Mirjam's Cruise diet

This will be my last entry. apparently it's not interesting for anyone to read about my progress on LT before I come back to Dukan..... Quite disappointing to be honest. Wish you all the best.
I'm following!
Thanks :)
Well done! How many more pounds till u get back to dukan?
i am following too, was waiting to hear how the weight loss was going - having done both diets too I understand why you went back to lipotrim - I would do the same if Dukan stopped working for me. Good luck and keep posting 9lbs is great.
Thanks guys, thanks for following me too. Went to the pharmacist this morning to get my "stash" for next week as I only have enough until Sunday night. I asked the pharmacist to unofficially weigh me as my WI day is Monday but she made it an official WI and when I got on the scales, it showed a loss of 13.5lbs!:eek::eek::eek: That's even more than I expected and that in only 4 days as I hadn't taken my shake this morning yet. I cannot believe it, the first time I lost 10lbs in a week, now almost a stone in 4 days! :bliss::bliss::bliss:I will continue on LT until I get to my real weight or just before Xmas, either what comes first, do a refeed and go back on Dukan but then conso if that's possible though...
I'm starting a happy weekend today, hope all of you have a good one too :D:D:D:D: x
Woweeee! That's amazing well done to you!

Have a fab weekend you have definitely deserved it!!!

Wow! I never heard of this diet before. Do you just take shakes and no food? Are they similar to herbalife?
It's a total food replacement diet that you do via your pharmacy and much cheaper and tastier than herbalife.... You still have food on HL but not on LT. Just check the LT forum on here or google Lipotrim to get more info
How heavy do u have to be to do it? Do u need a recomendation from the gp? It is not for me but for my mother.
You can go to your gp but we went to pharmacist. You get weighed, get shakes for a week and need to come back every week to get weighed. If you don't show up, they can kick you off the program but all info is on the website. You have to be obese or morbid obese to be able to join... I started with a BMI of 33.9
Thanks Chris, this was just the boost I needed to get my mind back into it.... Will be back on DD though before you know it :)
Wooooo hoooooo = well done you that is amazing, keep going you will be skinny minnie by christmas for sure, so pleased for you!
I will keep posting here no worries Chris :)
Thanks Trudy, feel great! Just wish the migraines would go away though and still stomach aches so am gonna lay off the husk for a while, if I get constipated, I will use Dulcolax instead.

After the initial 13.5lbs in 4 days loss, am stalling atm but I don't care, will start losing weight soon enough again :)
Well, things are finally moving again! After stalling since Saturday - which was my own fault as I od-ed on Regucol - the scales showed a 600gr loss again. No more bloated and sore tummy, hopefully normal stool again (sorry if tmi) instead of the weird, rubbery stuff that came out the last couple of days. Am curious to see how much I have lost this week, WI is on Saturday morning. Hope everyone's doing OK on DD? x
Going for my 2nd WI tomorrow, according to my scales I've lost about 1.7kg but we'll see what the one at the pharmacy says. Will keep you posted :)