Attack My heads a mess! Need some advise!!!

The turkey seems high salt to me but I cannot remember what it was that I ate. I tried to stay away from prepared slices but they were great in a pinch. You would be better, if you could, to make your own by cooking up some chicken or turkey and eating that. You could be assured they were Dukan friendly then. I used to marinate mine in the plain yoghurt with some curry powder or some gram masala and bake them in the oven. Really tasty. What ever herbs you like. Dukan is basically trying to get back to the basics and adjust your pallete to 'proper' food. I was surprised at how little protein I used to eat before this diet.

Get some chicken pieces and just bake them and eat them without the skin. Butchers often do a really good deal on them and then the rest of the family can eat it too with all the veggies and potatoes.

Stick with it, it will work.

I will stay clear of it and see how I get on. Just need to get organised but can always roast chicken in the evening once kids are home etc!

Because I was so disappointed I have just binged on rubbish, sweets, biscuits etc and feel sick and annoyed with myself as I was having a good day until I got on the scales. Tonight I'm having homemade Dukan tandoori chicken and tomorrow will start again.

I need to stop punishing myself when things don't go to plan. In fact I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow then not again for a week. Will do another 2 days of attack taking my total to 5 not including today and see what happens!

Thanks for your advise, I can do this and will!
It is a vicious cycle and one we women are very good at. Whenever I felt the need to eat for no reason other than I had a picky head on, I would put a few tablespoons of plain yoghurt in a ramekin and eat that. It was usually enough time for me to get my head straight again and not do the damage and I would be surprisingly satsified by the yoghurt. Then I could be doubley happy with myself for not succumbing and sticking with the diet.

You need to weigh yourself when it helps you. For me I needed the daily weighing as I found that doing weekly meant, to me, that I almost gave myself a pass to eat anything I wanted as I couldn't see the scales. For others seeing the weight not change or even go up a bit was enough to set them off to self destruction. You need to do what suits your personality.

Set yourself a mini goal. For example set the goal of the next 2 days you are going to do attack, stick to it religiously. At the end of that 2 days, treat yourself. Maybe a movie you want to watch, paint your nails, whatever it is that would be a treat for yourself. Then set yourself another mini goal. Each and every time you do a goal, pat yourself on the back and smile inside that you did it!
I'm setting exactly that goal! I am going to stick to attack religiously for 2 days and as a treat I will go to the gym. After my swim I will go in the sauna and not rush! -allowing me some me time!

It's my birthday on Tuesday and I don't want to spend another year hating myself and thinking about food constantly!

Even though I haven't lost anything and not done it 100% correct (not intentionally) I feel so much better for not eating carbs! Need to exercise more and hopefully that will help.

Thanks so much for your help. I wish I was one of those ladies who could start a diet and finish it without any hassle or stressing about it but I'm me and that's something I need to work on and appreciate :)
I have struggled with loosing weight for years. I have an underactive thyroid and have had to under eat for years to just stay the same. Since doing this diet it seems to have kick started my metabolism somehow. To be honest just grateful it has. I needed a diet with very strict rules which is why I was attracted to this one and I also wanted to diet once only as I didn't want my 3 year old to see me dieting on and off for years and get a poor body image herself. So I guess part of me didn't just do it for me, I did it for my little girl, far more powerful. It did confuse her in the beginning, me saying no thank you to all the lovely things she wanted to share with me. I told her I was on a health diet as she knows I have been very poorly. Every time I stepped on the scale she asked me if I was healthy and I would say nearly. Now, because it has been 7 weeks already since I finished, she has forgotten that I was on the health diet and I am just this way now.

If you go on the Dukan site it gives you a timescale for how long it will take. Set this as your goal and imagine that by xxx you will be happy with your weight. I did not believe it was possible and I wish I had done this diet years ago instead of beating myself up every time I started 'being good' and fell at the first hurdle.

Good luck with the next couple of days. Come onto the board whenever you feel the need to go off diet and speak to the lovely ladies on here, they will make you feel better than biscuits ever will.
Thanks Poppy03 for being so honest about your weight loss, I feel human and that also means I'm not perfect

Luckily tomorrow is another day and I can start afresh, going to give myself 2 more days on attack then switch to cruise as I'm having transit issues To add to my problems.

I need to reprogram me my brain and realise that eating biscuits or non dukan food will not take away the feelings of stress/boredom/anger it will only make me feel worse and it doesn't help my cause!

I am going on holiday in 6 weeks and would like to be another stone lighter !

The time has definitely come to stop thinking and talking about it and get on with it!

Hope you have a good day tomorrow, will definitely be in touch
Need a crack of my whip?

I'd advise you reread our FAQs...

Good luck!
Hi soontobefatfree

I'm a newbie and just started the Dukan today. I just wanted to say I really admire what you have done so far (losing 15lb is a great acheivement) and your honesty in your difficulties has certainly struck a cord with me.

I too (for any excuse) have a tendancy to reach for biscuits / chocolate / anything sweet. In the end, I've had to resort to not buying them, or having biscuits in the house that I don't like (like hob nobs). I love Jaffa Cakes and could demolish a packet in one sitting - so I don't buy them - EVER! The quick thrill I feel after eating them is followed by days of feeling disappointed with myself, regret, hatred of my lack of self control.

It's also really hard when you are feeling as though you are depriving yourself of things you love, only to not have any weight loss. It's tough - very tough, and totally understandable to reach for the goodies - we're human after all!

I think the only thing I can suggest is knowing the quick fix 'high' you will feel from eating a biscuit / chocolate will be followed by a long 'low' of disappointment - so don't set yourself up for the fall. Doesn't always work, but sometimes it helps.

I think the fact you are doing exercise too is great. After a little bit of weight loss I started running. Never ran in my life and could only run for 30 seconds before feeling out of breath. 1 year on, I've completed 3 half marathons and doing my first marathon next month. You've just got to believe you can do it - be patient, take your time, and if you stumble/fall off the wagon - don't scrap it all together. Just get back on and start where you left off.

Anyway - just wanted to say think you're doing brilliantly. You did great with your inital weightloss, and haven't given up even though nothing is happening at the moment. Great strength of character. Well done :)

My husbands illness means that I am responsible for all aspects of our family life (have 2 children under 4) and I work. I am not asking for sympathy, there are 10,000s of people who have it so much harder than me and I am not one to wallow in self pity, just food!

I hope everything is going well with you today.

I just wanted to add that it I believe you should allow yourself to admit that you really are going through some tough times at the moment - holding a home together with two small children, work and an illnessness in the family is not a bed of roses, and it sounds as if you are doing a wonderful job right now. I admire you immensely - you deserve to be well and happy.

Let yourself know that your happiness and health is every bit as important as the happiness and health of your loved ones. Putting the family first does not have to mean putting yourself last.
Thank you for your kind words cu73 and altrops.

I've had a rubbish day today but have kept it together food wise and not binged on anything none Dukan which is definitely an improvement! I even opened the biscuit cupboard (got kids so there's always something that could tempt me) and closed it again as I knew it would make me feel terrible if I ate something. So I ate a 0% yoghurt with some lemon flavouring and that made the destructive mood lift!

I am a swimmer by default, love it, good at it and find it good for my mental health too as it enables me to sort out any problems and allows me to have some me time!

I would love to run, really don't think I can although I have downloaded an app that says it can help and tonight I intend to do my first run! Only going round the block but it's a start. Would love to run a marathon but need to take it a step at a time.

Times are harder than I would like but that's my life. I am so lucky in other ways, 2 beautiful healthy boys and a home to call our own. Life throws obstacles in out way and it's how we get over them which shapes who we are!

Let's just hope that person is slimmer as well as mentally strong ?
Really good that you stopped yourself, secret smile inside when you put them back? Are you going to weigh yourself tomorrow and see if anything has moved?
Definitely a secret smile ?

Might weigh myself tomorrow morning to see how the scales look, unfortunately didn't go for my run as husband still at work and kids asleep in bed!

Tomorrow is a must!
How are you getting on today? Managed your run?
Well done on closing that biscuit cupboard door. I bought a CBT book and, although I've not got very far into it, one thing I read which has stuck firmly in my mind is this:

- each time we say "no" to temptation, we are strengthening our RESISTANCE muscle, and it becomes progressively easier to use;

- each time we say "yes" to temptation, it becomes that much easier the next time to cede also.

I've found this to be true for me. That first little often insignificant thing which passes our lips which oughtn't makes the next bigger lapse far closer.

You're doing brilliantly and this is one part of our lives we can have total control over, when other things are spinning around us.

Keep it up!
Poppy03 no run unfortunately as husband got home very late from work!

Didn't eat everything in sight but did have some stewed rhubarb as having major transit issues!

Yesterday didn't go to plan but back on it today and focused which is the most important thing. Husband working late again tonight so no run for me :-(
Hope you had a better day yesterday, I wonder if it is time to go to cruise. I don't know what others might say but I am thinking that you have done attack on and off for a bit now and that cruise just might help you stay more on track. You probably need some veggies if you are having transit issues.
Thanks Poppy03, things at home are really messy but am making an effort not to eat carbs and biscuits!

Definitely need vegetables and had tandoori cod, asparagus, tomatoes and mushrooms for lunch which should help?!

Will definitely be able to do some exercise over the weekend so should be ok, I hope!

I find it very hard when things are spirally out of control elsewhere ?
Good idea Poppy... get some veggies in you STBFF... :D