Monday WI

Well done everyone ~ there are some great losses posted here!!
Hello everyone, i hope you are all well? I went for my first weigh in last night and lost..................7.5lbs!!! I am very pleased that my efforts have paid off. I know I will struggle to loss that every week but will do the same this week but will introduce more exercise. Will let you know how it goes. Now where is that July Challenge forum.... Have a great day everyone. :D:D:D:D:D:D
Well done everyone!! :D

I lost 4 lbs last night!!!!! I'm so shocked cos I've just been to Centerparcs this weekend for a party weekend!! It must have been all the dancing and walking around that did it!! I was trying to be good with the food though, even refused desserts and party snacks from my villa mates - I had to save syns for voddie instead!!! Priorities!!! :D haha!

I was also really chuffed to win Slimmer of the Week and Slimmer of the Month!:winner::woohoo: