My spangly low carb odyssey

Spanglymum said:
I know! What am I like? I have to keep double-checking the figures but it was definitely a drop of 9.5lb. In a week! the human body is a mysterious thing...

Wow! Bodies truly mysterious:)
67.2 this morning - but not sure if that's "real" or not given how much it's been fluctuating this week! Guess I must be within a hair's breadth of my "ideal" weight, so my body's starting to baulk at the idea of shedding any more pounds. Am determined though - I really want to (a) get back to goal and (b) get a couple of pounds "in hand" so that when I refeed I have space for the inevitable glycogen/water weight. Really glad I chose to do this again though. Feeling much more like "me" again. Funny how because it wasn't such a big amount to lose I was in denial about how much it was upsetting me - but I really don't like being overweight anymore. It just isn't "me". I like my clothes to fit properly and hang nicely - it's all part of who I am these days and I missed being able to pick whatever I fancied to wear. Still learning!
I got into my jeans!!!!

The ones that don't have much Lycra in them!!!

Go me!!!!!! :-D
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Really hoping I see another loss in the next couple of days. I got into one of my pairs of tailored trousers this morning, so definitely going in the right direction. But 67.2 exactly again this morning! I googled 'losing weight in chunks' and it seems there are a lot of us out there who plateau for quite a while then suddenly lose loads overnight. I'm sure it's to do with sleep/cortisol and water, but not quite sure how it all works. The main thing at the moment is not to think 'oh sod it' when the scale hasn't moved. Let's face it, at least it isn't moving UPWARDS!!

Had a lovely weekend. Back to work today and feeling low about it. Need to work out a way to assert myself about work so I can start to feel more in control and happier about it.
67.2 this morning - but not sure if that's "real" or not given how much it's been fluctuating this week! Guess I must be within a hair's breadth of my "ideal" weight, so my body's starting to baulk at the idea of shedding any more pounds. Am determined though - I really want to (a) get back to goal and (b) get a couple of pounds "in hand" so that when I refeed I have space for the inevitable glycogen/water weight. Really glad I chose to do this again though. Feeling much more like "me" again. Funny how because it wasn't such a big amount to lose I was in denial about how much it was upsetting me - but I really don't like being overweight anymore. It just isn't "me". I like my clothes to fit properly and hang nicely - it's all part of who I am these days and I missed being able to pick whatever I fancied to wear. Still learning!

This is so me!

I got into my jeans!!!!

The ones that don't have much Lycra in them!!!

Go me!!!!!! :-D


Really hoping I see another loss in the next couple of days. I got into one of my pairs of tailored trousers this morning, so definitely going in the right direction. But 67.2 exactly again this morning! I googled 'losing weight in chunks' and it seems there are a lot of us out there who plateau for quite a while then suddenly lose loads overnight. I'm sure it's to do with sleep/cortisol and water, but not quite sure how it all works. The main thing at the moment is not to think 'oh sod it' when the scale hasn't moved. Let's face it, at least it isn't moving UPWARDS!!

Had a lovely weekend. Back to work today and feeling low about it. Need to work out a way to assert myself about work so I can start to feel more in control and happier about it.

Bizarrely enough, I decided to try a pair of work size 12s on, just to see how far I had to go. To my amazement, they fitted! I still have 22lbs to go. Good luck with your work stuff x
Well done, Debbie!

Work is a bit 'meh' at the moment, which is my responsibility, I know, but as I'm in such a 'meh' mood I'm finding it difficult to stir myself enough to take action. At least today I had a major clear out and did loads of filing (oh the glamour!). Tomorrow will be following up with a nice new and neat list of 'to do's which will be all up to date and organised. I've hated feeling disorganised. But sometimes I just have so many different things to do I can't seem to get on top of any of them. Worst of it is that as head of dept it really is up to me to set a good example!!!

At least I'm sorting my weight out, which is putting me in a better frame of mind. I've also booked the appt for my nose piercing in a couple of week's time. Very exciting!

Find myself wondering what would make a reasonable 'unwinding' alternative to alcohol. Most of the time I'm fine with not drinking anymore, but then sometimes I get nostalgic and hanker for a glass of wine. I'm wondering if there are any soothing herbal teas I could have instead that would be relaxing? Chamomile maybe?
Well. Weight went up to 68.8 yesterday. Back to 67.3 today. Think I may be due on... So this could be water retention...? I remember this happened earlier in the year and I got so disillusioned with packs I switched to Atkins and proceeded to stack on some weight in a very short space of time (oops - think I misunderstood the plan lol). Soooo... Trying to be patient, despite a LOT of crooked thoughts. Thing is, my clothes seem to fit better and better each day, which is brilliant. I just want to see those scales moving again, in the right direction!!

So today I'm going to focus on continuing my big clear out at work and my 'getting on top of things again' project. I've got a management meeting with my direct reports tomorrow, and I know already that it's going to be more productive because of the work I did yesterday. Onward!!!! I need to throw myself into work 110% and forget the weight for a couple of days. Prioritise!!

On a different note, we're still looking for another dog. We've heard of two - one of which may be going to our house during the day today for a visit (but it's all been very disorganised so my hubby doesn't know whether they will actually turn up today). So I might get home tonight and be greeted by a dog! A big dog - another German shepherd no less!! We'll see. Failing that (at the opposite end of the spectrum size wise) there's a Westie in Cambridge who sounds adorable, and is available, but hubby (very reasonably I suppose, she said, grudgingly) doesn't want to trek out there on a wild goose chase. I think she sounds CUTE though lol. (I can see we're going to end up with TWO dogs at this rate!!)

Anyway... Hope everyone's doing ok. I never started another thread for rejoiners. Does anyone want to kick one off?
Oh, update please on the doggie situation!!

My Westie gets on very well with my aunt's German Shepherd. She also has a Westie. He looks after the little dogs :) My boy is curled up at my feet with his snout in one of my slippers. He looks so cute, I dont want to move him and wake him lol.

Was thinking about some nice sparkling fruity stuff instead of wine. Like Schloer? Appletise? Not sure of carb values. Nicer than camomile I think, but I hate the stuff. Or peppermint?
No news on dogs as yet. Apparently someone was going to see the Westie yesterday and likely to take her :(. Also the gsd never turned up. Back to the drawing board it seems!

Had a minor "off road" incident last night and this morning. Am blaming it on (a) PMT and (b) my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and nephew coming for the weekend. They're lovely but having them over means I won't get any down time at all this weekend, and I'm feeling sorry for myself about that. Not a justification for going off plan - except for the coward's way out of not wanting to have to justify myself to them (I know I don't have to, it's my choice etc etc, but my sister-in-law is naturally skinny - really skinny, not just slim - and always goes on about how quickly she got back to her size six figure after each of her pregnancies yadda yadda and it just sets my teeth on edge and I'd rather not have the whole, "Spangly's got such a problem with her weight she's STILL doing those stupid pack things"). Call me a coward if you like but I'm choosing to style it "giving myself a break"! :D

I also know from a few weeks back that a brief sojourn "off road" doesn't necessarily have to degenerate into all-out bingeing. I'm so close to goal. I reckon on flatlining for the next week, then picking up where I left off and still getting to goal well before Christmas.
"unless you go overboard"

Yes. Exactly! I'd best be sensible! :whistle:
Feeling good today. Got a slim-fitting dress on and it actually fits properly! (ie I can breathe). Going out for dinner this eve with some colleagues and a supplier, which was unexpectedly arranged yesterday. Quite good timing really given that I'd already decided to take a few days' break from packs! I've checked the menu and there are suitable low-carb options available. Not a fan of business dinners but it should be pleasant given that there's a few of us going and it's the end of the week.
Oh deary me. How quickly things can change! Got back from dinner on Friday to find my husband all excited about a German shepherd puppy he'd been phoned about. I wasn't sure. We'd said we wouldn't take a puppy as its more than we can handle. The next morning I phoned the rescue to regretfully turn him down - but they talked me out of it! Ended up going to see and then bringing him home. I should never have done it. Took him to the vet yesterday for vaccinations and registration.

Two days two nights. No sleep. Literally. No. Sleep. Puppy accidents everywhere. Poo everywhere. Beside myself with exhaustion. Told hubby today the puppy had to go back. He was really not happy but as it was me up all night and it's me working full time and driving 100 miles a day I put my foot down. I had to.

It was terrible. Our elder daughter was heartbroken. I took the day off and returned the dog to the rescue. Arrived at the place, opened the car door and the poor dog had been sick and pooed everywhere. All over the car boot and himself :-(

Makes me so sad. He and his two brothers had been neglected. He was quite scared - but more confident by far than his brothers. But too much for us with everything else we have to deal with.

Anyway the lady at the rescue was lovely. Not the one who persuaded me. A different person and very practical and sensible and reassuring. .

I feel emotionally and physically exhausted. Family visiting plus this, means I'm worn out. I know it was right to return him. The right dog is out there... But I'm in no rush to try again for a long time.
What a relief. I slept last night. Sleep that knits up this ravelled sleeve of care. Fab.

And my house is clean, smells clean, and is quiet and peaceful. That poor puppy will find a lovely home. And I'm so glad I sent him back. My home, peace and sanity are restored!

Bizarrely though, having slept better, the joint pains are back with a vengeance. Sooooo sore this morning!? Oh well. Got a follow up with the lupus consultant next week so maybe that will shed some light?
Straight back on packs again today. I just want to get to goal now. Weirdly I found being off packs wasn't all that great. I thought it would make me feel free-er but I actually just made me frustrated that I was postponing reaching my goal just in order to avoid awkward questions. My goal means more to me than that!
Momentarily tempted by Holland and Barrett at the station on the way home after a tiring day but pleased to report I resisted. I know the next few days will be wobbly as I burn up the glycogen again but I will do this. A few more early nights of uninterrupted sleep and sticking to packs and I'll feel more like me again. V proud of self for being firm about the puppy. Finally, after forty-two years, am I learning to say 'no' and mean it?!! Brilliant!!
Got a lunch date with a colleague today but will be strong and have a cup of tea (having just had my pack). She may comment but I'm feeling strong and "in the zone"! Amazing what a couple of nights of decent sleep can do, eh?

Had a very hectic morning but nothing I couldn't cope with. Hurrah! Really looking forward to my EMPTY weekend this week. Phew. Just got to take my eldest to ballet on Saturday morning but apart from that, no dog rescues, no vets, no children's parties, no relatives visiting, no entertaining etc etc. And breathe...
Had a peppermint tea and didn't say anything and she just assumed I'd already eaten. Yay!

Getting back on track, with a combination of more sleep and being back on packs. I've had milk in my coffee this morning though - best watch out for carb creep or I'll start backsliding again!! Will weigh at the weekend - hopefully some of the glycogen weight will have balanced out.

Tying to stay on top of work and home is difficult. I feel I'm not giving my daughters the quality time they deserve. I know it will get better when the office relocates and my commute becomes more manageable but sometimes I get sad about it. Also my hubby doesn't really plan ahead, which is also difficult. He's now talking about our youngest going to the primary school nursery, which is a great idea as it will make reception year an easier transition, and also she won't have the problem her big sister had of being taught to write one way at private nursery and then having to unlearn that style and learn a completely new method when she started school. And money wise it makes sense too, especially as child benefit disappears next year. So lots of positives.

But I asked him yesterday what he'd do re his monthly Tysabri infusions (preschool nursery is a half day whereas the current arrangement on a Monday is all day and he can't really take her with him as she'd be very bored - it's a long appointment) and he hadn't thought about it. Wanted me to take the first Monday of every month off work! I'm afraid I said no. I am so tired. I get very little 'down' time as it is. I'm not using up a third of my annual leave next year for hospital appointments! I'm sure we'll work things out, but it does make me weary sometimes. I just wish he would think these things through.

Hey ho. Onward!
Done LOADS of work today. Really proud of myself. Wobbled plan wise - two coffees with milk, two fresh plums and half a kiwi fruit - but in the grander scheme of things not bad. Got my next maintenance group next week. Ooh just remembered that I think we were meant to do some homework! Can't remember what it was though. Oops!
Aww, sweet of you to notice! I'm ok. Had an ok weekend, but it went by too quickly. Been to see the consultant today and definitely don't have lupus. This is great news, but weirdly anticlimactic, as I've spent years trying to find out what is behind my weird joint pains and fatigue. Oh well. Turns out it's probably depression. Not surprising, really.

Off to work now. Feel a bit out of sorts as have been out of the office yesterday and this morning so feel a bit behind. Been catching up on emails on the train.

Consultant was v impressed with weight loss btw. I didn't tell her how I'd done it. Am pleased to be heading back to the right spot. Need to get back on track though. Came off packs last week with mother in law visiting and haven't got back into the zone again since. Meant to be going to maintenance group tonight but want to work late to make up for two quite fragmented days.

One of the books I've just read suggests cutting wheat of your diet and then see if the symptoms disappear. Makes interesting reading. Can be bought in kindle version too.
Check this out on AMZN: Wheat Belly