evening! how's your day been?

Hi Aaliyah, not been a bad day!! Wet and miserable perfect weather for a great big salad (??) i must be mad lol... How are you doing?

im ok thanks just watching what i eat at the mo. ill find out monday if doc will giv me xenical

I cant see any reason why your doctor wont let you try the tablets. Do you have much to lose?
Rachgleeson said:
Hi Aaliyah, not been a bad day!! Wet and miserable perfect weather for a great big salad (??) i must be mad lol... How are you doing?

I cant see any reason why your doctor wont let you try the tablets. Do you have much to lose?

i have 4 stones to lose but im 5 7 in height so that might go against me :-(
Hi Aaliyah, I'm pretty much the same as you, I'm 5'7 and with my starting weight it was roughly 4 stone I needed to lose, my doctor didn't hesitate to give me them so I'm sure you won't have a problem! Best of luck :)
Not really wrote on here properly for a few days.. Everything has been going good though. no slip ups, so i'm pretty made up with myself. The food is going really well, found i could have meatballs which is great as they are so filling. Filling up on plenty of salads too, yes salad even in this cold weather but i am really enjoying them!! Whats great to go with the salad is caramelised onion chutney, yummy and not much fat!! Done 15 minutes on my abs pro sit up thing tonight, i know its not much but its better than nothing. I am really going to start increasing my exercise from next week as i know i am not doing enough!! Also my knee is much better now, so just hope it doesnt give out on me again!! Going to get my exercise bike sorted for next week, which means moving my clothes off it :eek: lol!! Hope everyone else is doing well and sticking at it!! :)
well done on no slip ups :D i enjoy salads too but its finding stuff to fill it out too. all i do exercise wise is a 10 minute walk around the house each evening as got terrible knees so need to take it easy to start with
I know how you feel not being able to get the exercise done, it does make it hard!! I have cottage cheese with my salad, and some slices of turkey!! I dont eat bread but you could add a slice of brown bread to it or toast a piece and cut it into little squares to make croutons!!
wonder if tuna would be ok. will have to look at the label lol love the sound of turkey ham but not cottage cheese lol addicted to pink and white jammies at the moment
i just had a slip :break_diet: just had a sausage sandwich :( so angry with myself :flamingmad: thou cause i missed my breakfast tablet i took one with it now so it was my 3 in 24 hours. do you think that was ok?
in my defence they were eat smart ones and in the 5g per 100g rule and i did grill them but still angry at myself as to me a sausage sandwich is dinner not a late night snack. think its cause i know my nans anniversary is coming up. need to be strong and not let nan down
thanks hun :) just know that late night heavy snacks are very naughty
Rachgleeson said:
Not since yesterday Anika!! Hows things with you? :)

im ok just been having stomach problems from the pain killers doc gave me for my back pain. his changed em but stomach isnt settling so im taking a break for few days. hows ur weight loss goin rach