Total Solution My Exante journey..

Don't work too hard Womble - and stay strong! :)

....think of that lovely Dubai sunshine, and the new slimmer you enjoying it :D
Well done on being so good over the weekend at your in-laws :)

Don't work too hard. I'm back at the work today too.
Sadie hope you didn't have too tough a day at work yesterday. I must admit, it was good for me to be in the office. I run my own company and I only ever really get things done on days when the phone is not ringing, or when I'm not out meeting with clients. I was just a bit foolish last week and forgot that there were going to be 2 4-day weeks, and so the deadlines I set myself with my clients were totally unrealistic. But luckily a day sat at the desk yesterday has got me back on track!

I was naughty this morning and had a sneaky peek at the scales. Showing flat from last week :banghead:. Admittedly it is my TOTM and I do retain water, so not going to beat myself up too much about it. But am probably going to exercise my butt off tonight in the hope to get at least a small loss on my official weigh in tomorrow.

On a brighter note, my cleaner noticed my weight loss this morning, so that made me happy. She's always doing really faddy diets (I remember one month she ate nothing but yoghurt??!?) so she was really interested in Exante - think I might have convinced her to give it a try too!
TOTM is crap isn't it! Good for for tomorrow. Sounds like you've had a productive few days!
Sadie hope you didn't have too tough a day at work yesterday

Everyday is a busy one at the moment. Although I spent yesterday working from home, but was not as productive as I'd hoped as "home" was at my Dad's. Back to my usual routine now.

I'm sure it is just a TOTM blip - don't overdo it at the gym :)
OK, so lost 1.5lbs for the week. Not my best, but I'll take that given at my last TOTM I only lost 0.5lb.

Just came back from hairdresser where I had a whopping 8 inches chopped off my locks (wouldn't it be nice if it was that simple to ditch 8 inches from your waistline!!). Decided to update my look a bit, and went for a 'long bob' (AKA 'lob' apparently). Am really pleased with the result but now I can't focus on work as I'm too busy playing with my new hair :)

PT session was a bit brutal this morning. But I am going to struggle to get time to go to the gym this week (or cycle to the office) as I have work meetings every day... From next week though I've signed up to a Zumba class once a week. My au pair runs them and it felt rude not to sign up for one!
A good loss Womble :)
Well done! 23lb in 6 weeks is great!!
Thanks guys. I know I'm in this for the long haul (think it will take me pretty much most of the year to get to my ideal weight, or close to it), so I'll take each loss that comes my way. Usually I've quit after just 4 weeks of any diet, so I feel like I'm doing well even if my losses aren't as big as they should be.

Just sat in a 2 hour meeting with 8 male clients. All of whom I see on a regular basis (some as recently as Tuesday this week). NOT A SINGLE ONE noticed that I'd chopped all my hair off!!!!! typical. Managed to give an excuse not to go for lunch with them after the meeting, instead had a jam / yoghurt bar on the tube on the way back to the office. Delish.
Hair sounds lovely, it's nice to have a change! Wonder how much it weighed lol! X
Typical blokes hey!! Who long as it makes you happy and feel good.
TOTM is rubbish so great work on your loss this week.

The cleaners yogurt diet sounds boring, im not a huge yogurt fan. That me good if she does exante as you can do swaps. I have a pile building up of the ones I dont like, so would be fab to swap them lol
That's a good idea Sarah re swaps!! Maybe we should start a thread?
Not sure we are "allowed" to do that! But knowing what each other likes/doesn't like is a start.

We can PM each other, actually can we PM each other?
Hair sounds lovely, it's nice to have a change! Wonder how much it weighed lol! X

ha ha, that's exactly what I thought when I saw it all sitting on the floor :)

Must be honest that apart from the tomato soup, I haven't found anything so far that has tasted really offensive to me (probably why I'm fat in the first place, everything always tastes delicious)! I tried the breakfast eggs for dinner last night, with half a chicken breast as was just so hungry. Really strange, as when cooked 'omelette' style, they are exactly the same consistency as the pancakes! It felt like having a proper dinner (meaning I had to use a knife and fork, rather than a teaspoon) so was very happy.
I have chicken if I need it it makes a difference I think, I had a chicken kebab last night with salad and I'm still stuffed now. Didn't have much really as I was full quickly and here was I worrying that I would be starving today! How's your day? Has anyone noticed your hair yet?! X
Ha ha - I am reduced to eating my meals with a teaspoon!

Hope your new hair gets comments. Hopefully hubby has noticed! I have to admit that as a child I never noticed when my Dad shaved off his mustache, or when he grew it back. What was worse however was my mother never noticed!
Morning everyone. Hope you all had lovely weekends. I totally fell off the Exante wagon again... something about weekends just isn't working for me. To be honest, I was sick as a dog all weekend - I was coughing every night and averaging about 3 hours sleep a day. And when I'm hungry, I eat. It's terrible.

But don't know if I'm just using 'feeling unwell' as an excuse for eating at the weekends. I must get this sorted as I know it's eroding lots of the hard work I do during the week. Anyone have any tips on how to avoid temptation at the weekends? We are usually out the house most of the time but always tend to go home for lunch / dinner as my son has sensory needs and will only eat at home - we absolutely have to put his needs first, but it's when I'm feeding him that I battle with the cravings. Always really bad carby cravings. I'd love to get rid of all the carby snacks in the house, but unfortunately I can't as sometimes they are the only things that my son will eat so we have to have them on hand - it's like torture!

Wondering whether to try some hypnotherapy to control these cravings... has anyone tried it?