Ms R & Shrinkingannie -Twinnies Blog

Hey Twinster, I just started a new thread describing how I got through today.

Really glad you seem to be sailing away at the moment, long may it last! Really good news thar you feel slimmer today, wish I could say the same but I just hate what I see in the mirror, just wantbtime to whizz by so I can be at the end of these disgusting shakes and I can be slim. I still feel very heavy & fat, badly need my weigh in this week to help me along.
You did so brilliant at the weekend, did your son enjoy the party?
I'm still 100% but very fed up with it today, it just seems very long, I'm telling myself I have to keep going untill Halloween and then I'll see, I just can't cope with thinking I'll be on this till Christmas. How are you today
Yeah bit fed up too and I have no choice but to be on this til Christmas so I'm just accepting it and focusing on my weekly weigh in's, I dont't take one day at a time anymore, I feel I'm past that so I just take 1 week at a time. It really is rubbish but I have so much to learn. For example, today I have prepared a beef caserole in e slow cooker for my OH & my daughter. We've been out shopping and the smell hit me as soon as I opened the front's amazing smells so homely and warm if that makes sense? Anyway, whilst I was preparing he meal, I thought that I could easily control my portions in future when doing a slow cooked caserole, I just have to weigh all the ingredients before I put it in the pot and then I won't feel restricted when I dish up, I'll just be having a well cooked caserole without going over portion size. it's all in the planning. i know this may sound obvious but I would normally just through i. A load of meat, veg & potatoes and then try to guess a conservative portion but I'll bet I would have probably had at least 1.5 portions if not more! A revelation to me and a method I will use when I'm eating again.

My son had a great time thank you for asking. I dished up all the food to everyone and didn't bat an eyelid, can't believe how I coped but I did.

So how are you coping today? Just remember not long till weighh in day and I'm sure that will give both of us a boost.
Your slow cooked casserole sounds yum, that's a very good idea a out the portion sizes. Portion sizes aren't reallyr problem I tend to eat small meals but piles of crap between meals. I'm going to cut out snacks and just eat 3 healthy meals a day, with dessert on Sunday. That's the plan anyway. You did this diet before didn't you, how was maintaining? I'm not too worried about it, I know when I feel slimmer Ill be happy to eat less.

Well weigh in this morning, I lost 5lbs - I am thrilled with that. It really is a boost!
WOW WOW WOW.....5lbs that's amazing, I so hope I can match that tomorrow, it will keep me on track for not having to do this diet over christmas and into Jan or Feb. Brilliant, so happy for you.

Yes I did do this diet before and I maintained for a good 6 months but then I had lots of personal issues to deal with like going through an emotional divorce which took a couple of years to complete but I'm all sorted now and happy so that's why the time is right for me and why I'm now able to do this again as I've tried several attempts since my last successful diet on this but I've failed miserably as my head wasn't in the right place.

So I had a rubbish day yesterday but I'm doing much better today, just want to have my weigh in to hopefully get the much needed boost. I'm off to the gym tonight straight after work so going to work up a sweat and burn those calories off me.

You're now 1 stone lighter than me but you did start off just over 1 st lighter than me so I'm giving myself a mini challenge to try and catch you up lol.

Good luck for the rest of the day xx
I like your mini challenge :) you do more exercise than me, so you might just succeed. I'm going to do some weights/ squats tonight. I do drink green tea twice a day, I'm convinced it helps with weight loss. I'm glad you are in a better place and happy imagine how great you'll feel when slim and happy!

Mini achievement - My wedding ring fits (just) I haven't worn it for well over a year:)
Wow that's excellent, well done you. I bet you're thrilled at being able to wear your wedding ring again, I'd feel lost without mine on.

I may have to check out that green tea, I'll do anything to maximise my weight loss so I can get off these disgusting shakes sooner. One minute I think I'm getting slim and the next, I catch myself in the mirror and nearly cry thinking how the hell did I ever let myself get to this size, it can be soul destroying, just so glad I'm doing something about it now.

So today was a lot easier for me than yesterday and I went to e gym aftr work, first time back at the gym since March!! Really happy I had a work out, every little helps the overall fat burning.

Well tomorow is my weigh in day so fingers & toes crossed I get a great result to keep me motivatedmto continue. Good luck to you this week too xx
Very best of luck for your weigh in! I'm looking forward to hearing your good news!
Was in work earlier so very sketchy Internet. I know exactly what you mean, I felt quite slim at the weekend and I feel massive today. Thing is I'm still over 13 stone and that is far too heavy for my height, so feeling slim or not I have to plod on for another while. Do try the green tea, see what you think?
Hey twinnie, feeling much slimmer after my weigh in tonihjt....lost 5.5lbs making a total of 24lb in 4 weeks!! Yey!!!!!!!! You can't believe how happy I am, only 4lb away from 2st loss. I will easily do that for next week. I'm off for a very long walk soon to give me a good kick start for week 5.

Happy Happy Happy
That is bloody fantastic. Wow wow wow 2 stone in 5 weeks, that'll be some achievement. I'll have to live up to your lead. Enjoy your walk. I'm going to get off my backside and do some weights
How's today going? I'm grand, very busy day but nearly there now, I went for a walk after work. Im going to try on my size 14 jeans on Monday, I doubt they will fit but I'll have an idea how far away I am.
Evening Twinnie and well done you getting out for a walk, I'm sooo proud of you. Did you enjoy it? I bet you felt brilliant once you'd finished it. I'm nowhere near my size 14's yet, just happy for my slightly more generous size 16's becomming too big on me and the average size 16's actually fitting me without bring skin tight. I think it's going to be another month before I can think about tryi g the 14's on.

Well I was aching sooo much this morning after my 7mile power walk last night buy I still went swimmng tonight with my children. I haven't been swiming to a leisure centre for 3yrs so knew it would be tough, aimed for 20 lengths but actually managed to do 40!!!! Sooo very happy with how much I did and funnily enough, I'm not aching as much now and I've done lots of toning work on my bingo wings, swimming is the bestest exercise for our bingo wings.

I'm looking forward to my salsa tomorrow night when I'll be getting loads of aerobic exercise and will be burning off the fat too. I'm off doing the 3 Shires Walk in he Peak District on Saturday with friends which is just over a 7 mile walk which is ncot too difficult but it's not that easy either. I plan to go cycling Friday night after work but on Sunday its going to be a day of absolute rest because that's important too.

So started week 5 today and haven't really struggled at all, think my head is now helping me along too as in my mind set is much more positive, especially after my 5.5lb loss last night. I'm also benefiting from using 1 heaped teaspoon of fibreclear in my last shake every day, was worth buying the tub.

So good luck for tomorrow and here's to a total 100% day for both of us xx
Wow misses you are in the zone, when you are back eating you should always remember just what a strong and determined person you are, it will help you to make the right choices!!
I'm going to have to increase my exercise, it's hard to get the time in this house though. I will go for another walk tonight, I love walking plus it's by the sea so invigorating too. I'll go back to yoga too when I'm a bit slimmer, although I was thinking of trying karate?
I tried on my size 14s I'm not sure why because my size 16 jeans are still tight, well needless to say they wouldn't go past my thighs, but at least I know I'll be a good bit slimmer when they do. I'll wait till I lose another stone before I try them again.
This diet is a rollercoaster isn't it, today I love it and love that it is giving me a healthy body back, another day I hate it and am depressed about shakes for weeks and weeks, ah well as long as we are sticking to it, that is all that matters!
Good luck for today (not that you need it)
I never get confident about this diet as like you say, one minute love it and next minute absolutely hate and lose the will to live. But there is one thing we cannot deny, this diet works!!!! It's painful and hard but it works. I just seem to be in the right frame of mind at the moment and I'm really going for it as it may not last forever. When I think I need to be on this till Christmas, I do feel a bit sorry for myself but then I forget about how long I have to do it and just take 1 week at a time. Look forward to and plan for my weekly weigh in and hopefully with all the exercise I'm doing, which isn't a hardship for me as I absolutely love exercising, I can speed up my weight loss and finish the diet sooner rather than later.

A lot of people say to me that I'm only going to put muscle on doing exercise but my argument back is that this diet uses lean muscle to help fuel our bodies so by doing the exercise, I'm only replenishing what I'm losing by the diet but also toning up flabby muscle and giving the appearance of being slimmer.

I think you're doing really great and I wouldn't wait to go back to yoga because it can help you to tone up while you're losing the weight. It will just get easier for you the more weight you lose. Walking by the sea sounds amazing, I'd have to drive to walk by the sea but I can walk along the canal which does not require a car journey.

So today I'm feeling a little tired after my activities thus far this week but I'm off to salsa tonight to get myself even more tired but the music is fab and the dancing is brilliant and really lifts the soul. My arms are aching a bit from swimming last night but that's really good, it means I'm exercising those vital muscles to tighten up the bingo wings.

Hope today goes well for you Twinnie, it's great catching up with each other, ensures I log in everday and while I'm in, I read all the other posts so it keeps me motivated even more. Thanks for your ongoing support, together we can do this, we will be skinny minnies by Christmas.
You are so right, just imagine a pair of skinny Minnie's, I can hardly dare to dream - yet it is happening - gradually!
Enjoy salsa it sounds fantastic. I think you are right to do plenty of exercise, the more lean muscle you have the higher your natural metabolism and the easier it will be to maintain your loss. Today was an easy day, although my family are starting to grumble that I've been doing it long enough, I'll ignore them though.
Hope you get a good rest - you'll need it. Do u work full time, I only work about 6 days a month, well while the boys are so small anyway.
Yes I work full time unfortunately, wish i could afford to,retire very very early lol.

Salsa was brilliant tonight, my clothes were soaking wet as was my hair!!! Just got out of the shower and I'm chilling out a bit before I drop off to sleep. I worked so hard tonight but it was really good, it doesn't feel like exercise but OMG it works every part of your body. Just hope I'm not too knackered to go for our bike ride tomorrow night and also our long hill walk on Saturday. I think I'm going to enjoy a guilt free lazy day on Sunday after all this exercise I've done this week.

You have a great day tomorrow. I hope I can stay positive and sail through tomorrow.
Your salsa class sounds brilliant! Does your wee girl dance? I'm trying to convince my son to do Irish dancing, but he is having none of it.
Well today was ok for me, especially for a Friday, I don't really miss eating any more, it's more the social aspect I miss.
Right I think we are doing fab and deserve a pay on the back, well done us - let's keep it up!!
Did u go for your bike ride? I think I'll get a bike as one of my treats for doing this (I have a list of about ten treats, for getting to goal;)
Hope you have a lovely weekend, enjoy your hike tomorrow and the rest on Sunday!
Yes I did the bike ride, did 12 miles and it was brilliant. We went right along the canal so the scenery was brilliant and I feel so good for doing it. I love my bike, we're planning to ride along the canal from Liverpool to Leeds in February over 4 days stopping off every 30 miles or so and staying in a B&B overnight. It was another one of my extreme ideas lol.

Salsa is the best, I love latin music and I love dancing to it also. It's like having a 2 or 3 hour aerobic workout in heels. Yes my daughter dances all the time. She did Irish dancing when she was younger and I did it myself for a few weeks, boy is that hard work. She hen joined a dance school doing all the usual but then dropped out beginning of this year but but she gets involved in dancing i school now. She can salsa too as I've taught her and she has taught her friends i turn. She loves what she calls 'my music' and learns all the words, even though the songs are in Spanish but she does Spanish in school anyway.

Really hope you get a bike, it's a brilliant thing to do and you can do it with your children too. Just make sure you get the most important piece of cycling equipment.....a helmet!! My daughter used to hate wearing hers but now we've convinced her she looks cool in it so she doesn't moan anymodre and I feel relaxed because I know I'm doing my best to protect her should she have an accident. I know they don't look great but they're essential.

I really can't wait for our weigh in next week, I'm really interested to see if my experiment with doing loads of exercise pays off on the scales. If it does then I'm gong to continue with the level f exercise I'm doing to help speed up my weight loss so I can get off these awful shakes sooner.

I'm really looking forward to our hike tomorrow. My daughter is coming now too which is great and we're going with our best friends so looking forward to catching up with them too.

Yes we do deserve a pat on our backs and I'm sending you a cyber hug for support to get us over this weekend. Hope you have a great weekensd too, I'll still post on our blog tomorrow sometime x
Wow that was a fab cycle, did you go with your OH it's lovely to have a nice healthy shared interest. That would be amazing to cycle from Liverpool to Leeds. My husbands sister lives in Leeds.

Have a fab time today on your hike. You'll be wrecked. I'm very interested to see how your experiment goes too. I hope you get a big number!!

Heres a bug cyber hug back - you are doing amazing, well done!