Missy vs DitzeeB! BB challenge.. Missy wins the BB challenge!!

She never had any!!
Hmmmmmmmm mika maka moooooooooooooooooooo hum drum ping pang poooooooooooooo gibble gabble gobble goooooooooooooo
tick tock weeeeeeeeeee di do di dum ta la la la la la. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Jeez, TFIF!
Day 51 in the BB house. Linzi has just realised what has been going on and as a result has failed this weeks food task. Linzi you will now recieve the basic food budget.............Oh sod it shes going away anyway!!! Missy you have linzi to thank for your basic rations now!
oh flippin eck, i go to work for one day, and all hell breaks loose!

oh well, it broke loose at work too....weigh'd in and....

lost 1lb...1LB!! wtf! so i had a subway to make up for it lol

im having a chinese tonight and back on the wagon tomorrow...

cant wait to go on hols next week though!!!!!! loves ya all xxx
eeekkk think the 1lb went back on with the added pizza today....

i dont get something....look at the weigh ive lost on the figures on the left, then look at my sig....they all dont add up? grrr