Mirjam's Cruise diet

Great name, Mirjam, and lovely to read you. I'm glad your Dad is doing better too.

I glanced at your BMI, see you're about the same as me ish, and I know this is where I get stuck too. It's tough to fight through a plateau, and I understand your feelings of despondency perfectly. Conso might give you a break!

You mentioned tennis elbow - I'm a fellow sufferer. Well, I was operated on many years ago when I was 17-18... (after the physio, steroid injections, having one arm plastered up for six weeks to see if that helped and after my school having organised for me to dictate my O levels in case I couldn't write - thankfully I struggled through!!)
your jewelery is lovely :)
Mirjam, your jewellry is beautiful! I know where I'll be directing my hubby to look for my Christmas pressie!;)

How's the form, love?
Hi gals, thank you for all your compliments! I must apologise though, as I've not been a good friend for the last couple of weeks... I'm just so busy atm that I don't have much time free. Hopefully the coming week I should be more on here as I'm only working three days. Am doing fine, dad's back from hospital again and weight's slowly going down again. Managed to make 16L of yoghurt this weekend so we're sorted for the week ahead.

Started on a new necklace but the thread had a knot right at the needle so couldn't continue. Need to order more thread so that I can re-do the knotted necklace I have in mind.

Have a good week :) xx
Wheesht, I travel so c an help you with the wedding planning ;)
Hi gals, thank you for all your compliments! I must apologise though, as I've not been a good friend for the last couple of weeks... I'm just so busy atm that I don't have much time free. Hopefully the coming week I should be more on here as I'm only working three days. Am doing fine, dad's back from hospital again and weight's slowly going down again. Managed to make 16L of yoghurt this weekend so we're sorted for the week ahead.

Started on a new necklace but the thread had a knot right at the needle so couldn't continue. Need to order more thread so that I can re-do the knotted necklace I have in mind.

Have a good week :) xx

Mirjam, my lovely, you sound like you're back on track again! So glad to hear your dad is on the mend and the scale is moving again in the right direction. It must be so relaxing making your beautiful pieces of jewellry. :)Xx
Thanks Lausanne, my dad's recovering much quicker than last time so that's good news. Weight's still going up and down, so that's quite frustrating but yes, making jewellery is quite relaxing! Have made some more elastic bracelets and some lovely rings! Hope everyone's doing fab x
I'm still being a bad friend but am still suffering from bad migraines so go straight to bed after work :(
Gosh you take care of yourself Mrs M :D
Thanks Peeps, still feeling like cr*p and going straight to bed after work.... hopefully I will be a-ok next week and not suffer a month's worth of migraines :( xxx
Hi Mirjam perhaps its all the stress of worrying about your Dad, new job, not losing weight etc. Hope you will feel better soon and take care x
Thanks Chris :)
Made chocolate and orange muffins last night but put in too much orange flavouring, the taste was too overpowering and I didn't taste the chocolate at all. Oh well, next time just a little less orange.
Hi Mirjam its definately trial and error - happy with my coconut mufs but not the chocolate one might just do both flavours together ;)
I used only a teaspoon of the orange flavouring but quite a lot of the choccie one and the muffins taste sooooooooooooooooooo nice! So for anyone that wants to make chocolate and orange muffins and that uses the Sainsbury's taste the difference orange flavour, only use 1 TEASPOON of the orange flavour! Be generous on the choccie one though, especially seeing how much oat and wheat bran is being used :)

So the coconut is nice then Chris? I'd love to try the pistaccio one...
yes mirjam love the coconut defo one to buy in my opinion not really tried the others as much so not so sure about them :) hope you are OK!
I'm ok Chris, just went to the doctor as my left shoulder is giving me pain and it turns out I have tendenitis! That's great, tennis elbow in my right arm and now tendenitis in my left :(

Off to Edinburgh this afternoon, then tomorrow on our way to Newcastle as our friend's son turns 21 so that will be a fun filled weekend. Hopefully I won't stray too much :)