My fishy week!

Hi Jack D

Sorry to hear your unwell - get better soon.:(


Weighed in this morning, lost 2lbs - which Im pleased with, but thought after fishy week it'd be more - so Im not going to continue with it
Well, I managed to lose 1 lb, but I am determind to give it another week, lets hope all that walking pays off next week!!
Well done Nikkiruth! Glad you were rewarded with a loss - you deserve it x
im on my final day of fishy week i got on scales.......1lb!!!

boo hoo i thought id get more than that ive lost less then id normally do:(

right big fat steak for me 2nite!!!
Yay! Just had WI and I've lost 3lbs! I'm so pleased!!! After the rubbish few weeks I've had, a fresh start was all I needed!

Thanks again Snuggle! Fishy week has definitely made me want to up the amount of fish I eat!
Fish really does rock, I think its one of those things that until you start eating a lot of it you dont remember how nice it can be.
Right, Fish week is officially at an end, I am having something that isnt fish tonight.

My total loss for the 10 days I was doing "fish week" was... 9.5 lb.

Ive had a couple of fish meals and a really naughty weekend and still managed to lose 1lb!! First time ever!! I went to farmfoods and got lots and lots of fish so going to try and get a few more in this week!!

MASSIVE thanks to Snuggles you've given so many of us a boost huni, well done you!! xx
Wow MLM thats brilliant so glad it was successful for you as well. Enjoy something different now but I know for certain that whenever a boost is needed fish is the way forward x
WOW well done MLM

I had my 7th day of fishy week today and have to say i didn't enjoy it. Had the sardines from aldi and they had way too many bones in for me.

I was going to try for two more days of fishy meals but tonight feeling like I may have a break and have some quorn for one of my meals. Will see how i feel tomorrow.

(also see what my home scales say LOL)
First ever post but I'm so inspired by all this. I'm really not a fish fan but I had whiting for my dinner and I'm going to hit the fish counter big time tomorrow morning. WI tomorrow evening so going to try and have as much fish as I possibly can! Was really good all week but think I blew it with drink over the weekend! Need 3 and 1/2 to get under 11stone, thats my first mini goal! Well done to everyone with the fantastic losses!
hello and welcome bananarama and welcome to our world!! good luck x
Thanks snuggle, you must feel absolutely amazing after all your success! Way in tonight and I can't wait, I'm just so up for it at the minute, hope my motivation lasts!
am I right in thinking we are due Snuggles' fishy week 3 WI ?? My WI is tomorrow having done 2 weeks of fish, I think I will go back to red and green days after this WI.
I lost 5.5 on my fishy week. I won't be doing a whole week again but will try and include more fish in red weeks.:)
I tried a fishy week last week but it went downhill...and this week so far i've been SO from tomorrow I am having a fishy week and a half with the exception of Saturday. Bring on the fish!!!! Thanks Snuggle :) been reading this thread and have lots of great food ideas and it's given me some motivation to get back on plan :) xx