Cups of tea sound like small steps Jim which is good. Thinking of you guys. x
Oh yes thats good. if he is drinking??? how long till they decide re home/hospice Jim?

I've no idea love. Hopefully not until the new year, this may sound selfish, but I don't want him home for Christmas.
I've just heard from Colleen he's having a mental health assessment now, they are worried as he is so confused and doesn't seem to know where he is, they suspect onset alzhemiers she says. Fingers crossed.
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Yes me too. they seem to have fannied on for long enough x
I've just heard from Colleen he's having a mental health assessment now, they are worried as he is so confused and doesn't seem to know where he is, they suspect onset alzhemiers she says. Fingers crossed.

Sometimes it's not until they have given something a label that they actually DO anything. Hope this is the start of some action !!
hmmm, well, they are still saying it's a urinary infection and that even with the drip he's still not getting enough liquid. :sigh: I am so fed up with this, it seems to me that no one is prepared to make a bloody decision.
I'm so pissed off Linz. :(
Oh Jim. they have said urinary infection for bloomin ages. you need to speak to social worker and shout Jim.
Oh we are Vicky, she seems to think we are the wicked witches and just want him put down or something.
Oh FFS. whats the betting they take him home for xmas.
I know, it scares the **** out of us love. :(
are you going to have to go visiting xmas day at hospital if not?
Not Christmas day no Vicky, too busy with feeding everyone, we'll go tomorrow and boxing day love.