my diary ~ no more CD for me

i tried having a soup but still can't face it. I tried to be positive this morning but it's just not working.

I know I'm still going to loe the weight but I can't imagine it's going to change my life in any way. I'm still going to be miserable and lonely and will probably always feel like I'm fat. I've lost 20 pounds but dont feel any different to when I was 13 1/2 stone. I'll still have nothing to look forward to, nothing to do ther than what I do now.
Hang on!

You've got loads of determination and personality and openness to new experiences from what I can see.

You're sticking to this diet (when the vast majority of people who start a VLCD stop, we just don't see so many of them on this board-would love to know the statistics),
you're a Mum to three kids who it sounds like, love you and love your company, whilst at the same time holding down a job, yesterday you came to a comedy workshop and were quick and creative and joined in brilliantly.

You are NOT going to be on your own forever if you don't want to be.

You're attractive and nice, and even if you have problems seeing it, you're becoming slimmer by the day, from a starting point of not actually being very overweight to start with.

You've just had a real emotional blow with this bloke, but as Chicken said, it's overall a good thing that someone like him isn't in your life because he didn't treat you in the way you deserved; ie- being caring, supportive, consistent and loyal.

It sounds like sometimes you feel very down and low, then you pick yourself up again and feel better. I dunno if it would help at all, but maybe you could accept that you are up and down at the moment- and that when you're down, that's how you're feeling, and go with it, and feel it, but also, an up is on it's way.

Also- do you know who I think was your Guardian Angel yesterday?


You knew you were going to be feeling sad and lonely, so you got out of the house and did something new. Good on you- you were saving yourself. You've got loads of strength in there. I'd love to see you do an assertiveness course at college or something- helping you to say "no" when you want to and also feel more confident about what you want.

Sounds like you want to be happier, less lonely and with a more fulfilling life- I KNOW with your attitude that you can have all that if you'll let yourself believe you're worth it. Cos you ARE!.
Also- I can understand how you can't face food- but at least keep getting the peppermint tea/water down you in volume so you don't become dehydrated.
i cant addd anything more to the too fantastic posts by KateF

every word she said is true

so ill just send a big ole hug and say chin up hun... you WILL feel better
Kati I'm going to sound like a bit of an old nag here but i'm going to risk it! :eek: :rolleyes:

It is very important you have all your packs. The way I see it is this, having ALL the packs ensures that you have all the vitimins and nutrients that your body needs. If you don't get them all then you leave yourself more prone to feeling down or getting ill and what happens when we feel like that? We eat :(

It is so important that you keep yourself in tip top condition at the moment so look on your nutrician as medicine if you have to but make you you have it ;) :)
I have forced a chicken and mushrom soupdown, I thought it must be the blandest one so would be the easiest. I'll have a chocolate one later since it'll be just like a drink.

kate you're right this is just one of the low times and things will get better at some point. I decided some retail therapy was in order so went out to the shos. Now I have on a pair of non stretch size 14 jeans!!!!! theyre very low so will have to wear long tops with them, but size14 yay!!! I looked for some bio oil cos I noticed my skin is looking a bit loose on my legs but didntfind any. I also bought bridget jones diary so I can have a good cry at it and a few magazines (got to go for the ones with freebies one of them is a top which i probably wouldnt have gotten over my head before the diet)

I'm doing this diet because I wanted a new start and a happer me so that s still what I need. I'm going to keep on with it and I will be happy.
Glad to hear you're feeling a tad brighter today, hun! And very well done on getting to Kate's workshop - I was hoping you would when I read about it - that took a lot of courage (I'm not sure I could have done it) so YAY YOU!!!!!

And I'm seconding Chicken's advice - you MUST have the packs, luv - it's incredibly important - so I'm pleased that you've managed to get one down you. Hold your nose and breathe through it if it's tricky.

Also - well done on the skinny jeans - you're doing great, hun!!!!!
Thanks Isobel, I decided I had nothing to lose by going to Kates workshop if I didn't like it when I got there so I thought I might as well give it go. I didn't have a clue what I was doing really so it's a good job we were working in pairs. I found out today tat a friend who lives in scotland must of been going in there about the same time I was leaving but he never told me he was in newcastle! So he was in trouble for not telling me lol I told him he has to come back next saturday and take me out but I dont think he will somehow lol.

I think I've drank so much peppermint tea today I'll burst soon and leak peppermint tea all over the place. Thats what it feels like anyway. You know like in the tom and jerry cartoons or something where someone gets a hole stuck in them and water pours out. thats me today.

I'm going to have a wee to make some room then I'll try a chocolate shake.

I tried some knee high boots on today and they still wont fasten up my legs. they do fasten better than before but still got at least an inch and a half to go. Thats going to take aaages. Maybe it's because I'm short so my calves fatten out lower down than people who are a bit taller. can you get knee high boots for petite people?

I put dirty dancing on the telly and my dog doesn't like it at all, he's just been standing there staring at the telly and barking at it
ok I'm back and I'm bored.

a song to motivate me (you might think its strange or whatever but it works for me)


"Can't Stop Now"

I noticed tonight that the world has been turning
While I've been stuck here dithering around
Though I know I said I'd wait around till you need me
But I have to go, I hate to let you down
But I can't stop now
I've got troubles of my own
Cause I'm short on time
I'm lonely
And I'm too tired to talk

I noticed tonight that the world has been turning
While I've been stuck here withering away
Though I know I said I wouldn't leave you behind
But I have to go, it breaks my heart to say

That I can't stop now
I've got troubles of my own
Cause I'm short on time
I'm lonely
And I'm too tired to talk

To no one back home
I've got troubles of my own
And I can't slow down
For no one in town
And I can't stop now

And I can't slow down
For no one in town
And I can't stop now
For no one

The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running

I love keane, I have their 2nd cd in my car right now. typical that the first line he sang on it on friday when I got in was why'd you lie. Oh well who cares why he lied now I know the truth I need to remember the words to that song and get on with the rest of my life and leave him behind. Don't know what I'll do when my car needs work done now, I'll actually have to take it to garages eeek! I need to find myself another mechanic lol, or a plumber to sort me out a new bathroom or a joiner since I need a new bannister, or just someone rich who will buy me a new car and new house. Yeah I'll go with that one. a rich generous man who likes cleaning up after me and the kids and the dog and cat, who wont pressure me into anything and will be completely faithful and non controlling but not a wimp who I'll walk all over. Whats the chances of finding someone like that? Actually I think I found one who has the potential to be like that he just happens to be moving to wales next week. Now all you welsh ladies reading this don't go off nabbing him I want him to come back for me in one piece lol purely because he just can't find anyone as nice as me (anywhere not just in wales).

I just looked and it's had 1213 views! thats a lot of people reading my diary so I think just so I can see just how often it gets read in a day I might just post up like this how many views it's had every day. I'm just curious. I have nothing against anyone reading it, thats why it's here obviously otherwise I'd have written it somewhere private. Just not that many people reply so I find it weird that so many are reading it.

I know it's probably the drama over the weekend thats probably drawing people to read right now but still, thats my life. I would love it if there was a way to have some entries in here private to myself so I could read it along with everything else but no one else could. I'd probably write a lot more then (I bet you're thinking oh my god can you atually have even more to say? well yes lol lots) I could never keep a paper diary I'd run out of pages too quickly lol.

The Falcons have just been on the news (local rugby team) I didnt realise but 2 of them came into my shop one day and they absolutely loved themselves. They're so obviously used to having women falling at their feet. Urgh. They were good looking blokes (ok still are) but obviously no resect for women, didn't like them at all.

Dirty dancing has finished so the dog has gone to bark at either the cat who is outside or his reflection in the door (he does that a lot or in the fireplace)

ran out of things to say for now but it's only 8 pm so I'm sure I'll be back with more soon
phew I just went to look at how many views it was yesterday then clicked on back and that last ost wasnt there. I'm so glad I dont have to type it all out again.
well twin 1 missed me so much he cried to come home tonight so I just had to go and get him. My ex complimented me on my hair even though I haven't had anythng done to it for at least a couple of months now. So he was obviously looking at me and thinking something is different but he couldn't work out what so he went for the usual thing of hair. My hair is a mess I haven't washed it since yesterday. I dont actually think I've even brushed it toay. eek I've been out shopping without brushing my hair, oops.
hmmm just been talking to my friend who picks me up. I jokingly asked him if he knew any nice single men for me so now he wants to set me up with his wife's brother eek! No idea what he's like. i said he'll probably run a mile as soon as he finds out I've got 3 kids but he's going to mention him to me anyway. double eek! maybe it's too soon after fridays bombshell, or maybe it's just what I need to move on from it. I don't know what to think right now apart from eek! lol
Don't know if I can be bothered with seeing someone now actually cos it would mean I have to actually clean the house all the time (he he he)
em, doesnt the saying go, the best way to get over a man is to get under another?!

Just go for it....if it works, fantastic, if not...who cares?! At least you made an effort!

and I plan on getting a cleaner at some point he he!!
lol well I don't know how quickly I'd be getting under him (is there an embarrassed smiley somewhere?) but good theory. I've never had this kind of thing happen before its very scary. Cant imagine him agreeing to meet me anyway
but if he'll go meet him anyway yeah?! Just enjoy it hun!!and why wouldnt he want to meet you?!! You do have me in stitches at times reading your diary..I would imagine in person you are fantastic to be around!
lol yeah I'd go. and thankyou for the compliment :) I'm actually quite shy and quiet till I get to know peple well, I always think I'm really boring to be honest
well it's 5 am. I've given up on the idea of sleeping tonight it's just not going to happen. I'm too angry to sleep. Angry at him and at myself for putting up with his crap and hanging on so pathetically for so long. There were so many times I was ready to leave that relationship and every time h must have sensed I was feeling that way he did something to make me forget about leaving instantly. God knows what, it seems all so pathetic now. I wish so much he'd let me go, and that I'd kept on going when I thought of it.

6 f***ing months it went on with the latest on, longer with the other. I could say I have no idea what the attraction is to him, but then I do otherwise I wouldn't have fallen for it. What I have realised though is that I got the worst deal out of it all. I got the least respect as far as I can imagine so it's no wonder he doesn't love me. How can anyone love someone so pathetic as to put up with that?

I have lain in bed for 5 hours thinking of this and it has been driving me mad all night. It's been so had to not just pick up my phone and send lots of angry messages, but I think thats worse than doing it drunkenly because I know exactly what I'm saying and doing.

I want him to ask to get back together so I can tell him to f*** off. But thats not going to happen is it. and it's pointless telling him that when he has no intention of ever asking.

I'm just as angry at not getting any sleep tonight as I am at him and at myself. I'll have the kids back tomorrow so can't exactly just go to sleep for a bit if I feel the need.

My head hurts too.

On a brighter note, 11 stone 7 as of 10 minutes ago. Get weighed today though, Isobels scales are much kinder than mine are.

Oh and the dog just decided to have a **** on the rug!!!!

I never swear! just goes to show how angry I am tonight/ this morning/ whatever