My 8 Week SF Challenge.

calorie counting is soo easy with MFP isn't it?!! I'm full up but I've saved some cals for some olives/sun dried tomatoes while me and the other half watch the apprentice on catch up :D
How was the gym for u?
I burnt 420 cals. Did 1/2 hr treadmill, 15 mins bike, 10mins rower n 300 situp/crunches, triceps/biceps curls b chest press!
Proper update when I'm awake and sober but we had an Anne summers party - people are still here and although I ignored popcorn, crisps, nuts, chocolates etc. Was on pepsi max and then had some wine. 4 glasses later & we just ordered a take away! Nooooooooooooooooooo. Had to confess. Feel so bad and it's not even here
Technically thursday is the start of the weekend. that could be your treat for the week or something. Don't punish yourself hun :)
Hi Elaine hope everything's going ok hun and you are enjoying your weekend xx
You guys are awesome.
Seriously. I don't even know what to post lately.
I am hungry all the time and all I think about is food!


- went to a BBQ yesterday, just had shake in car before I got there (had breakfast as my meal then planned to have 2 shakes and loads fruit etc)

Ended up having a shake in the car. Some fruit salad. Crying in the toilet (seriously - I wasn't drunk or anything - not even drinking!)

Getting angry, angry and angrier still.
Hungry! It was like really bad, constant pmt!

Additionally, three girls started singing 'you're fat, you're fat, you're fat' at me and this chubby boy (it was obvious and loud) from the garden next door. Everyone just. Well I was mortified. But laughed it off - as you do.
Cried in the toilet again.

This was my Saturday.
Woke up and my stomach feels like - it needs food! Ahaha! Will have one shake and two meals today (within calories) weigh day tomorrow.

Slim fast works - for some people I'm sure more than others.
But I am so unhappy while I'm on it. I really am. Maybe it's a placebo, who knows, but agh!

Will update tomorrow with my WEIGHT loss (hopefully).

Sorry this isn't more upbeat! Ahaa x
Ela ine said:
You guys are awesome.
Seriously. I don't even know what to post lately.
I am hungry all the time and all I think about is food!


- went to a BBQ yesterday, just had shake in car before I got there (had breakfast as my meal then planned to have 2 shakes and loads fruit etc)

Ended up having a shake in the car. Some fruit salad. Crying in the toilet (seriously - I wasn't drunk or anything - not even drinking!)

Getting angry, angry and angrier still.
Hungry! It was like really bad, constant pmt!

Additionally, three girls started singing 'you're fat, you're fat, you're fat' at me and this chubby boy (it was obvious and loud) from the garden next door. Everyone just. Well I was mortified. But laughed it off - as you do.
Cried in the toilet again.

This was my Saturday.
Woke up and my stomach feels like - it needs food! Ahaha! Will have one shake and two meals today (within calories) weigh day tomorrow.

Slim fast works - for some people I'm sure more than others.
But I am so unhappy while I'm on it. I really am. Maybe it's a placebo, who knows, but agh!

Will update tomorrow with my WEIGHT loss (hopefully).

Sorry this isn't more upbeat! Ahaa x

Aw Hun u having a right bad time of it darlin, maybe sf isn't for u x if u unhappy don't do it Hun.
Why don't u try eating healthy n counting calories with smaller portions N exercise that way u eating food n no shakes love!
Don't b unhappy, life is wot u make it Hun xxx
Take care
Hi hun. Firstly all I'm going to say is that i'm really sorry this has happened to you, nobody deserves that and some people are so bloody insensitive, I really hope you are ok and don't let some idiot like that get you down.

With regards to slim fast, what I would have done if I was in your shoes and going to a BBQ, is have my breakfast shake and just swap my 600cal meal to lunch instead of dinner. You can work out how many cals BBQ food is on myfitnesspal through your phone app. Then I would have had a shake/soup for dinner and eat my three snacks if I was still hungry in the evening. It is too tempting to just have nothing to eat if you are at a BBQ and imo I think you just have to realise what kind of day it will be and re-arrange your diet to suit what's planned in the day so you don't end up missing out and feeling deprived/hungry.

It can just be as simple as tweaking things a bit but if you think it will still make you unhappy then don't do it hun nothing is worth that and there are so many "diets" out there to suit whatever your eating style is. We will be here whatever you decide to do and if you need help rearranging your foods etc I am only too happy to help if you need/want it.

Keep your chin up hun xxx
Awww thank you guys :)

I think it's partly the hoodia. Seriously it's good - but convinces me (somehow) that I'm not hungry at all.... So I plan to have breakfast as food etc... But then I'll slip snacks (due to not being hungry) but by the time it wears off (aha I can't afford to take more than two :p) I am insanely hungry! And also, just because I'm not starving, doesn't mean I'm not constantly thinking about food all day long.

Ahh, don't know what to say, going through a bit of a down time right now,,, lots of rubbish going on, plus, just found out my dad (who I haven't seen since I was 8 - but recently got back in touch) is due to have a second op on skin cancer.

One of my friends is being a shhhhhip! And I'm looking for a new job: trying to find a new flat.

Oh, did I mention I broke up with my boyfriend on Wednesday?
There are SO many reasons for me to turn to food right now (because that's what I think I must be doing - punishing myself) but I need to get a grip.

Losing weight is HARD, and as I have a lot to lose.,, I cant become this nonchalant about it the second strobe in.
I want to lose weight, I need to lose weight, I can't let something like two 8 year olds being rude (I know - little brats!) put me off for an entire weekend!

PMA and forward planning!

Going to weigh. Bbs. Thanks again x
Hi Elaine, glad you are feeling much more positive, I know the easiest thing to do is turn to food when things get hard but you can wean yourself of it if you want to, look at too much food as a problem instead of a comfort? Just don't deprive yourself totally though, the hoodia sound good but remember your body needs to eat regularly if you are only eating a few hundred cals at a time. Sorry to hear about your dad and that you're having a tough time with it all but as I said we are all here for you hun. Lots of luck with your weigh in let us know how it goes and big hugs xx
Hi Carly!

Thanks so much (again) I know what you mean, you are 100% right!
I need to make some changes, quick! Or I'm just going to end up on the ben and jerries a la Bridget Jones - ahaha!

I weighed in - and it was firm the same.

Yep - STS. Better than a gain. But still sucks, not going to whine about it though. Off for a cup of tea and decision making :) x
Yes don't be too disheartened because as you say you didn't gain so you can just pick up where you left off :) it is a long process for most of us and full of loads of ups and downs but don't lose heart, winners never quit and quitters never win aye? or should I say losers never quit and quitters never lose ;);)chin up chick xx
:) I think I'm going to re-join sw...
Hi Elaine
So sorry to hear about yr troubles hun.
You need to do what's right for yr lifestyle so if that means changing yr diet to suit ya do it Hun xx STS like yr both say better than a gain I bet if u change yr diet to something healthier n take yr hoodia u shud loose xx
All the best to u Hun n keep in touch xx
aw thank you both!
I will tell you why.. I just wrote this out to post in my other diary!

I just weighed in to realise that I have... STS this week.
Yep. STS.

Now, a sts on slimming world would probably have ‘I’m lucky I didn’t gain this week, I know where I went wrong bla de da de dad a da, will have 100% days this week and look forward to a good loss next week’.

This is what STS on Sf feels like:

I have been hungry. Moody. Angry. Irritable. More hungry. Snappy. Eating nothing but shakes and grapes between 6am – 6pm and then eating the remainders of my calorie allowance in either ww ready meals and mini kit kat bites or. JUNK. Absolute Junk.

Here lies my SF journey:

Week 1 – 1lb
Week 2 – 1.5
Week 3 – STS

Rest in peace. Rest in frickin peace.

I rang up a consultant from the website... arranged to meet her at 9:15am tomorrow morning (how nice of her is that? classes start at 9:30am...)

Your eyes are not deceiving you. I am re-joining slimming world – tomorrow!
I feel happier already, much happier. :bunnydance:

Do you think I'll be okay still posting in here even though I'm no longer doing sf? Well if someone asks me not to then I'll stop :)
Bless u x all the best at SW Hun x u post on here as long as u like no one can tell u otherwise x ;-) happy dieting sweetie x ;-)
Thanks so much you guys!
Love how supportive you are. I can't fault the support I get on here.. .wouldn't be able to do it otherwise!

Definitely going to give SW some proper umph this week!
Despite the fact that I'm going to london tomorrow and not back 'till Friday when I have a wedding - agh! So not cooking until Sat.. but will make the best choices.
I feel happy to be going back to sw.. as I feel it's more 'what I know' if that makes sense.
Forward planning is required though, so I'm sitting down trying to do all that now, so as I don't slip up! x
Hi Elaine, I am really pleased that you aren't giving up your weight loss journey all together and have decided to go back to SW. We are all different and different diets suit different people and if you've had success with sw then go for it, there is no point making yourself miserable on sf! I am going to have a bit of a naughty night myself as I have my exam tomorrow but next week I will be on top form lol!!! So glad you will still be joining us here as we love talking to you and I really hope that SW makes you happy again :) xx
Thank you my love!

Yes, I did lose weight on SW! And while it was slow, I was much happier and getting on much better! I will post on my diary (link is in my sig) so you can subscribe to that if you like :p

Good luck with your exam hun x