My life is as good as an ABBA song!

My lovely lovelies, I've been absent and I've missed all of you. Writing this on a new tablet so don't know how it'll look but just been so sad lately, can't get back in the swing of normal life, hopefully this will pass soon. I managed to binge greatly fo a few weeks but these last few have been better, no major eating fests and nothing awful on the menu. I've wanted to restart dukan the last 2 weeks but it just hasn't worked out so planning it for next Monday. Hope to become part of the crew again and read about everyone soon. Thank you all for your thoughts, I defo miss all of you :)
Helloooo,,aww time to focus going forward and what will be not what has been methinks. <<<HUGS>>> Start getting ur head in the zone by planning what new things u will try and what u will have ready made to snack/munch on. A nice list of what u need to get ready for monday and some pamper time before hand, face pack,nails, toes etc Find a positive each day and go for it!! See u on the dukan bus on monday xx
u will, only thing stopping u is u, go for it, dont over think it, relax, plan and shop then sit back and know u are in control of ur eating and choices u make foodwise, then the scales will show how all that has paid off. There is never a good time to start just gotta go for it xx
helo stranger we have missed you. Deep breaths and find that motivation were all hear for you so bum up heads down on monday and good luck renata xxx
Love you all and thank you all, don't you just hate that 'weltschmerz' feeling??? I think I'm getting over it, in any case just got bombarded with work so I'll be busy for at least 4 or 5 days so I won't have time for any food orgies or other mad thoughts and hopefully I can do the shop on Sunday and get all ready, I've even bought a tefal table grill (it's George Foremanesque, they just don't sell George's stuff here) to cook the breasts of all those chickens who'll have to be sacrificed for my wellbeing :) Sorry chickens everywhere! One day the human race will pay :) Anyway, thank you all but it looks as tho I won't be catching up until next week. At least I'll be making some cash to pay for my protein diet!
So, bum up, heads down and a hardy har har to you my gorgeous P :), hoist the colours!! And lotto we have yet to finish our twinhood :)
Arr, haven't been able to restart yet! First I was deathly ill, had some sort of flu and couldn't get out of bed for 4 days :( Then more work poured in and I was burning the midnight oil, I literally worked a few nights until nearly 3am when I wasn't quite well yet. I know, I know, these sound like excuses (they do to me too) but I figured it would be pointless to restart without a solid plan and I had no time to make out any plan, let alone a solid one :)

Now I'm wondering if it's at all wise to restart this close to the holidays. Were I just staying at home it wouldn't be a problem but there are 2 days at Christmas when I'll be a guest of the bf's mother and I know for a fact there is nothing even remotely Dukan friendly there, I mean not even a sad head of lettuce. So short of bringing my own food (rude and out of the question) I'd have no chance. I need to get back soon tho, my bottomless pit of a stomach is expanding on a weekly basis :(
Dr Dukan recommends that this is a bad time to start Dukan and to wait till the new year....but I disagree even doing a conso till the new year puts up a slight barrier to not overindulging and you could find coso doable??? great to hear from you xxx
I agree with Dukan where newbies are concerned (cos I think it takes a lot of courage to start out and if it's doomed to failure with Christmas looming, it'll never be easy to restart again in January with the same ooomph) BUT, where restarters are concerned (ahem, myself included), I'd say to go for it. Sididd's suggestion to do Conso, rather, is great because there are guidelines to follow at least and you'll be cutting calories that way too.

Why not give it a go? Remember to plan your meals in advance and always have food for the day with you at work in case you have to stay late... you can always have it for lunch the next day if, joy of joys, you get to go home at a reasonable hour!

Good luck!

PS - I also advise a weigh in, and reset of stats... some prefer leaving their previous low weights on their stats but I find seeing graphic evidence of where I've allowed myself to get helps!
At the risk of rocking the boat, I say wait until new year CG.

Enjoy your Christmas and then start afresh in January when there are fewer excuses to slip up/come off plan/oh sod it! :D

Whichever you choose, Renata, it's good to see you :D

P x
Well, it never occurred to me to do conso, I suppose because I never got to conso and I haven't even read that part of the book :) May give that a read when I scoot off to bed tonight because at the rate I'm going I wouldn't be surprised if I gained another 15-20 pounds by the end of the year! Maybe if I just did PV everyday with 1 piece of fruit??? Something structured is definitely what I need, without it my eating just becomes a free for all. I can go for days being good and then it's like the devil gets into me and I eat and eat, I'd like to say I eat until I'm sick but that doesn't seem to happen, I'm never full and never sick. It's scary! It's like I'm missing that full trigger normal people have. They say eat slowly until you feel full but I can eat slow or fast, it's all the same - I never feel full. I'm pretty sure a lot of my eating is out of boredom so I need to come up with something to keep my face out of the fridge!
Well girlies, I've decided to wait until the new year to get back on the dukan wagon. I am just finding it too stressful to even think about doing any sort of version of it this close to the holidays, but mainly I don't want to have a false start as that may discourage me when I want to get back on for real. So for now it'll be eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we diet!!:)
Renata, your minds made up so enjoy your food and drink and have a fantastic happy Christmas...............but on January 1st we expect you back on hear posting menus daily and dropping those lbs in 2013 xxx