My 128 lb Drop Diary [WEEK 67]

That's great your trying to quit the bladder cancer sticks! Sorry that's what I called them when in my late 20's I started social smoking and want to give them up! It worked!

Im sure with the e cig you'll give them up and like you say you lost 6stone! You can do anything!

I don't think last weeks weigh in was a mistake I think it was accurate and just catch up from previous week. Your metabolism is probably faster now too because your building muscle. In 11lbs you'll be on the treadmill and building calf muscle too!

See what tomorrow brings and just avoid too many calories today. Very excited for your weigh in tomorrow!
That's great your trying to quit the bladder cancer sticks! Sorry that's what I called them when in my late 20's I started social smoking and want to give them up! It worked!

Im sure with the e cig you'll give them up and like you say you lost 6stone! You can do anything!

I don't think last weeks weigh in was a mistake I think it was accurate and just catch up from previous week. Your metabolism is probably faster now too because your building muscle. In 11lbs you'll be on the treadmill and building calf muscle too!

See what tomorrow brings and just avoid too many calories today. Very excited for your weigh in tomorrow!

I'll drink plenty of water so there's little excess and keep my fingers crossed.
With the weigh-in looming I can only hope I have done enough for a loss. I think I have. Drank lots of water today to get rid of any water weight that could be there.

Can't wait for the cheat day tomorrow. Today I had to witness all my friends eating a massive chinese takeaway, it was so hard watching them eat it... I think I'll have to get an Indian or Chinese tomorrow.

My house is full of junk that I prepared just for cheat day. Fruit loops, doughnuts, cheesecake, fried chicken, crisps etc. I can't wait to indulge.

Weigh-in result shall be posted by the afternoon :)
Gained 1.6lb. Last week must have been a mistake afterall, no way I could have gained this week. On to the next week.
You take it so well, I'd be hopping mad! I hate the scales sometimes, I am sure they do it on purpose just to mess us around.

Giving support for the week ahead :character00116:
Hi Alex. I know you're too far through this process, and too sensible, to let a little blip like this get you down or derail you! As you say, it was maybe artificially low last week, so it's just a compensating adjustment. Onwards!! :) xx
You take it so well, I'd be hopping mad! I hate the scales sometimes, I am sure they do it on purpose just to mess us around.

Giving support for the week ahead :character00116:

It's the way it goes, I have no problem with it. I had a great result last week that I didn't deserve so I guess this evens it out!
Hi Alex. I know you're too far through this process, and too sensible, to let a little blip like this get you down or derail you! As you say, it was maybe artificially low last week, so it's just a compensating adjustment. Onwards!! :) xx

Yeh it is frustrating but oh well! I didn't deserve the 3lb loss last week, so this is fine! Onwards indeed.
I think I will try hard this week. I know I say this about every stone count, but to be in the 15's would be insane! 12lbs and I am there. Could do that by December if I put in moderate effort.

Might need to hit the rowing machine more again. Now the nice weather is going I can't rely on outdoor activity anymore. I'm going to keep my diet very strict. If I do that and work out at least three times, I should be on to a decent loss.

The non-smoking is going well so far. Haven't had a cigarette since 1 PM on Saturday. And that was half a cigarette. The e-cig is going well so far. I want to try and stick with the e-cig for a couple of weeks, then cut down on that until I no longer use it.

So yeh, I may try workout everyday this week. Not smoke at all. And keep my diet clean. Should result in a positive outcome next Sunday :)
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You're amazing!! Just love you Alex!! Love your whole approach to life and health! You just get on with it! Brilliant on the no cigs! Here's to a great week in all respects!
You're amazing!! Just love you Alex!! Love your whole approach to life and health! You just get on with it! Brilliant on the no cigs! Here's to a great week in all respects!

Thanks Kira :) Didn't have any today either. Just sticking with the e-cig so it's not difficult. Still feeding the addiction but it's something I guess!
I use to smoke about 20-30 a day for 4 years but I've been smoking since I was 9 on and off (hiding and stealing from my parents lol) but November 23, 2011 11:32AM I woke up and just said I'm done smoking and just quit like that. It's crazy how you can achieve something when you really want to succeed.
I use to smoke about 20-30 a day for 4 years but I've been smoking since I was 9 on and off (hiding and stealing from my parents lol) but November 23, 2011 11:32AM I woke up and just said I'm done smoking and just quit like that. It's crazy how you can achieve something when you really want to succeed.

Two of my closest friends just went cold turkey out of nowhere. Very awesome indeed!

I enjoy smoking a lot but there are too many negatives for me to continue. If I have to stick to using the e-cig for the rest of my life I will have too. But I hope to go nicotine free soon.
Great week so far. Last three days I've played football. Right now my hamstrings and calves are aching real bad. But that's good! Shows I've pushed myself. My diet has been superb too.

Haven't even used my e-cig today. Trying out cold turkey. But surprisingly I'm feeling fine. I would LOVE a cigarette, but the craving isn't really bothering me.

I think I will probably rest on Friday and Saturday. I can imagine my entire body being very strained tomorrow.
Weigh-in tomorrow, I am hoping to recoup the gain I made last week. So I hope to lose 1.6lb. Anymore would be great.

I have had a great week, so I am expecting a decent loss.
How did you get on with the lack of Cigs the other day? Did you manage to go the whole day? Sounds like you had a hectic exercise week, am wishing i had another rest day tomorrow as I properly sprinted on Thursday at a class and it's been so long since I last did that, I think my legs are declaring mutiny on the bounty!

Positive vibes for tomorrow, will check in to see how you got on :character00116:
How did you get on with the lack of Cigs the other day? Did you manage to go the whole day? Sounds like you had a hectic exercise week, am wishing i had another rest day tomorrow as I properly sprinted on Thursday at a class and it's been so long since I last did that, I think my legs are declaring mutiny on the bounty!

Positive vibes for tomorrow, will check in to see how you got on :character00116:

Well when I smoked I was having 10-15 a day.

In the last week I only had three cigarettes. Two of which were pretty much half-cigarettes that a rolled from left over tobacco pouches.

But tonight I went out and had four. Bit of a let down but still, that's 7 in a week. A major difference from 10 a day!

On Thursday I went the whole day without even using my e-cig, I had a few drags before I went to sleep. But I went through the day pretty easy.

All in all I think I've made good progress, my withdrawals aren't as bad as I thought they'd be! I have no desire to spend money on tobacco any more. I bought a pack of Marlboro lights earlier to use this week if I ever get any intense cravings.

Just going to cut-down more and more until I can stay off them for good! But I'm really happy cigarette wise right now!
Lost a pound. I think I have retained water, I had a bit too much salt yesterday. Anyway, on to the next week!
Well done Alex! It's a loss and not jay water loss pure fat loss! I agree you are likely to have retained water given you had a great week food wise and exercise wise. Just keep doing what you're doing.