Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

Morning :(

Sorry I've hidden away it's been a tough few months. I'm now 2 stone away from where I started 18 months ago (gained 4 and a half stone since September 24th)

So, at 15 stone 4 lb I am attempting to ts until 23rd June when me and my boys go to the caravan for a week. I won't lose much but a little bit is better than nothing.

I'll be here a lot .. Catch up with you all later xx
Welcome back sweetie xxx
Welcome back Muffy
Welcome back Muffy- nice to see you back on the boards xxx
nomoremuffintop said:
Thanks girls. Not actually managed to start yet. I am aiming for Monday restart. Fingers crossed I'll see you then :) xx

Good luck darling really hope you have a really easy non steessful day to start :)
So, I'm laying on my bed thinking. I have 3 weeks as of now before I go to the caravan with my kids and my mum for a week x I'm not wasting another day. I have had a nice cold litre of water and I'm going to sleep. While everyone else is drinking/eating and partying all weekend I will be chilling out at home and starting the journey back to muffdom :)
Cheers babe xx

You're welcome hunny :) I really hope it goes well for you :) have you been preparing? Got some thinspiration? moved the naughties out of eyesight? list of reasons to lose weight etc.?
DustQueen said:
You're welcome hunny :) I really hope it goes well for you :) have you been preparing? Got some thinspiration? moved the naughties out of eyesight? list of reasons to lose weight etc.?

I haven't done anything to prepare. I just saw myself in the shop windows and realised how huge iv got and I've struggled to find things to wear this past 2weeks which has got me down. I've struggled to fit into an 18! I just have to do something NOW. There's a picture of me I'll post later. I'm at the food bar at a party. I am wearing a size 18 dress which I thought I looked good in.... It's terrible!

So basically I've hit the wall and realised that I am going to be back where I started.

All the "I'll never go back over 12 stone" is echoing in my ear and I feel so stupid.

But here goes. Day 1 of 3 weeks ts.
I'm 15 stone 5 :(
I'm going to aim for a stone off for my week at the caravan. Hope to fit into my size 18's properly by then.

Once I'm home from caravan I'll start back on my old favourite lipotrim On the 1st July.
My goal is to be 9 stone by new year.

So 6 months to lose 5 stone... I'm really hoping I can do that. Xx
Good Luck, but remember you have done amazingly well so far and haven't put that much back on, so you know you can do it :)
kallais said:
Good Luck, but remember you have done amazingly well so far and haven't put that much back on, so you know you can do it :)

Well I really did do very well last year losing 6 stone 4 but I have put 4 stone 5 back on so it's not great. I thank you for your positive comment though :) xx ill try to catch up with everyone and meet some new members at some point today xx
Welcome back hun you can do it I've gone over to ww charlie not sleeping working full time and living on 600 cals was near killing me but I'm still around good luck xx
charlie's~mummy said:
Welcome back hun you can do it I've gone over to ww charlie not sleeping working full time and living on 600 cals was near killing me but I'm still around good luck xx

As long as its working for you babes that's all that matters. I've tried ww pp while off tfr and I've done healthy eating but it all lasts about 3 days begore i go back to eating crap. Exante Isn't my favourite diet but I have no money to get lipotrim and darling dq sent me lots of packs (I haven't forgotten to pay you back btw Carly!) so I'll use my last 21 days of those and hope to get my self together again. Hope Charlie starts to sleep for you xx
I'm sat on the kitchen floor counting my packs. I do this every time I re start lol. I have enough to do a whole week on banana and then 4 days chocolate, 5 days of vanilla and 2 days strawberry then I have a few BL bars and shakes that I'll use up before and while I'm away for a week. I'm going to attempt to eat healthy ish while away but I won't deprive myself of a fish and chips on the beach or a night cap with my mum and aunt :) I'm miserable about the weight but can't let it ruin my holiday as its not like I get to go away with my mum and my boys often so I'll make sure i make the most of it :)

I'm trying to stay away from zero and bars for at least the 1st week because I seem to get cravings after those.

Sorry I'm rambling on but it's keeping me away from the toaster! I've got a litre of cold sweet coffee to drink so I'm on an ok start. I'd normally have had jam on toast and a Pepsi by 8am

Plan for today -
10am: 1litre cold sweet coffee
12pm: 1litre of peppermint tea
1 pm: 1/2 Banana shake made with extra water
3 pm: 1/2 banana shake made with extra water
6 pm: 1/2 banana shake made with extra water
7 pm: 1/2 banana shake made with extra water
8 pm: 1/2 litre of peppermint tea
9 pm: 1 thick cold banana cinnamon shake
10pm: going to bed :)