Ms R & Shrinkingannie -Twinnies Blog

Hello misses, yes it is indeed very interesting, I suppose our bodies are finely tuned and the likes of lipotrim tricks them a bit to burn fat, but perhaps with lots of exercise it becomes too much and our bodies cling to all the fat it has. It will be interesting to see how next week goes. Plus I'm glad because I feel quite lazy and cold on this diet and not like exercising so you've given me the perfect excuse hee hee. Plus I suppose if we ramp up the exercise big time when we are eating again it will definately help us maintain. I Quite enjoy going for a walk plus it stops the baby crying so ill keep that up but nothing too strenuous!

I'm good, I have a pair of black M&S skinny jeans size 16 and I can't wear them now, they are too big, but I'm still a good half stone from fitting into the 14's. Still I'm getting there which feels fantastic!! I'm a little worried about my hair as it is looking a bit thin, I have fine hair anyway so can't really afford to look much thinner. I know it improves once I stop the diet so I'm not terribly worried.

Yeah maybe a wee break for tonight is a good idea, and you can go back to your dancing next week
Well got into a size 14 work trousers today (black) and put a white clingly long sleeve top on and I've had quite a few comments saying well done and how they can see how much weight I've lost. It seems to have really shown this week despite me only losing 1.5lbs on the scales on Tuesday. I really can't wait for my weigh in on Tuesday now, it can't come quick enough for me.

So today I'm feeling positive although would sooooo love to eat but know I can't. I also have some bowel pain which I do get regularly on this diet but I know it will go once I've gone (if you know what I mean). I do take a heaped teaspoon of Fibreclear everyday in one of my shakes but it is still slow to materialise. Apart from that, and feeling really hungry, I'm doing ok today.

So how are you today? Are you feeling positive? You have only 3 days to go to your weigh in, can't wait to see how you do this week. What plans do you have for the weekend??

Tomorrow we need to be up early as I have to take my car back to the garage for yet another recall fix!!!! They're also going to be doing an upgraded valet on my car because the last recall fix they did, they told me it would take an hour and it took 2 and also they left me sitting there for ages with my car sat outside with me thinking they still hadn't finished with it but in the end I said, is my car ready only I've been sat here for half an hour with it sat out there!! They apologised and offered me an upgraded valet foc next time I was passing. So looking forward to it looking like new again.

We're then going to walk into town and get my daughter some new school shoes from the Doc Marten shop at a lovely cost of £90!!!! I just hope they last longer than the 3 weeks the first pair of shoes my brother bought her which resembled ballet pumps!!!! I knew I should have insisted I take her for the shoes. We're then going to try and stop the shed roof leaking so applying a waterproof membrane to it to get us over the winter as we're putting whole new roof on it next year as soon as we get a dry week.

I'm going to experiment in the kitchen on Saturday with my new meat mincer so going to be making my own very lean hamburgers, shepherds pies, meatballs etc.... with organic meat and herbs from my garden. Just hope the family enjoy what I cook for them as I'm making big efforts to convert them all over to very healthy eating which I can then join in once I'm at goal so I can eliminate rubbish food out of the house altogether.

Sunday will probably be lazing about and doing a bit of housework and ironing.

Monday.......back to the treadmill that is work, sleep, work, sleep!!
Yippeeee helllllooooooo size 14 - go you!!!!! My you have a busy weekend planned, ouch at the £90 for shoes, mind you docs do last don't they. Is it far into town for you? I love going into town (especially on my own;) I have panned a trip on the 27th October, same day as my facial and manicure and pedicure. I booked it when I started lipotrim and it seemed so far away, now it's only round the corner - well not literally but feels not too far away. I might buy a couple of cheap tops that day to see me through to goal. I have very few clothes in my size anyway so not too much to give to the charity shop.
Good luck with the shed roof I hope it works!!!

We don't have any plans really my MIL offered to take the kids sat night, but hubbie told her to wait till I'm eating/drinking again so we can take full advantage. But I think she might come over here so we can go to the cinema which will be nice. I found out that there is a gym not too far from me with a crèche and you can pay as you go, so I'm going to start something one morning a week. I'm also going back to yoga next week, a bit nervous because my yoga class is not for the faint hearted but I always use to feel great after it.

I'm feeling fairly positive, I do find weekends hard, but I keep telling myself I will be 11.5 stone by Halloween (my first goal) which is the lightest I have been since I had my first son.

Have a fantastic weekend enjoy your bubbly ....... Water ha ha!!!
Oh let me know how the mincing goes, I always make my own burgers, but making your own mince will be really cool. Hope the family enjoy them!!
Hi Annie. I'll be walking to town from the garage which is very close. I would normally get the train in (12 mins) or drive. It's about 6 miles away from my home.

Facial & manicure sounds great. I'd love a pedicure because I really do suffer with my extra broad feet :-(

I'm sure your yoga clas will be great and you will feel nervous for the first minute then you'll love it. Going the gym will be great too, just don't overdo it as you don't want to risk nowering your weight loss like I did last week.

Well I'm i to my dirst glass of bubbly of the night. Sparkling water on a Friday night really starts the weekend off right lol.

I've been feeling really hungry all of this week, it's been a very difficult week for me, just wish I only had til Tuesday to.go but I have another 12 weeks on this diet after Tuesday and maybe more if I don't get to my goal weight by then. Anyway been stopping myself thinking beyond a week because it gets too depressing, just need to cope with 1 week at a time. I really do think hat the over exercising I did last week has done more damage than I thought so I reckon it could take a couple of weeks to get my body back on track again and not feel hungry and start burning off the flat.

I bought a meat grinder on ebay and it Rrived the other day. It completely comes apart so it will make cleaning it very easy and thorough. Really looking forward to seeing how my mince turns out, will let you know :)

Have a great 100% TFR weekend xx
I know it's been a hard week for you, but you'll be feeling better when you get a good loss next week to spur you on. I know what you mean if you think about how long more we have to go, this diet is bloody hard it really is, but it works and our bodies are literally burning stored fat for energy leaving us lean and healthy. I feel hungry a lot on this diet anyway not all the time but at least a couple of times a day, was your hunger worse this week - maybe it was down to your exercising last week. You would think if exercising could be that detrimental they would tell you in the pharmacy!!
Have you tried the green tea? Well I hope you are getting a good rest, have a lovely day in town and stay positive, you are so good at it ;) plus what is 3 months really, once it's done it's done and no more pressure on your heart or joints, and you'll be an even better dancer:)

Hi Annie, Sorry I didn't post yesterday, had a busy day then spent hours in e kitchen with my new meat mincer. The first few turns of the handle produced my very own minced beef, of the leanest type I ever saw but then it started to clog up. There are still thin streaks of fat in even the leanest of beef, it's a bit like sinus which gets stuck and clogs the mincer up. So it was an absolute pain in the butt but I managed to mince my beef for 4 x Cottage Pies (toped with sweet potato & local potato mash) which my hubby loved, put 3 in the freezer. I also minced enough beef & pork loin to make my own meatballs which I finished off in a beef & red wine sauce. We have friends coming for tea tonight so going to try out e meatballs on them, serving them with wholewheat pasta & side salad. Will let you know how they go down. I love cooking and using organic veg & very lean meats is really great, just need a better quality meat mincer.

So today we're back to town to experience the Body Works exhibition and then I'll be doing tea (meatballs-homemade)then we're off ten pin bowling and all on the shakes!!!

I'm now officially in size 14, got my second pair of jeans on today so the size 16's are getting thrown away, apart from 1 pair I will keep to try on when I reach goal to help give me perspective on how much weight I will have lost.

Can't wait to see how much you lose tomorrow, sooooo exciting. Good luck for today & tomorrow xxxx
Body works - is that the anatomy display of all corpses and stuff - freaky!!! I love cooking too, I made a tear and share cheese and onion loaf this morning and some healthy oat and raisin biscuits, which of course the boys didn't like ! I'm absolutely starving today, no idea why? But not to worry weigh in tomorrow and the weeks are ticking by, I cannot believe I have done 5 weeks I never stick at anything for more that 5 minutes. We are doing fab!!!
I went for a good forest walk yesterday, pace wasn't great but we did walk for nearly two hours. Then went to the cinema last night. and sipped fuzzy water while hubbie drank pints!
Your meatballs sound yum, I hope they are a great success. You are brave having people over to dinner, I'm basically a hermit in this diet. That is bloody fantastic that you are down a size. Do you think it's a bit weird that I'm not, having lost nearly 2 stone? Mind you I think my size 16's were generous fitting, and 2 pairs are definately too big now, but all the 14's I have are too small, I can get them up now, just not tied yet, another 7 ponds and ill be there I'd say.
Roll on the next stone off - that will be the lightest I've been in ages.

Have a fab evening misses:)
Well misses I lost 4lbs bringing me to 2 stone off, although I have to be honest I definately do not feel or look 2 stone lighter, I look as if I've lost just over a stone. That is irrelevant though because when I have lost another two stone I definately won't look 12.5 stone, so just need to plod on. Feels tough today just one of those days where It feels hard at the thought of weeks and weeks on just shakes. Ah well it'll be worth it, I think I'll go have a wee look at some clothes online to cheer myself up. I hope you are having a Nice Monday morning:)
Hey Annie, can't believe how fantastic you're doing.....well really I can because you're awesome.

You're well beating me as I only lost 24.5lb in 5 weeks. I'm sooo hoping for a good weight loss tomorrow, think I'll slit my wrists if it's another rubbishy 1.5lbs. I'm now into all of my size 14 trousers, put a pair of grey trousers on for work today that I couldn't get fastened last week and unbelievably they fit me. Lots of people are commenting on how much they can see the weight I've lost so I really do hope the scales are kind to me. I'm looking forward to being 13 stone something as I've not been that for way over a year and then it's only 3 weeks hopefully to get down into 12 stone something.

I know what you mean about thinking about having to have just shakes for weeks on end as I was doing the exact same thinking and I then realised something, thinking long term on this diet is the worst thing we can do as it's just soooo depressing. So a big revelation for me was to stop thinking ahead and just concentrate on a my weekly weigh in's. Since I've changed my thinking I'm feeling a lot better so maybe you could try and stop thinking too far in the future?? The weeks are really flying by and if we think back to when we first started, I bet we didn't think that we'd get to this point but hey lady, we have and we're steaming ahead shedding the pounds as we go. So just put a wall in front of next Tuesday because you're not allowed to think past next Monday and you're weigh in. See how much you lose then and how you feel then make a decision whether to carry on to the next week. That's what I'm doing and I think it is helping me loads.

So today I'm getting excited because of your weight in which gives me so much inspiration and hope for tomorrow and also because I will get weighed tomorrow. I'm sitting in work with a scarf and a big thick cardy on because I have been frozen but that just makes me feel happy because if I'm freezing then I'm losing!! lol.

So I've done really well on the exercise front, no exercise whatsoever apart from playing ten pin bowling last night but I don't class that as exercise because I didn't get out of breath and it was just throwing a bowling ball twice every 5 minutes or so. I am going to go back to my dancing on Thursday this week, just wanted to totally abstain to see my experiment through so tomorrow will also hopefully conclude the mystery of the low weight loss last week for me. I am going to gradually build up my exercise each week leading up to Christmas so as not to shock my body too much again and see how it goes. If my weight losses start to get low again then I'll back off.

Well just about to have my first shake of the day so will catch you later, have a great day and enjoy the glory of your 4lb weight loss!!! xx
You are doing so fab on the inches front, did u measure at the start, you must feel fab in your size 14's. I think I've lost all my weight off my bum which was small to begin with, I'm a real apple shape, I always lose weight off my Tummy last !!!
Right I'm only thinking about the next 6.5 days, I find it hard but I'll give it a go.

I have a theory about the exercise, our bodies are in ketosiS which means fat is the preferred energy source but it is slower to utilise. Therefore if we exercise intensively our bodies panic and use some muscle/fat for energy but they are not happy. My theory is if we do slow exercise (ie walking at a moderate pace) our bodies will have a chance to release the fat for energy without panicking about needed lots of energy supplies for high intensity workouts. Now I have completely made this up, I have no idea if there is any truth in it, but im going to experiment like you. I'm going to walk for 45 mins every day this week but not too fast so I'm sweating or breathing faster and see what happens at weigh in next week?

I really hope you get a good number tomorrow, you really deserve it:)

I haven't been bowling in years must give it a go again soon.
Yes I did measurements & had photographs taken in 5 different outfits with front, side & back view. I had second interim photos taken exactly 4 weeks after 1st day on diet and In the same outfits, again front, back & side views. I will again have these taken every 4 weeks & measurements taken so I can see the difference. I may share them when I reach goal to help motivate others but not brave enough yet to show them to anyone apart from my hubby. I have an hour glass figure so my waist has been sucked in already but I still have big boobs and very curvy hips. My fundamental hour glass shape will not change, it will just be a slimmed down version lol.

I do think at exercise is good but on this diet, definitely in moderation as you're doing. I totally think I went overboard with exercise and thus put my body into total shock so it hung on to my fat for dear life. So I will see how I do tomorrow after total withdrawal from all exercise hen I will re-introduce it slowly in moderation and see how it goes.

So I can't wait for my weigh in tomorrow, put me out of my misery and then I can think about starting week 7!!!!! Cannot believe it'll be week 7 starting on Wednesday, the time has just flown over.

Hope the new way of thinking really works well for you, it's keeping me sane! Lol
Weigh in daaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy best of luck pet I'll be thinking of you.
Thank youuuuuu, I'm soooo excited, just hope I'm still excited once I've been weighed!! lol.
Yeyyyyy your good luck wishes worked.....5.5lb loss for me tonight :D

A total of 2st 2lb in just 6 weeks, soooo happy. Celebrating with a peppermint tea.

How are you doing today? Hope you're not struggling too much, it's so very hard but it's so working for us both. I'm now just planning on my next weeks weigh in. Going to still lay off the exercise but go dancing on Thurs without going mad and then a gentle walk on Sunday to break in my new walking boots.
Yippppeeeeeee 5.5 is fab, 30lbs gone, that is about the weight of my 3 year old. It just shows you it's so not worth letting one bad result get you down, it's all about the bigger picture. Well done you:)

Im good today, no struggles today, I find mid week easy, actually gives me more time to get stuff done by not eating and I'm more energetic. My black size 14's still don't fit, but my size 16's all look really baggy so I bought a new denim coloured pair of jeans in a size 14 and they fit perfect. (I also. Ought them in a 12 for a few weeks time)
Wow get you in your new size 14s and good on ya for getting the size 12 too. Reckon you'll be in them in another 6 or 7 weeks ;)

I'm looking forward to 3 weeks time when I can definitely say I will be 12st something!! It is soooo exciting losing weight, isn't it? Especially on this diet because you know for definite that the weigh will come of and very fast, we can count on 1st every 4 weeks, what other diet does that?
Hello, how is today going? I'm grand, busy day rushing about etc. I was at the gp for flu vaccine and my BP is up, it goes up and down a bit anyway, so at least if it's up when I'm at my goal weight the dr won't tell me to lose weight. I have to go back in 2 weeks ( I'll go in 4) so its nice knowing I'll be nearly a stone lighter going back for another check. I really hope it does come down because I do not want to have to take tablets at 35, even though I do have a strong family history. So anyway it was another kick in the backside to stick at this dastardly diet!!!
Otherwise all is well, it's just normal now having shakes isn't it. Hope your day is going well:)
Hi Annie. Yes I'm going to be having a flu jab tomorrow in work (work in a hospital) but I'm a needle phobic so it's incredibly stressful for me to have an injection but rather that than get the flu and infect my family with it. My hubby also works same place so we'll both be having our jabs tomorrow, he has asthma so insists on getting it and also is quite insistent I have it too.

So was great today reporting my weigh loss to my work colleagues, there are soooo many people following my progress and happy for me it's great. I'm really hopeful of another big loss next week which will bring me much closer to half way. I originally thought I'd be on the shakes for 16 weeks so hopefully if I continue to lose big, I will get through this before Christmas and so be able to take part i. christmas dinner....eating not just cooking. That said, I'm still going to just focus on 1 week at a time which helps me get through.

I feel a bit mean today because my daughter text me all hopeful of going swimming tonight but I had to lie a bit and say I had a headache and promised to take her next week. I also said I was too tired to take her last week but it's because I'm now too scared to exercise for fear of slowing my weight loss down. I will take her next week and I will swim BUT I will take it easy and do more playing with her in the water than concentrating on doing lengths. If I build up exercise slowly then I may well continue to lose big but I will monitor it.

So I'm well under way with week 7 and looking forward to losing lots of ponds this week. Have a great night and day tomorrow ........ Hugs xxx
I sent you a PM