Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

DustQueen said:
Hubby and I are both feeling sick now :S hope they fix her x you stating wouldn't have helped hun you got her there she's in good hands x
Tomorrow it is the missy! You me and Clair! I'm 13.5 1/2 today NO MORE!!

It didn't seem so bad at the time we were laughing and telling her to get up! Thought she was just holding her foot at a funny angle! Feel so bad .. I know I couldn't help her but I'd have to be alone in pain at hospital. She should be out in a few days so I can see her then x

charlie's~mummy said:
Aww your poor friend they'll fix her though an don't feel bad about leaving there's nothing you could do I jumped off the wagon last night with huge amounts of jack Daniels :-( so I'm with ya all the way well till me hols xxxx

I had what felt like a barrel of rum on Saturday then no food til chicken kebab salad and chips lastnight and feel like a whale lol lets get to it! Xx
Popped out for a bit. Now on way home but stopped off as Hubby decided to go and get himself some lunch!


I had my vanilla latte before I left ..
nomoremuffintop said:
Woo iv got through lunch and all the chips are gone without me eating any! X

Excellent !
I woke up dreaming of them earlier, so today is gonna be interesting to say the least.
Well done Muffy :D
nomoremuffintop said:
Popped out for a bit. Now on way home but stopped off as Hubby decided to go and get himself some lunch!

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I had my vanilla latte before I left ..

Oh thanks James how helpful lol
Woop doin well so far Hunni day 1 will soon be over xxx
How're you doing today? xx
After hubby ate chips with curry sauce and a large sausage in batter if started complaining he was tired after I said im having an early night and he moaned that I'd leave him sat on his own. I got in a mood. He has gone to collect our 5 year old from school because I had a call to say he is burning up so im dreading having a poorly boy home from school this week. I have already messed up today. I made the choice between crisps and cookies or feta and olives. I had 100g of feta and 10 olives for lunch :( worked it all out on my fitness pal 1st and thought it was low carb enough to be excused as the safer option. I threw the rest in the bin so that I can't eat any more. I decided to have a soup for tonight and the rest of my vanilla shake. I was thinking about having an extra pack today but now I won't. Just can't wait until bed time :s
Erm muffy, that's a GOOD thing! Your making a positive decision that will help your weight loss :) Well done. Hopefully you can get an early night tonight and feel better tomorrow - hope your boy is ok xxx
How's it going today muffy? How's the wee man feeling? xx
Hi Muffy :)
Hope your ok muffs, we are all here for ya xxx

ETA my laptop changes your name to muffs! lol
Hey sweetie how is ya? How's the lil fella? Horrible when they're sick isn't it our charlie is getting his big back teeth so cough an cold to go with that too :-( hope your doin ok hun hugs xxxxx
Morning lovely how's you? Hope your ok big squishy hugs xxxxx