My metamorphosis log - final stage

Fly back onto the boards, Butterfly, and let us know you are OK. Hugs.

Dearest Butterfly, you are so hard on yourself. I hope you are alright.
I want to maintain my weight but I will also have days where I eat too much or eat junk but from one shift worker to another, i will get there.
You will too :) x
Come back Butterfly. xx
Cheers all. Had another minor blip again. Well, maybe not so minor but not going to worry about it. As long as we don't stop trying, right? I even avoided going to see my CDC as i was too embarrassed! I know thats silly, but i just want to start moving down again before i go back. I have enough CD stuff to see me through anyway. So head up, deep breath and i am jumping back on that wagon with you all......again...!
Have just read back at a few weeks ago at that mini spell of self control i felt so good. Trying to keep that in mind when naughty food starts beckoning. At least so much has beckoned to me and won, i actually have little left to be naughty with now! Evil chocolate biscuits. Also discovered food doctor spelt crackers, which are 'ok', but not with cheese and chutney.....:eek:!!
At work at the moment on a night shift. Getting so p'd off with lazy, 'know it all' colleagues who are quite prepared to sit back and moan about things but never take any initiative to do anything about it. Yet will happily watch me run around like a loon. I really ought to get more firm in trying to lead the team, but i always struggle with this a bit. Easier said than done. Off to tackle another project..... at least it keeps me away from the others with the mood i'm in. Have just discovered a useless ward manager failed to book me in for the extra shift i had agreed to do tonight, so now i don't have the shift and it has been filled by agency at even more cost than myself. Enough whinging. It is going to be a good diet day! xx
Hi again, Thanks LC. I do recall reading it i think, and my sensible head agrees. After so long dieting or being loss focused its easy to forget what normal eating is like.... especially when my version of normal eating pre-cd was not so normal. Trying to learn to accept my choices, even when they are not as 'healthy' as i would like. Would be better if i could move towards any 'cheats' on healthier stuff, i'd be happier, its still the carb laden junk that i lean towards. Will keep plodding on though, because i am determined to ensure i do alter my general intake from what it has been all my life. I have spent ages reading around low GI, and when i am on higher plans have loved the food, so would dearly love to learn to embrace that style of eating as a norm. Time, practice and will happen.
Funnily enough, as so many people i know have commented on my loss when i haven't seen hem for ages, it has often led to quite frank discussions about our rubbish eating habits. Hardly anyone, even skinnies, doesn't seem to experience the same type of binges, maybe on different scales, but it has been an eye-opener.
Sorry not around much, have the odd chance to read, but limited on time at the moment to post. Have been grabbing extra shifts and generally been busy.
Diet wise, back on track-ish, not counting the few choccys earlier! But its better than it was. Scales are moving down at last. need more hrs in the day to start to try to fit in exercise, but to be honest by the time i stop running around, i just don't want to. As i aam working more, making very concerted effort to have really good quality child time, which has been lovely. House cleaning gone down the pan, but after we have crafted, glued, stuck, cut and painted its hardly worth even bothering to hoover as you have to do it all again after my daughter has done her artists impression in the dining room.
Hope everyone is doing well, seems the wagon is still largely going strong. Keep it up, hope to catch up soon xx
Wow, what a positive post, definately inspiration for me.... good luck with changing your eating habits, I am sure if we binge most of us binge on junk food.....
You're doing fab Butterfly... keep on keeping on!

Funnily enough, as so many people i know have commented on my loss when i haven't seen hem for ages, it has often led to quite frank discussions about our rubbish eating habits. Hardly anyone, even skinnies, doesn't seem to experience the same type of binges, maybe on different scales, but it has been an eye-opener.

Do you know I was wanting to ask friends as well about this, but when I thought about the people I could ask, there weren't that many who don't ever seem to have had a weight problem of some sort.

One truly slender friend had no sense of smell, after an accident years ago and so never really wants to eat much anyway and several of the others watch their weight carefully, even though they have never got fat it's all about control and low fat everything which tastes like nothing should taste to me. Come to think of it, it's probably the answer, her food is so revolting I wouldn't eat much of it either!
Another dear friend was anorexic as a teenager and is now so controlling around everything, but particularly food, that I dread her coming here for a meal. Even when we go away and have a meal, she makes such a palava about food, including when we are eating out, special instructions to the waiter - no fat, no carbs - that it spoils it all for the rest of us. The feel of feasting and celebration is well and truly flattened and the rest of us eating a normal meal are made to feel gluttonous. Everything we put into our mouths is remarked upon all the time, she makes a performance of even eating a clementine slowly and then rubbing her tummy and saying she couldn't eat another thing, she's so full....
Actually of course she still is anorexic isn't she?

Sorry Butterfly, rambling and ranting here!! I'll keep asking though where I can. :)
So sad for your friend Bess...

Butterfly, well done for getting back on track.
Hope you are ok Butterfly, you've been away a long time?
Echoing Bess, hope you are OK hun... we miss you...

A wave and a hug from me too x
Hi all,
Sorry for my absence again......seem to be saying this a lot recently. Its lovely of you all to still say hello when i am being a bit useless! Had a hectic time and I'm afraid CD has gone out of the window. No real 'plan' being followed. Eating a bit irratic, the odd meal / snack / binge, but as long as i don't gain (too much) i'm not too bothered.
DD has been poorly again, picked up the cold sore virus for the first ever time, which presents as blisters and inflammation inside the mouth and is very painful, so had hands full giving lots of tlc. Then my Nan, who is a fantastic 74 yr old has been unwell. She has been undergoing investigations for 4months for various problems. Went to see consultant on Tue. to discover she has an aggressive form of non-hodgkins lymphoma (cancer within lymphatic system), they admitted her straight away and will likely be starting chemotherapy today. Its got a reasonable prognosis as far as cancers go, still waiting for rest of tests to come together to see if there's any spread, so they can give any prognosis indication. My Nan is an amazing woman, very matter of fact, no good crying over spilt milk, sort of woman. She saw my mother sail through chemo with hardly any side effects so i think thats helping, but i fear that this response will be less likely to be the case with my Nan. Trying to adopt Nans attitude and stay positive but have been gutted. Made difficult by the fact that there is no visiting at the hospital, due to norovirus outbreak. Just want to give her a cudddle!
Have also been working extra hrs, so very little free time left, at least any that is truly 'free'.
I know i should not use this an an excuse to go off plan, life is full of such problems, but i just cannot be bothered at the moment. I know i will regret this in the future, but just not quite enough today to get my butt into gear. I will start agin before long.... not going to let it drag on too long. Hope everyone is well anyway. Will read up when i can. Off to bed soon after a night shift. xx
Lorna, so glad to hear from you, but so very sorry to hear of your family's health problems. I hope your little girl is getting better now and that the outcome for your Grandmother is as good as it can be.

Well done for not going off the rails with your eating, you are doing very well, but really at a time like this weight loss diets aren't very important. Thinking of you and sending all good wishes for your Grandma. xx
Butterfly, big hugs. Can totally understand why CD is not a priority right now. Food fades right into the background at times like this, so don't be hard on yourself - as Bess says, you are doing well in spite of it all. Hope your daughter is all better soon, and sending good wishes to your nan... this must be such a worry, but once you can see her and pass on that cuddle you will feel better I hope. My mum battled cancer when she was in her 70s and came through fighting, still going strong (ish!) now in her 80s. You'd do anything for them not to have to go through it, but people are stronger than we think. Hang on in there honey, and keep posting whether you are on that wagon or not - we care about you, and we'll help if we can.

Butterfly, sorry things are really difficult for you just now. Hope your daughter is on the mend soon and everything goes ok for your Gran, she sounds like a strong lady. Take care. :hug99:
How's things Butterfly? Just wondering how you are. x