Ms R & Shrinkingannie -Twinnies Blog

Ms R

Regular Member
So I have my weigh in tomorrow and I just can't wait. I will have completed 3 weeks and I'm down 13lb up to last week so hopefull will boost that total tomorrow.

Can't believe I'll be staring week 4 on Wednesday, the time is really whizzing by which is a relief. I have a big hallenge this week, my son is 21yrs old tomorrow so getting take away pizza in for everybody else and then we're all ten pin bowling on Saturday then back to our house for a party where I'll be catering for everybody! No food for me obviously.

So how are you doing today my twinny friend, have you been good? When do you weigh in? Also have you signed up for the September challenge and if so, how much did you pledge? I pledged 18lbs!!
Wow 21 years old, you must be proud. I can't believe you started this diet with so many events coming up, camping and now this, just shows how determined you are. Tomorrow will be no problem to you. I only have a couple of big challenges on my journey, Halloween (which I love) and my sons first birthday but that's not till November. I weighed in today, lost 6lbs. I've pledged 18lbs in the challenge and now I've lost 15, so should beat it easily I hope. I've been good, no question of me cheating at the moment, I feel so much better already, I want more!! Long may this determination last. I did day 1 of the 30 day shred - nearly finished me off!

Very best of luck for tomorrows weigh in!!!!!!!
Wowwww 6lb that's fantastic, well done you!! I have a hard act to follow tomorrow.

I think the weekend is going to be very difficult for me as we continue with my son's 21st celebrations. My Mum is the most amazing cook in the world & she's decided to take over the catering for Saturday a bit and said she's going to do her world famous chicken curry....omg it's just the best ever...she's also doing ribs, prawn crackers and some other stuff she said. I wouldn't put it past her to do a couple of crispy peking ducks with pancakes & all the trimmings. As I say, she's the most amazing chef, her specialty being chinese cooking!!

How am I going to survive?? This makes camping seem like a stroll in the park!

Anyway, focussing on tomorrows weigh in now so thank you or the good luck wishes, I hope they pay dividends:)

So 100% tomorrow for us both, what d'ya say? xx
Yep 100% - we can do it. Your right the weekend is going to be tough! Wow your mum sounds like an amazing cook, there is nothing like home made Chinese food. You'll just have to tell yourself, the next time youll be sitting down to one of your mums amazing party buffets you'll be in size 10 jeans and you'll be able to indulge:) I hope your son has a great weekend - has the 21 years flown. I have 3 boys- 4,3 & 9 months and the time seems to be flying by, I can't believe I have one in school now.
Yes the time really has flown. I'm finding myself today remembering 21 years ago I was holding him in my arms for the first time. I also have an 11yr old daughter who has just started high school last week so again time is flying with her too. It's just amazing how fast time goes by and that's also true of us on this diet, 4 months will pass before we know it and we'll emerge like butterflies, slinky and healthy ready to take on the world of clothes designed for skinny girls!!

Lunch time here for me in work and I'm having my first shake of the day. Just can't wait to be put out of my misery and get my weigh in over with tonight.

So I'm going to be strong at the weekend and busy myself about ensuring everybody has drinks and a good time. I will look at this as just a temporary measure and I will be able to have her delicious food after Christmas.

I look at this diet as medication, I have an illness (called obesity) and the symptoms are FAT along with lethargy, aches, pains, not fitting into my clothes anymore. So the medication I need to take until the symptoms subside and the illness has cleared up is known as LIPOTRIM!!! Simple as!!!

Keep strong twinnie and I look forward to hearing how you get on today xx
I like that analogy (is that the right word?) we have an illness and are taking the right treatment. We are very lucky because we know the treatment will work its guaranteed as long as we take it correctly, and it will help us not get other scarier illnesses that treating is not as simple!
I'm being very good, one walk done, lots of water and 2 shakes so far
Good luck for tonight!
5.5lb off this week!!!! Total of 18.5lb in 3 weeks. C'mon the twinnies!!! Lol
Well done you that is bloody fantastic!!! Can you feel a good difference in your clothes now?
My middle boy starts nursery today, and hubbie has taken the morning off, so would be nice to go out for breakfast with no toddlers, I don't mind though, just thought they will have a wee Christmas play and I'll be wearing a nice casual dress - a yummy mummy.
How are you feeling today?
I'm feeling really motivated today and hoping I can maintain yesterday's performance which means I'll only need to be on these awful shakes another 12 weeks but if I drop to 4lb a week it will be 16 weeks and if I drop to 3lb a week then it will be 21 weeks!!!!

Clothes are starting to get loose on me now and already people are noticing my weight loss which is again a great motivator.

Did you read my 'I Survived' post last night??? I described how I got through my Son's 21st birthday tea last night. I have the weekend to conquer yet with my Mum's fantastic cooking, that's when I'll need to be sooooo strong and get through it.

I'm going for a 5 mile or more walk tonight regardless of the weather. I have waterproofs and walking boots so I'm off to burn off the fat even more.

So how are you doing my twinnie friend? When is your weigh in? You're only 3.5lbs behind me now but I'm sure you'll catch that up very easily.
Yes I saw your other thread, you did amazing, I think you'll be great this weekend too!
Enjoy your walk! I'm going to do some weights tonight.
My weigh in is Monday. I'm really hoping I'm nearly at goal by Christmas because I know I couldn't do this over Christmas, I could cope with most other occasions but not that.
Well I did a 5mile walk tonight and I feel soooo great for doing it. Its really hard to get out the door but once I was out, I loved it. Went very fast to get the heart rate up, had to nip into a Wetherspoons along the way for the toilet (lol) and was desperate for it again when I got back. I use my iPhone when I walk as there's a GPS app n it that tells me how far, how long and how many calories I did plus it plots the walk or run on a map. Super cool.

One of my staff is getting married on Friday so today was her last day and she brought in the most delicious home baked chocolate cake which was absolute torture but I abstained and proud of myself for doing so.

So how did you do today? x
Hello, well done for resisting the cake! And for the walk, I'm going to walk for an hour tonight. Today is tough, not for any reason just feel a bit sorry for myself that I have to have nothing but shakes for weeks and weeks. I am absolutely determined though, it will be worth it, I feel better in my clothes already. How are you doing?
I'm not too bad, same as you in terms of feeling a bit sorry for myself having nothing but shakes for months on end but hey, it will soon fly by. I'm officially in week 4 now and it's fast approaching the weekend so once that's over, it isn't long before I get weighed and hopefully gain another bag full of motivation.

I really loved the walk last night, it's such a great feeling of achievement once I'm back home on the couch with my pj's, hot water bottle and fluffy dressing gown and a lovely hot cup of peppermint tea watching TV guilt free coz I've done my exercise.

I'm off to my Salsa tonight so I will be dancing for a couple of hours (it's a bit like non-stop aerobics but it's great fun and soooo enjoyable) burning off yet more calories and hopefully lots of pounds too. I plan to go cycling tomorrow after work and hopefully, after finding a brand new pair of goggles I bought in January 2011, I hope to go swimming too as it's the bestest exercise when you're losing weight for toning up your muscles and loose skin and it's not weight bearing so it's kind to your joints.

Keep your chin up, it's not the end of the world and it's not forever. Just remember I'm also feeling like you are but I'm not going to let you're my twinnie and I'm going to be strong for you so you can then repay the compliment and be strong for me too.

Be good and post later to let me know how you're getting on. xx
Hi twin, thanks for that your post helped me a lot. I'm good tonight just back from an hour long walk at the beach, it was lovely. You are doing loads of exercise I hope it boosts your loss, it will definately help tone your skin anyway.
I have 2 kids in school/ preschool now so more time to walk from now on. So onwards and downwards, I promise to keep going 100% so we can rely on each other :)
I'm really glad about that, always happy to help because I know I get the help back tenfold.Just had my shower after a night of sweating at Salsa. My legs had a brilliant workout and a great cardio workout too. Bring on next Tues and my 4th weigh in. Really feel focused right now, think that the adrenaline from the dancing has certainly lifted my spirits. Going to go for cycle ride tomorrow night after work with my OH so again should get a mood boost and also burn off lotsmore calories. I'll be totally done in though lol So let's have a happy 100% Friday, we can do this xx
Hey twinnie, where are you, how are you doing today?I been 100% today and I'm ready to tackle the difficult wekend of celebrations.
Hiya, sorry I went off the radar a bit, I'm in Dublin visiting my parents so a bit hectic. I'm still 100% but it is going to be hard here, I associate home with yummy food and treats, but not to worry I'm totally determined to stay stronh and you have a tougher weekend than me, but I know you'll do it!! Have a lovely weekend with your family, I hope your son enjoys his birthday party. How was your bike ride?
Well didn't get to go on a bike ride today afterall :-(. Was feeling too knackered after all the dancing I did last night plus I don't get home till around 1am then Iwas up 6:30am then had an all morning meeting in Manchester so just listened to my body that was screaming I need a rest! Will do something 2mora & doing very long walk on Sunday.

Wow being in Dublin must also be incredibly hard...but you can do it, we both can. Here's to being 100% all weekend xx
How's today going misses, hope you are enjoying the weekend, I'm sure it's tough though. I'm still 100% it's a nightmare though, the only thing keeping me going is the fact I feel a bit slimmer. Hope you arre coping ok twinny friend