Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

Your new pics are absolutely stunning btw - you should be SO chuffed with yourself
Oh Muffy, for some reason my phone didn't diplay you thread properly last time I checked it - I'm now on the pc and just seen thahair had skipped your past couple of days posts - I'm am really sorry for your loss.

Take it easy on yourself luv,
:hug99: :hug99:
Aw no Muffy, hope u feel better soon xx
Hey all.
So sorry about my psycho post!

I have a joint condition. Hyper mobility - the tendons are all now really damaged due to years of over stretching my lax joints and it's really painful ( used to be called being double jointed but that's just a myth ) and I have rheumatoid arthritis. This effects most of my body, fingers elbows knees shoulders hips and so on. My joints slip in and out very easily, push my tendons to their limit 2 and then my joints swell up and i cant use them for weeks. silly accident yesterday. While sitting sorting socks me and hubby both went to reach for one and his hand hit mine dislocating my index finger.
I'm suppose to be resting my hands so I am taking the opportunity to have a cosy day doing nothing. Just wanted to let everyone know I appreciate the kind messages thank you.

There's no excuse for yesterday's food fiasco I just felt useless. Even before i popped my finger i was struggling. My hands are always painful and i cant grip anything. Im always dropping things and cant even undo my own baby's high chair straps! I was just frustrated. But eating used to make me feel better. It's about time I realised that now it actually makes me feel worse :) I'm now 12 stone 8.2 again. So annoyed with myself. How can I keep complaining about not losing weight when I'm the one fannying about?

Thanks again everyone.
Ouch sounds painful :( hope it gets better soon.
It's so easy losing the weight, it's breaking the bad relationship with food that's the hard part.
I know I've said it before but you really should try the beck book, I've found it so much help. You can buy it in The Works (that cheap book shop) for £3.99, unfortunately I paid £11 for mines before I seen it in there lol

Anyways, have a relaxing day and get better soon xxx
Awww hugs Muffy, sounds like a tough situation. I can understand how you'd use food to cope but so admire you for getting to where you are now even with other problems. :)
Thanks girls. I have not been resting though. I just moved bunk beds and hoovered the kids bedrooms and changed bedding, rearranged toy boxes and the book shelves.
I have had 1200 ml of water and half a strawberry shake so far today. Oh and I sultana that I nicked off the top of the babies hot cross bun! It was so hard not to eat the whole thing... I convinced the kids to eat them all so there are none left now :) I told them that the Easter bunny wont come with eggs for after dinner if they don't have a traditional hot cross bun ;) just aswell I had 4 bun's left and 4 kids to eat them.

Fed up now and don't know what to do with myself. X
Awww Muffy you are not NOT losing you just maybe aren't losing as fast as you want, are any of us? Impatient things that we are :) I remember just a couple of weeks back you being scared because you were so close to the 13s and now you are so close to 12.7 give yourself a pat on the back and stop being so mean to yourself. That's an order missy!!! X
I know I'm losing but I just keep putting it back on it's so frustrating. I have been good today, iv had half a strawberry and half a vanilla shake and 2.5 litre of water. Im laying in bed while baby has his nap, was suppose to be cooking roast pork dinner but iv decided to go on strike today. I need a break from preparing/cooking and seeing food and tormenting myself with things I can't have. Hubby will probably order him and boys a takeaway and then fill their faces with Easter eggs. I think that maybe my problem has been that the boys are off school and I don't have a chance to get out of the house and away from food. The kids seem to eat constantly!

The kids go back to school on Tuesday but only for 2 days because of the royal wedding. I'm not pleased about that!
I have Less than 2 weeks now to lose 8lb before my planned weekend off for my boys double birthday weekend with the in-laws and I should be knuckling down but I'm just panicking which sparks a fuse in my brain that says EAT!!!

So, I was wrong, exante isn't the problem and lipotrim is not the answer. It's just me!
Aww hun you are still losing though :) and if you don't lose 8lbs and only lose say 7 you have still lost so much since you last saw them a few pounds is neither here nor there :) well done on today x I don't think I would manage if I had to prepare food all the time must be hard :)
This week has gone so quick. I have been stressing today that I haven't lost anything since Wednesday and I'm worried what the pharmacy will say when I go back to get weighed tomorrow but hubby just reminded me that iv lost 3lb since Monday when i was weighed at pharmacy even if I have lost nothing since my official home weigh in on Wednesday. Hubby also reminded me that it's bank hol tomorrow so I won't need up go to the pharmacy, I might drag it out until Wednesday actually.

Wish I had enough to order an exante bumper pack so I didn't have to go to the pharmacy ever again. I hate the way they look at me in there!

Kids just informed me they are having a kebab for dinner so now I'm gutted that I'm starving, out if ketosis +1lb and feeling like ripping my hair out... I'm trying to remember what it was that made me so focused on the 5th January when I decided to go for it???? What can't I just remember????

carly82 said:
Aww hun you are still losing though :) and if you don't lose 8lbs and only lose say 7 you have still lost so much since you last saw them a few pounds is neither here nor there :) well done on today x I don't think I would manage if I had to prepare food all the time must be hard :)

I was thinking that too Hun. I was working out that even if I get to 12.4 I'm still 5 stone lighter than I was when I last saw them. That is amazing but it was just a number I had focused on and if I lower my target I'll not try so hard? Does that make sense? I know it don't seem like I'm trying very hard as it is but knowing iv got to get 8 lb off is what stopped me at 1 pack of crisps or 4 hot X buns or I think I may have had a bar of chocolate some biscuits peanut butter on toast and a big fat bacon sandwich last night lol
Plus it's more the fact that I would reach this target before allowing myself a weekend off. If I don't get there I'll have the time off but not feel like I'd earned it?

I'm kind of clearing my head while jotting all this down. I can kind of see a bit of spark forming in my head the more I talk about how much I want To lose and how little time I have. I like to have a plan I just can't always make it work :)

Thanks Carly what your saying makes me feel much better and it's really helping me to think clearer xxx
Iv also realised that hubby is off to London on Thursday for 5 days and I'm normally really really strict on myself when he isn't here and normally lose around 6 lb the week he is gone so fingers crossed xxxx
Ooh just jumped on the scales while waiting for my soup to cool down and I'm 2oz lighter than I was this morning! Considering I have drank 3 litres of water and had 2 shakes that's a nice feeling!
I know that the 1lb I gained this morning is water/glycogen etc but I'm still hopeful that I'll be 12.7 or maybe even 12.6 something in the morning?
Hubby had just left to get dinner for him and the kids. Iv had a veg soup so I'm going to make the baby some 'healthy' dinner then going to hide until all the chicken nuggets, chips and Donner kebab has gone :)
You and them bloody scales lol :)

I'm sure they'll adjust in a day or two xxx
Clair-G said:
You and them bloody scales lol :)

I'm sure they'll adjust in a day or two xxx

Shhh... Lol
It has made me feel a tiny bit better. if iv ever got on the scales later than 10am before I'd be 2+ lb heavier than i was at 7am so I am just taking any teeny loss as a positive that I should be even less in the morning and hoping that thought gets me to bed time 100% TS xxx

Yeah I'm sure that I'll be fine in literally a few days. I normally get 3-4 dsys 100% but when hubby is away im always 100% so in 4 sleeps he will be gone so aslong as im 100% til thursday ill manage until he gets back tuesday week!!
Once the scales say 175lb ill be fab. didn't touch The dinner. I even offered to dish it up and sat at the table with everyone else. it looked pretty greasy and smelt 'dirty'? Don't know what i mean by 'dirty', that's the 1st word that came To my mind it helped me stay away from the kebab so who cares! I don't know why I can go from being so low and feeling defeated to feeling so confident and determined within hours but I much prefer the latter!
Feel sorry for anyone that reads my diary its like being in a mental asylum but it won't stop me from writing. On days I write allot I am 100% but days I'm not about much I mess up. Proves I just can't do this without you lot ;)
hey muffy dont be to hard on yourself chick... ive been losing the same old pounds over and over and it does get frustrating (sp?) but you know we can do this.. and we will.. well done so far u have done amzingly well and that is something to be proud of.. i guess sometimes we can be our own worst enemy lol i know im so hard on my self but it helps lol...

Just looked at your before and after pics all i can say is WOW... totally amazing...sometimes when we cant see the weight loss - photos can say it all :)

hugs and the very best of luck :) x
Step away from the scales, I repeat step away from the scales lol. Just kidding hun. Ur before and after pics are awesome! You look fab!! Well done you xx

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precious said:
hey muffy dont be to hard on yourself chick... ive been losing the same old pounds over and over and it does get frustrating (sp?) but you know we can do this.. and we will.. well done so far u have done amzingly well and that is something to be proud of.. i guess sometimes we can be our own worst enemy lol i know im so hard on my self but it helps lol...

Just looked at your before and after pics all i can say is WOW... totally amazing...sometimes when we cant see the weight loss - photos can say it all :)

hugs and the very best of luck :) x

Thank you precious. It's so true what you said about being our own worst enemy.
I really want to be my own best friend now though ;)

babystar31 said:
Step away from the scales, I repeat step away from the scales lol. Just kidding hun. Ur before and after pics are awesome! You look fab!! Well done you xx

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Cheers babystar. I felt fab but once the novelty of being in the 12's wore off I feel huge still and just want to be in the 11's :)
Back off to the hospital now. My knuckles on both hands are All swollen up :( and so is my ankle again. Fun fun!

I got a pan out and an egg....then put them away again. Was thinking of taking a hard boiled egg with me as a snack if I'm there ages but I'll take my half a shake and my shaker full of water.

So tired just want to go to bed but I know I won't sleep in pain so might as well not bother.

Night night everyone xx