My fairy......The big fat liar!

I got my L carnitine off the web yesterday. tesco/asda etc do co q 10 :D
Maybe you could try increasing your greens up from 10 to 15g of carbs? I know it says between 12 and 15 in the book, but if you aim for the top end of this it might kick start weight loss?

Thanks Maxie but then that doesnt leave me a lot of room for an oopsie or a mim:(. Im going to try the water 1st and if no change in a few days then i will try what you are suggesting.
No its normal malt vinegar. Ive already managed to drink 2.5litres and the taste in my mouth has become awful normally sf chewing gum takes it away but its not working and is making me feel sick
Oh cheer up hunni, you sound really down and fed up :sigh:

It will come off, you're probably just on one of those darned stalls! And if your clothes are looser, I really wouldn't worry too much xx :sign0168:
Sounds like ketosis to me Cheryl.
What do you mean Jim? :confused: Confussed!
Nasty taste in the mouth Caz.
Oh! Yup, I've had that but it seems to be almost gone now - is that bad? :confused: Should I still have it LOL?
erm.... We were talking about Cheryl? and no the bad breath and stuff only lasted a few weeks for me Caz.
When I looked at the packets of sugar free gum it was high in carbs! Maybe that's your problem?
I used to live on sugar free polos because I'm a hairdresser & always worried about bad/coffee breath.
When I started this diet I checked the packet. Wait for it......88g of carbs per fecking tube & I had 1/2 a tube a day!!! More than 2 days worth of carbs in polos GRRRRRR & that's the sugar free ones.
I've stuck with the dodgy breath instead now :D
Sharon, are you getting confused with polyols? SF chewing gum is OK, I used to eat loads of it.
That's good then, I'll have another look at the SF gum. I have know doubt about the SF polos though. It was heartbreaking ;)
I bet love.
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I still have to odd 1 or 2 now. Didnt really think about it!

Oh bugger!

Woofy x
LOL, they are pure evil Woof. I just found 1/2 a packet in a handbag I hadn't used for a while :O They will be stamped on & thrown as far as I can ;)