My Diary


Maybe the pound is not so impressive, but what IS impressive is that you've lost a whole 5lbs since your sneaky scale hop on Monday! You must be really chuffed with that, I know I would be :D
And we're only half way through June yet, so there's still plenty of time to turn it around! My May was spectacularly crap (2.5lbs off) but we know what we can do when we put our mind to it, and sometimes life just gets in the way!
What with your dental problems and trips to the in-laws, it's impressive enough that you're a pound down, rather than a few up!!

So lets get the job done! Onwards and downwards!!
A x
never mind kitty, there's always July! :)
those too :p
hello sugar!

Hope you are well!

Wooop in the 1lb you lost last week!

Lotsa love

Have had a funny few days (again) I haven't been too bad food wise but haven't been that good either, haven't been posting on my diary either, anyone seeing the connection here? This is my last week of peace and quiet cos the boys finish for the summer, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday and that's them till September so need to get myself sorted. Hope you are all well,
Katie, give Livvy's head a big kiss from me, poor child!

KB x
Have had a funny few days (again) I haven't been too bad food wise but haven't been that good either, haven't been posting on my diary either, anyone seeing the connection here? This is my last week of peace and quiet cos the boys finish for the summer, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday and that's them till September so need to get myself sorted. Hope you are all well,
Katie, give Livvy's head a big kiss from me, poor child!

KB x

Missed this one some how! Thanks hun! Shes better now! Terrified of the naughty corner but that may not be a bad thing ;)


1 off today, somehow or another, not going to knock it though.

KB x

Wooooop! Well done hun! Every little helps an all that!

Hope u have a fab weekend! Good luck for the next 9 weeks! :p

knock knock knock!

Anybody hoooooooooome?
Snap :(

Hope you are ok hunny

Hi KB - just popping in to say hello and send you some positive vibes. I know we're all struggling as much as each other at the moment, but we CAN refocus and get the job done... there's no choice in the matter is there really? Either we get a grip, or we let ourselves drift and undo all the hard work we've already done (which is NOT going to be an option!)
Good luck for the challenge with Katie, I'll await the result with anticipation :D
Hope you're having a good day,
Where are yooouuu? Are you in a vodka induced stupor somewhere, or just avoiding your diary (like I have done recently).
Either way, come back soon, pretty please :)
All of the above. Yet another bad weekend behind me, drink and food including a take away pizza, meat feast no less so you can imagine. Back on the tablets today though and hoping to do well between now and Friday as we are going away on Saturday for a week to Donegal. As this is my summer holiday I have no intention of depriving myself of food or drink for that week and am expecting a huge gain when I get back. Hopefully this week I'll be able to lose whatever I put on at the weekend so I'm starting from where I ended up last week if that makes any sense. It's not easy, my kids are in their second week of summer holidays (only 7 more to go, I know the N. Ireland education system is supposed to be the best in the UK, just think how good it would be if they actually went to school!!) and they eat like it's going out of fashion. It's impossible to fill them and every time they eat I want something too. The difference is they are bingeing on fruit and cereal whereas I want crisps and chocolate...They are skinny and I'm not, now why do you suppose that is?? The upside next week is that we will be spending lots of time walking and being active so I'm hoping that will help a little. Anyway, that's all that's been going on so I need to get my act together this week in preparation for next.

KB x
Hello hun!

Ive had a pooey weekend too! :( But me must do this! We have no choice! R we still doing the K-bling super &lb challenge? DO you think we should start a thread for us to post on to keep us on track for the days we are not camping/holidaying/dating mr V?

Hope you are well hun

lotsa love

I'm still up for it if you are but my hols will get in the way. Anyway that shouldn't matter cos we're in it for the long haul so a week here and there shouldn't matter. I'll start a new thread and we can post daily and egg each other on. (Or hurl abuse, whichever you prefer)

I prefer the latter hehe!

Im not holding out much hope for friday after my weekend of indulgance!

Hope your ok Kb!

im sure you both will be fine. :)
Afternoon all. Weigh in this morning, have put on a pound, no surprise there and I think it will be the first of many this week. We go away tomorrow morning and I have no intention of depriving myself on my only summer holiday. Having said that, I hope not to stuff myself just for the sake of it either but I'll just go with the flow and have what everyone else is having. And never mind visiting, I think Mr V will be moving in for the duration of the week, I'll have to dry out when I get home. The plan is to come back next Saturday,also give myself Sunday to get back in gear, then weigh in Monday (19th) and take it from there. I'm dreading the weigh in already, I can put on an amazing amount of weight in a very short time.
Hope you all have a great week, I may be able to get online briefly and I may not.

KB x