My Pro Points/Simply filling diary :)

Good evening all, sorry I've not been about, it's fair to say I've had a week off plan, but have been celebrating the end of 1st year of uni so I think it was warranted :)

With regard to all the questions about uni, I've just completed the first year of a BEd Primary Teaching degree. My mentor teacher at the school was horrible, she hated me and it was obvious. I did my best on placement but have had a some family troubles going on and have done the best I can. Anyway, last Friday she threw all of my observation forms at me (didn't have any after 8 weeks of placement, pretty bad) and told me she didn't know why I was even there and that she'd wasted her time with me :( She told me I was rude, lazy and defensive and didn't have what it took to be a teacher. All of this was a shock to me, I had no idea she found me to be so horrible, but needless to say she's the only person to EVER have described me in that way, I was gutted. I came home and sobbed and honestly thought about quitting the course :( I managed to go in for the final 3 days but they were horrible, she didn't speak a word to me only to bark orders at me and evening *****ed loudly about me the morning of my final observation when someone from the uni was coming in to observe me. She told the TA she was refusing to sign my standards grid which had nothing to do with the TA at all, but she then piped up 'well if she has a problem with you, she has a problem with the rest of us then'. I was gobsmacked and have never experienced such unprofessionalism - this coming mostly from the woman who claimed I was unprofessional!!! Anyway, the uni lady gave my lesson a good - my best score so far as mentor teacher could only bring herself to give me a satisfactory no matter how hard I worked and my folder got an outstanding so I'm clearly not lazy. Anyway, I passed with an overall satisfactory and I never have to see that awful woman ever again thank god. The uni lady told me I'm better than satisfactory, just to take it on the chin and be thankful I passed under those circumstances and she told me not to dare give up uni. PHEW!

Sorry that was so long, but as you can tell it's been hard work and very emotionally draining. I've had a week off BBQing and drinking too much cider so will probs have put all the weight I lost back on :( I have 2 weeks until my holiday on the 11th June, guess I'll just be as good as I can until then, have my holiday and then lose some weight before my friend's wedding in August.

Hope you're all well and will begin this again tomorrow :)
Wow that sounds like a nightmare! I can't believe how rude she was. I've never worked in primary but my colleague is primary trained and she says all her friends from her course who are reaching primary now say its really competitive and *****y. How old was your mentor? Perhaps she felt threatened by you? At least it's over and sounds like your uni teacher is happy with what you are doing. Put it down to experience and enjoy the summer! Xx
That really does sound horrible. Glad its over and you have your holiday to look forward to.

I wouldn't worry about falling off plan, it sounds like after everything that happened it was important to just relax and let your hair down a little. I wouldn't be too strict on yourself leading up to your holiday either, it might be best just to try and make good choices when you feel able and just really commit to plan when you are back from holiday.
Thanks Beck and Atomic :) Am gonna just try to do my best in the run up to my holiday and do the best I can when I get back. You're right though, it was important for me to celebrate the end of uni and let my hair down though, I don't think I've ever been so stressed!

Today's plan:

B: 2 ww petit pains with lurpak light and marmite. - 2pp
L: Tandoori quorn fillets with mushy peas. Fruit and yogurt.
D: Wholemeal pasta with tuna, peas, onion and peppers. LF mayo and a dollop of full fat, cos I'm feeling naughty! - 5 pp?

Weeklies used: 7
Weeklies balance: 42
Looks like a really tasty and healthy plan to me. Do you do the tandoori quorn fillets yourself? I haven't ever seen them to buy. They sound lovely.
I'm sorry u were having such a hard time at ur placement, at least u no u no longer have to deal with her and can go on to hopefully a better placement!

Ur day sounds good! How have u done today?
Today is not going well. It started good...I stuck to plan all morning. I had some bad news last night, my nanny finally passed away. I feel a bit numb and in imbo...I didn't see her very often so I'm really confused and don't know how to feel.

Anyway, my OH had an interview on Friday and they told him today he has got the job. So I'm falling off plan tonight with an indian takeaway and some wine. Why can't I seem to stick to things, I'm just going to have to go on holiday looking lardy and deal with it once I'm home....will have 6 weeks or so to lose as much as possible :(

Feel so fed up and down tonight :(
Sounds like u have a fair bit going on, feeling low fro ur nanny passing then the up from ur OH getting a job, just enjoy ur Indian and try and get back on tomorrow! I'm sorry about ur nanny!
Sorry to hear about your nan. As Sarah says don't be too hard on yourself - you have had a lot going on and an indian take away isn't the end of the world at all.
Sorry for your loss. Echoing what has been said you've had a lot going on lately. You aren't alone, many of us here are emotional eaters so we know how it feels. Enjoy the Indian and you're OH's success. X
Thanks everyone.

Don't know what's happening here at the moment...think I've given up until after my holiday. I'm eating SF foods and trying to keep my points as low as possible, but for 2 weeks it doesn't seem worth busting a gut over.

I feel very much like my depression is rearing it's ugly head again :(
It sounds like you are doing ok for food and I agree it is very hard to get motivated for 2 weeks when you know you will be off plan on holiday.
I hope you feel better soon and that your depression stays at bay. X
Thanks Becks. Got a plan in place for when I get back from hols and I am so determined to stick to it - must get below 10st for my mates wedding, I must, I must!!!

As for depression....just had so much going on these last few weeks, think my brain has finally broken. It'll pass, it always does. Thank goodness I have my lovely little girl to keep me going :) x
Thanks, we're only going to Butlins in Skegness for a week lol but all the family going so should be a good laugh :) Sadly my nan's funeral is on the day we go, so will have to go there first meaning we lose a day of our holiday. These things can't be helped though I guess :) x
I think your plan sounds very sensible. Its really difficult to get into the right mindframe when you know you are going on holiday in two weeks and the worst thing would be to let that worry ruin your holiday so planning for when you return seems the best option.
Popping in to subscribe :) x
Just thought I'd stop by and say hello :) Things are pretty bad here, I've been eating with wild abandon since stopping the plan and I go on holiday for a week tomorrow so things will only get worse. I could well be at my highest ever weight by the time I get home. However, I have bit the bullet and signed back up for WW and will begin meetings when I get back. I think I've finally accepted that I can't do this on my own :-/

So I will be back in a week's time with renewed commitment :) Keep your fingers crossed for the weather for us! x
Have a good holiday and just get stuck in when you get back :) x
I think since you've already signed up for ww I wouldn't worry. You'll prob find now you've set a date to start you'll be itching to get on it. For now forget about it and enjoy your holiday! Xx