My Diary

PK I've had another look at calories and it seems I had my weight loss goals at 2 per week so have changed that to 1 1/2 and now have 1370 cals to play with.
Alex, I may sound unhinged, may BE unhinged (so might you!!) but it's going to take something to get me back on the straight and narrow so whatever works...
Katie I love the idea of a 100% challenge for June, let's give it a go, and thank YOU for all your support,

KB x
I'm definitely up for the challenge too! I've only got one occasion in June - a night in London on the 20th, so I should be able to shift some poundage as long as I stay focussed the rest of the time.

Let's give it our best shot! We CAN do this!!
Yes, we CAN. I'll drop in during the day to edit this but so far

B-30g Bran Flakes=100

My milk for the day, about 300mls=111 approx, I might have more milk than this as I love loads of milk in coffee but as it is fully skimmed the calorie difference will be negligible.

500mls water so far and a coffee.
1 mile walked to and from school with the bub on his scooter.

Now that's all good but what isn't good is that the tango man has decided to pay a visit (or 2) :eek: this morning. I wasn't sure I was going to make it home from school run on time! :eek::eek: Sorry if that is TMI. The only thing I can trace this to is 2 packets of Walkers crisps on Sunday night so it seems I'm a 36 hour girl because there was nothing yesterday. I'll update later, have a good day everyone

KB x

S Alpen bar=63

L 2 hovis wholemeal=172 spread with
Laughing cow extra light cheese triangle=20
Low fat cheese=80
Tesco baked crisps=105

721 so far leaving 479 or 679 depending on my fitness pal settings!
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that's so funny i've just posted on my diary about being totally focused in June! Maybe there's something in the air....
Keep up the good work KB :)
Good weather and summer fast approaching, Ciara, that's what it is.
My Fitness Pal gives me 1200 calories if I set it for 2 pounds a week loss and 1370 if I set if for 1 1/2 pounds a week loss so I've decided to be flexible and aim for anywhere between the 2 amounts so that I don't get too anal about calorie counting. Hopefully that will work for me. I have also realised just today (!) that I have never counted grams of fat, despite being on Xenical since January so I'm going to have a look at that too.

KB x
If you do your exercise you get more calories ;)
Not too much different with the food today, a total of 1211 cals and 32g of fat. The very weird thing is that the tango man came to visit yesterday and hasn't left yet :eek: Now I had a really bad day on Sunday but still took my tablets so was expecting some punishment but this is now Wednesday evening and I've been 100% since Monday so not sure what's going on. I've never been as bad as this even when I've been hideously bad with food so hope it goes soon.
All well today and so far no tango man. I have had 3 chocolate digestives today, this was a reaction to my car blowing up about 3 miles from home and having to walk back (via the garage to drop the keys in and tell them where it was) so I think I probably walked them off. Weigh day tomorrow, I'm hoping it's good news despite the bad weekend, I've been 100% since then. Have a good day all,

KB x
I'm joining in the bad day category. Not been bad food wise (yet) but I'm not going out for a walk and it's totm :p
1 off this week which doesn't sound like much but I'm pleased enough given the weekend that I had. I'll weigh again on Monday for the end of the month, then it's full steam ahead for June.

KB x
Well done KB, I can understand why you're pleased with that after what sounds like a bit of a mixed week.
I'm glad your visit from the tango man seems to have come to an end. The only thing worse than an expected visit is a surprise one! Especially when it's been a few days since you ate the food in question.

How's the car situation? What a nuisance! I don't blame you for eating the choccie biscuits when you got back :) My only problem is that I wouldn't have stopped at three! I've been known to work my way through a pack of biscuits, dunking each one in my tea until there's no tea left to drink at the end :eek:

Ah well, onwards and downwards. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to 'back to basics June'!
Have a good weekend :D
Thanks, Alex. I'm still waiting to hear from the mechanic, called in with him this morning and he told me "there's no water in it" I didn't like to tell him I already knew this because when I came home yesterday all the water that should have been in the radiator was sitting in the middle of the driveway... Anyway, he needs to investigate further. We only have 1 car because my husband cycles anywhere he needs to be but we really need the car tonight to ferry the children to tennis and to a gaelic match. I'm hoping it will be ready by then but if not hub will have to cycle from work to my parents, leave his bike there, take my Dad's car and drive it home here for us to use. That's fine and we're very lucky to have that option but my Dad's car is the smallest car in the entire world, my husband is 6' 5" and my 12 year old is 6 foot so you can see what the issues might be.
Anyway, enough rambling from me, food good if a little unusual today so far so all is well.
Alex, enjoy your weekend,

KB x
Hey kb! There must have been something in the air Friday! My mum broke down in rush hour at some very busy traffic lights! I ended up pushing it to a safe place in my low heels! Lol not a good look!

Well done on the 1lb off every little helps and all that!

Hope u r well hunny!

Love katie

Sorry about the car

Hope it doesn't cost you a fortune :(
Car is back home with all the water back in the radiator and the cap SCREWED ON PROPERLY this time... Not pointing any fingers >OH< At least he only charged me for the tow so didn't break the bank.
Not a great day yesterday with one thing and another, I seem to lose the plot a little on weigh day but back on track today. I'm looking forward to the June challenge (Thanks for the thread, Katie) for a number of reasons but it's not going to be easy. I really need it to keep me focused as once the end of the month comes I'll have the kids at home. Schools finish much earlier here for the summer than in England so I'll have 9 weeks of them at home and I find it much harder to stay on track with them here. It won't be an easy month, we have a weekend away planned, just to the North coast to see the in-laws but I'll have no control at all over food, and it's always plentiful with plenty of goodies and chocolate. Will just have to do my best and bring Alpen bars!!
No 1 son starts his exams on Tuesday so that won't be easy either. He's a bright spark and should have no problem but it still puts pressure on. Then No 2 son does his grade 1 piano exam on 11th and No 1 son does his grade 4 violin exam on 25th. There's more going on, just can't remember what...
We did get word this week that No 1 son missed qualifying for the British Junior Mathematical Olympiad, by ONE MARK! This does mean we don't have to go off to England for that so that's ok, he'll have to content himself with a gold award. Till next year (he was a year young to do it this year so did especially well) You'd never guess I was a proud Mum now would you?
Ramble over, have a great weekend,

KB x
9 weeks???

I am never moving to Ireland hehehe

Wow you do have so much going off in June! Ive maybe got a night out booked for the 12th but TBH I CBA to go. Were meeting up with a few girls I used to work with when I left school (Was there till I was 19)

That must be gutting for your son bless him how did he take it? You got a right bright spark there havent you! And a musical family! Do you have to sound proof the bedroom walls hehe

Good luck to son no1 for his exmas hun!

Have a fab weekend! U having a date with Mr V??

Thanks, Katie, yes Mr V will be calling shortly...
Son took it quite well, wanted to make it of course but is happy enough with getting the best mark in the school. He puts himself under a lot of pressure to succeed we nearly have to tell him not to work so hard! The other one is quite different...
You have a great weekend and say hi to Mr V for me.

KB x
You sound like you have some pretty talented sons there Kitty :D. I hope your son does well in his exams! And good luck with the summer holidays - if you're out an about a lot then the food won't matter so much maybe?
hello my lil irish friend!

Hope mr v was good to you and you had a fab weekend!

Who won E then?
