Mrs-s weightloss diary

Well we've been in and out all day, managed breakfast though finally! But missed lunch and it's almost time for dinner now so I just had some chocolate to keep me going, not the healthiest decision but if I made anything proper now I wouldn't be hungry later! x
Saturday 2nd June 2012

Breakfast - 169 cals
Kellogg's whole grain honey loops w semi skimmed milk

Snack - 124 cals
Medium skinny caramel latte from costa

Snack - 110 cals
2 Cadburys mallows

Dinner - 710 cals
2x sandwich thins w flora light,
Scrambled eggs
1/3 tin of beans

Snack - 260 cals
Multipack mars bar
Coke zero

Total - 1373 cals
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Well done you've done better than me.
Still my own fault.
Katd xc
We were up at 12am and 3am too :( cant stop yawning today. Hope you have had a good day xxxx
jules1981 said:
We were up at 12am and 3am too :( cant stop yawning today. Hope you have had a good day xxxx

I have Thankyou! Just deciding what to have as my Saturday night treat! Think I'll have a glass of wine and one or two things from the treat tin! Iv already told DH he can get up tonight! I want a full nights sleep at least once over these few days that he's off work lol x
Another good day! Finding this diet so much easier than I thought i would :) it just fits in perfectly! X
Hope you enjoyed your treats, mars I am thinking you had :) its so nice when you find a diet that works for you. DH was on night shift with little one, but think our Little one is getting a cold has been up coughing since 3am we gave him calpol which he promptly threw back up :( think we will be heading to walk in centre at 7am! He has gone back down now and i have raise the head end of his mattress with a pillow underneath while sitting next to him. i keep coughing and setting off the winnie the pooh light show! Hope you got a better full night sleep, you feel so much more with it when you do-well I do, broken sleep is the worst :(

Sunday 3rd June 2012

Breakfast - 110 cals
2 Cadburys mallows

Lunch - 379 cals
Sandwich w 2 slices asda bakery sliced bread, flora light, leerdammer cheese, ham and light mayo
Alpen light fudge bar
Sugar free strawberry volvic

Dinner - 663 cals
2 grilled sausages, mashed potato, 2 small Yorkshire puddings, carrots, garden peas, gravy

Snack - 240 cals
White magnum

Total - 1392 cals
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Neelyo'hara said:
How many cals is in an Alpennlight fudge bar? That sounds like a well nice sandwich for the amount of calories, xx

70 cals, the cheese is only 55 a slice and the ham is 16 x
Got loads of cals left after tea so think I'll treat myself to wine and a white chocolate magnum tonight yum :)
Just read your diary and your doing great and well done on your weight loss so far, ive just started calorie counting today from a vlcd and reading your diary has made me so determined to do this x
1392 cals today, didn't end up having wine.

DH has done nothing but wind me up all day, now he's down stairs sulking and I'm upstairs trying to get both kids to sleep and they're both being difficult. He thinks because he's fed the baby once he does everything in the whole house. He only fed him because I was making tea.. He thinks he's doing me a big f***ing favour everytime he does anything to help out. Don't think he realises its his house too or his children. I've felt poorly all evening came upstairs to lie down and within 5 minutes he had dumped the kids up with me. I would never do that to him if he wasn't well. I wouldn't mind but I only had my section 3 weeks ago and I'm still recovering but still I do everything! God he hasn't stopped going on about the fact he got up with the baby last night!
Oh well as long as he gets to watch his family guy without interruption.
He is such an idiot sometimes!
Hah hah they're so **** aren't they. It's easier to do it yourself most of the time rather than give them the eternal gratitude they want when they do something you do everyday without even thinking about it.
Neelyo'hara said:
Hah hah they're so **** aren't they. It's easier to do it yourself most of the time rather than give them the eternal gratitude they want when they do something you do everyday without even thinking about it.

It's so true, he was being a d*ck last night. His idea of helping was bringing me teddys bottle upstairs and then going straight back down!
Monday 4th June 2012

Breakfast - 0 cals

Lunch - 364 cals
Sandwich with ham and leerdammer light cheese, flora light and light mayo
1 Cadburys mallow
Sugar free strawberry volvic

Snack - 53 cals
Fabulous bakin boys strawberry and cream mini cupcake

Dinner 744 cals
Half pepperoni pizza,
150g oven chips
Light mayo
Sugar free strawberry volvic

Snacks - 295 cals
White magnum
1 Cadburys mallow

Total - 1454 cals
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