Most Hated Foods

Oh I could happily sit with a block of cheese bottle of wine and plate of strawberries... guess theres a few people wont want to join me :giggle:

Well I wont arm-wrestle you for the cheese but I'll save you from the syns in the wine (I'm kind like that);)
Ooh....fancy not liking cheese, I looooove it, all types of cheese, lovely..

I love cheese and onion sandwiches!!!!! so good, especially toasted. X
I can't stand aubergines, celery or mushy peas. Yuck!
I really cant stand bubble n squeek its just so wrong yet my parents always try and get me to try it Ewwwww no way. im not a big fan of pork either :(
Baked beans!!!! My husband gives me ultimatums 'would you eat beans if..........' so far I wouldn't eat beans to save his legs being cut off, for a million pounds, to save him being thrown of a cliff!!!
Hate tuna too but am very very fussy so can't list all hated foods!!!!
i cant deal with lamb.the smell and look of it is gross.
mushrooms,butter,margerine,minced meat,ooohhhh i feel ill thinking bout it lol x
Lol i was going to try and make bubble and squeak cakes this week as ive never tried it. Not so sure now lol x

Dont do it lol, your house will stink too as my parents house always dose when they been cooking that...... makes me feel well ill :(
I'm with Evanescu on olives, but I like just about everything anyone else has listed. Not estatic about shellfish, squid,and I'm sure I wouldn't like tripe! I'm not keen on parsnips either.
I hate aubergines, mushy peas - the smell makes me gip, kidney beans - all types of peas, marmite, BANANA'S!!!! YUKKKKK!!!! :(
I dont like, sprouts, cauliflower (all though will eat it in a curry) peppers and Pork i cant stand pork but like bacon.

I am really fussy about bannas they have to be just yellow and not spotty the texture makes me gag.

Other wise i eat all other fruit and veg i think
I will never ever eat shellfish or offal - mum used to threaten us with tripe and onions if we never ate our dinner :-(