all the time when "home", moving constantly) and golf -- that is why my parents divorced when I was a pre-schooler!

I am sooo glad that although my husband is 1/2 Scots (his mum is from Glasgow) that he inherited the stonger "fiscal responsibility" gene, and not the "we invented golf one"! He won't play golf because it it too expensive!

Pinched from another Diary

I liked this and wanted to put it somewhere I could find it and reread it.


Below are the 12 types of emotional hunger that fuel emotional eating. You will cover each of these at different times throughout the program. As you read through the list, ask yourself how many of these apply to you and your life.

Type 1. Dulling The Pain With The Food Trance.
If you get really hungry when you feel angry, depressed, anxious, bored, or lonely, you suffer from Type 1 emotional hunger, and you use food to dull the pain that these emotions cause.

Type 2. Sticks And Stones May Break Your Bones, But Cake Won't Heal What Hurts You.
If you react by getting hungry when others talk down to you, take advantage of you, belittle you or take you for granted, then you suffer from Type 2 emotional hunger. You eat to avoid confrontation.

Type 3. A Full Heart Fills An Empty Belly.
If you crave food when you have tension in your close relationships, you suffer from Type 3 emotional hunger. You eat to avoid feeling the pain of rejection or anger.

Type 4. Hate Yourself, Love Your Munchies.
If you tend to become hypercritical of yourself, if you label yourself "stupid, "lazy," or "a loser," you have Type 4 emotional hunger. You eat to "stuff down" self-hatred.

Type 5. Secret Desires Have No Calories.
If your hunger gets activated because your intimate relationships don't satisfy some basic need like trust or security, you suffer from Type 5 emotional hunger and you use food to try to fill the gap.

Type 6. Forty Million Big Gulps And The Well Is Still Empty.
If you eat to make up for the deprivation you experienced as a child, you have Type 6 emotional eating.

Type 7. It's My Pastry, and I'll Eat If I Want To.
If you eat to assert your independence because you don't want anyone telling you what to do, you have Type 7 emotional hunger.

Type 8. I Can't Come To Work Today--I'm Eating
If your appetite kicks in when you're faced with new challenges--if you use food to avoid rising to the test, or to insulate yourself from the fear of failure--you have Type 8 emotional hunger.

Type 9. Aroused by Aromas, Not by the Chef.
If you stuff your face in order to avoid your sexuality-either to stay overweight so that nobody desires you or to hide from intimate encounters--you suffer from Type 9 emotional eating.

Type 10. I'll Beat You With this Éclair.
Emotional eaters often eat to pay back those who have hurt them, often in the distant past. They use their bodies as battlegrounds for working out old resentments.

Type 11. Peter Pan and the Peanut Butter Cookie.
If you eat to make yourself feel carefree, like a child, you have Type 11 emotional hunger. You eat to keep yourself from facing the challenges of growing up.

Type 12. That Stranger In Lycra Wearing Your Face.
If you overeat because you fear getting thin, either consciously or unconsciously, you have Type 12 emotional hunger.
Interesting reading the 12 types of emotional hunger. Liked the headings too, lol.
Maybe you're only one meant to be one of the 12 types, but l think several of them apply to me. :D
@DisneyParis -- The are from a website called DietWatch.


They have loads of spin classes (and pretty much the only class on Sunday is Spin). The base also has free Spin Classes... but I dislike spin. The music is so loud -- I just can't handled it.

The Pump fx was very difficult. I have my own weighted bar and even some weights to add, and I think I will do this at home and build up my upper body strength before I attempt another class. I know the saying is "No pain, no gain," but if it makes you so sore that you do not exercise later (as planned) that's not good.

I hope your Sunday is lovely, as well. DD has finished her report and has an invitation to go to the cinema with a friend later this afternoon. ;)

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What I did instead of eating...

Made DD finish her report to go with her project.
Some laundry.
Online -- ordered coffee. YUM!
Made shopping list for DH... he went and picked up a few things.
Went to gym and did 3.5 miles on the treadmill (with incline for first mile).
Came home, made dinner, played a game with DH and DD.
Made sure DD's backpack and packed lunch were ready for tomorrow.
Wrote out my CD order for tomorrow.
Listened to DS discuss the progress on his paper.
Sent DD to the showers.

I'm shattered... but I should put away some laundry, etc.
But, I won't -- I want to read my ARCs again, and some more of Beck.


mel,im so impressed with your space project.we had to make a puppet as homework-i worried it would not survive the journey to school!
mel,im so impressed with your space project.we had to make a puppet as homework-i worried it would not survive the journey to school!

lol --

DD went in the taxi the 11 miles to school, and I delivered her project.

I drove down to her school and dropped it off, then drove about 1/2 way back to the house (CDC appt.).

Then, back home to change for Zumba, and have breakfast (a bar).

On base to drop CFF at the bank, whilst I checked the post office for my Zumba shoes (even though I am .4 of pound from my mini target), no shoes! :( There were two packages -- both for DD. (She got a box from an aunt, and some stuff she ordered using her Christmas money.)

I did Zumba -- CFF walked out of the class (she did not like it) and went to the gym to work out.

Drop CFF back at her house -- she a loads to do this afternoon. I'm back home on MMs, having a coffee and getting ready to have a MAM for lunch.

Then, :sigh: I REALLY need to clean the kitchem and downstairs loo. Hoover teh livingroom, etc.

Pancakes for Dinner tomorrow!!! DD and DS can have "real ones". DH will get sweet potato ones (lower carb) and I guess I'll have CD soup. :sigh:

I am loving this sunshine... I might work fast on the loo, kitchen floor, and hoovering -- and go outside and sweep the patio or something. Although, that is DS's job and it triggers my asthma. So, nevermind... hopefully, the sun will still be out when DD gets home and we'll do a dog walk together.

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hey Mel, and i thought i had a busy day today! phew...just reading your diary is making me tired!!
Hope your day turned out more productive chore wise than mine, just about managed to fold some clean washing before being called to school and pick DD with toothache aww love her emergency appt booked not til weds though poor thing!
Have an enjoyable evening my dear!
Lol I must admit this diet makes me even more OCD about cleaning! We only rent but I love having a nice home got plans to decorate the conservatory Friday before Jay gets home, once I'm into it there's not stopping me I've just bought a vax to do all my carpets with too, think I should be a cleaner!
Good Morning!!! 8/3/11

The sun is out AGAIN!!! I feel as if I have won the lottery. :D

@Lelly -- I got very little done in the house. I ended up working with DS and helping him do some research for his paper.

Then, it was a swim lesson for DD, followed by Aquafit for me. CFF decided to go along, too! (She never goes to a evening class... but as she left the Zumba to go to the gym, she felt she missed her workout.)

@LancsGirl -- I get a real burst of energy with the ketosis. Also, as I lose weight I feel better, become more fit, and so seem to get more done. Also, because I have to be organised to make the plan work -- it seems to carry on into other aspects of my life. That said (or typed) -- I have really fallen behind on chores, as we have been out so much doing fitness classes and gym visits.

However, our booked class for today is FitBall (first time) and is not until 10:30. So, I have laundry already done, dishes and laundry to put away, and WILL do the loo and kitchen floor. Hopefully, BEFORE FitBall!

Then, after I get back from class, shower and dress -- I'll be doing a few errands (post office, bank, and shopping) and making a "pancake" dinner and seeing what else I can accomplish from my never-ending chore and to do list!


P.S. DD woke up with the sun and was up and dressed for school by 6:10! So, I got up almost an hour early. I noticed my sister in Texas was online, so I called her. We had a lovely chat. Nice way to start the day!
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The sun is out AGAIN!!! I feel as if I have won the lottery. :D

@Lelly -- I got very little done in the house. I ended up working with DS and helping him do some research for his paper.

Then, it was a swim lesson for DD, followed by Aquafit for me. CFF decided to go along, too! (She never goes to a evening class... but as she left the Zumba to go to the gym, she felt she missed her workout.)

@LancsGirl -- I get a real burst of energy with the ketosis. Also, as I lose weight i feel better, become more fit, and so seem to get more done. Also, because I have to be organised to make the plan work -- it seems to carry on into other aspects of my life. That said (or typed) -- I have really fallen behind on chores, as we have been out so much doing fitness classes and gym visits.

However, our booked class for today it FitBall (first time) and is not until 10:30. So, I have laundry already done, dishes and laundry to put away, and WILL do the loo and kitchen floor. Hopefully, BEFORE FitBall!

Then, after I get back from class, shower and dress -- I'll be doing a few errands (post office, bank, and shopping) and making a "pancake" dinner and seeing what else I can accomplish from my never-ending chore and to do list!


P.S. DD woke up with the sun and was up and dressed for school by 6:10! So, I got up almost an hour early. I noticed my sister in Texas was online, so I called her. We had a lovely chat. Nice way to start the day!
Superwoman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you even exercise when you are asleep Mel. Knackered now after catching up with your last couple of days zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lol
Superwoman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you even exercise when you are asleep Mel. Knackered now after catching up with your last couple of days zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lol

Not really... I have been testing out all these classes with my friend, so that we can come up with a fitness plan that works for us. We are trying to be gym buddies.

However, I think that I'll be doing a few more classes than she will, as she does not like Zumba and I am going to keep going to the Monday one for the next couple of weeks.

Also, she is scheduled for an operation on March 23, so she won't be working out for at least 6 weeks.

So, I'll be doing my own thing for some time and that'll probably be Monday night: Aquafit, Wednesday day: Zumba and then Friday day: Pilates (if I can get in that class, it gets booked up).

I want to have built into my schedule three fitness classes a week. Then, any other exercise is "bonus".

It is only way I will maintain my losses.

LOL lol chels your a joker.. Exercising while mel is asleep!

By Mel do lead a busy life hun, I read u lost 2 lbs last week well done you. X

Have a good day x