

Full Member
what you guys do for motervation? time of the month so am strugling today! x
Eeeek , im always struggling seems like a constant battle(sorry bit demotivating) Ugly fat clothes, terrible pictureshaving them about so i can mentally revisit the 'bad' place and know i never want to go there for real again.
seeing cute undies that i can seduce the bf in and either fitting them or knowing i will soon fit into them often works too.

i had a few anne summers outfits i bought when i was a size 24( i bought them in a size 18) and they fit now
perfectly :-D
My fat pictures on my fridge (me at my heaviest) plus looking at the clothes I have hanging up that are one size down always help me.
My motivation is my BF. He is so good at supporting me and helping me through :)

Hearing people ask if i am dieting because i seem to have lost weight motivates me too :)
Looking at fat pics is amazing motivation for me. I'm thinking of putting them on the fridge and all too hahah!!
