My CD Diary


I've been reading your posts with interest.


I'm gonna be starting in the next couple of weeks and wondered what it felt like so thanks for writing it down.

I get little voices talking to me too when I'm on a diet. I always seem more aware of what rubbish I have in the cupboards. I think thats the hardest part.

Keep going I'm looking to you for inspiration.

ignore the voices babes. you can do it!! make it through this first week and you'll be sailing!! well, maybe without the sails :)

abz xx
oh my god i am sooooo weeeeaaaaakkkkk!!! i am pathetic...

Day 3 teatime and what have i gone and done - it's disgusting - my daughter has had a kfc this afternoon and neer eat the chips, they were in the bag in the kitchen, freeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzing, and i have eat most of them they were awful as well... what a silly cow!!!!

And then i have had a small piece of chicken and a small piece of cheese......

now i feel crap!!! I felt crap before i eat it (tired) but feel even worse now... I have just had a shake and hope i can make it through the rest of the day without eating anything else..... even the dog's looking tasty - am starving starving starving.........

decided to keep an honest diary this time so sorry about this..

post later and let you know what hapened!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Headdown - you silly bugger !!!!!!

To late now to worry about what you have done! Time to decide what you are going to do!
Being bossy I am going to tell you!!!
You are going to have all your CD allowance for today and forget about the blips. Tomorrow is another day and you are going to carry on with the plan! I will be watching!!!!!! (well thinking about you and wishing you some willpower) :vibes:

Which diet are you on????

Take care - Deb X
i am on cambridge sole source x 3 packs per day.....

i am going to o it this time and will put today behind me.

am absolutely shattered is this normal???

trying to do som housework but really struggling to move, have changed my bedding and cleaned en suite but now am knackered! just having another bottle of water..
Draw a line under it hun and get glugging the water. Ignore the chatter box and the more you do ignore it the quieter it will become. xxx
That's better - much more positive! Don't know about the feeling tired - maybe I will feel like that tomorrow on my day 3.
I am on SS plus. I also split the yukky soup into 2 servings of 1/2 pint (now I have got good advice on how to make them up properly).
I also make the shakes up to fill a pint glass and use lots of crushed ice, it seems to make them more filling.

I hope tomorrow is easier.
Good Luck
Right here we go (again!) will deffo be 100% today and no blips whatsoever....

I will draw a line under yesterday, although i ate didn't have a 'binge' like i normally would have.

I have decided i am taking my blender to work with me today. What i have been doing is waiting till 1 ish then having a tetra then picking at a bar through the afternoon keeping half for the night with a pack. Now i don't know about anyone else but the tetras are not as satisfying for me as the shakes, don't know what it is!!!! so will be brave and make a noise at work. gonna try and have shake about 11 ish then 4 ish then 8 ish. this is my new plan. also not gonna have any more bars for a week or so as i think they make me hungrier!!

will see how this goes, but waiting till 1 is making me worse the rest of the day i think!!!!

will try and pop on when i am at work but otherwise it will be tonight...

wish me luck and good luck to all of you for a positive day and a day closer to being who we want to be
x x x x xx
it sounds like a great plan hon. and i think you are doing right. the trick with the tetras is to drink loads of water with them as you don't get much in the ways of fluid. and the bars make me feel munchier too so i retrict how many i have.

keep on glugging water, it really helps with the hunger and good luck today :)

abz xx
Good luck with today :)
I tend to have a hot chocolate/chocolate mint shake made with 12ozs of water at lunchtime(not as sweet and creamy and fills me up more). Seems to satisfy my need for chocolate too :)
Hope you're getting on ok :)