My story warts n all....I've started

It has absolutely chucked it down all day, proper stair rods and hubby woke full of a cold; so we decided not to go round the lake. Instead we have played outside with Biscuit, introduced him to our chickens; he was fascinated with them but when our cockeral crowed he hid behind my legs. He is very much a typical puppy but I don't think he has had experience of having toys before as he doesn't know what to do with them. So we have been teaching him that toys are fun, and all his. The cats have ventured closer today and Biscuit has actually been playing with both of them, which was lovely to see.
I had my meal this evening and decided to eat as slow as I could (normally I would wolf my food down). I had to leave some of it as I was full, but it was very nice to eat. So I plan to continue with 1 meal a day and either on a sunday or if we eat out I will have a very small dessert too. Other than that I will not be eating desserts, I need to have them just as a treat and not the norm.

I am going to dose my hubby up tonight with lemsip and whisky and hope he feels a bit better tomorrow so we can get out to the lake as it could be dry tomorrow.
I have lost another 2lbs this week so pleased with that especially saying as I had a sunday roast yesterday complete with carbs (tho not many).

The weight is coming down slow but sure, but thats ok with me now I decided to have a meal a day.

Biscuit is showing his true puppy behaviout this morning and so far has brought in a slipper and dropped it at my feet, the tea towel from the kitchen and the suede glove from the wood burner. he doesn't chew them just brings them in and puts them at your feet; but obviously we can't encourage that.
My hubby is still not 100% well, think he's got what I had the other week. So I've told him to stay warm, plenty of fluids, paracetamol etc etc. So I took Biscuit for his first walk on the lead. I decided to walk from home into the town and down to our friends on the other side of town. It was cold but dry and Biscuit is an absolute dream to walk, he doesn't pull and just looks so happy. Our friends loved him and my boy just flopped onto his back to have his tummy tickled, what a softy babe he is. So my walking exercise regime is back on!!!!! He's now knackered and asleep on my foot, Bless xxx :chores016:
He sounds so sweet - i know absolutely nothing about dogs (or animals in general having never really been around any) but i can tell that he's going to bring you lots of happiness.

Well done on the loss this week too, you're such a soldier after the couple of weeks that you've had and your recent losses. When you're having your daily meal are you keeping it low carb, or just having a balanced meal? I'm wondering how it would work with regards to hunger/weight loss to have a meal that's healthy but not low carb x
He sounds so sweet - i know absolutely nothing about dogs (or animals in general having never really been around any) but i can tell that he's going to bring you lots of happiness.

Well done on the loss this week too, you're such a soldier after the couple of weeks that you've had and your recent losses. When you're having your daily meal are you keeping it low carb, or just having a balanced meal? I'm wondering how it would work with regards to hunger/weight loss to have a meal that's healthy but not low carb x

I am eating a healthy balanced meal that is Low GI, following some of Rosemary Connley's recipes (or plan to) as that way the low GI keeps you fuller and satisfied for longer and releases the energy more slowly.

I feel better in my head having made this decision and will be glad to be taking control of my diet again. I dont have that much to lose now so am ok about losing it a little more slowly, now that I feel a more normal size. When I was a size 20 I couldn't have coped with it, but now size 16 I can.
That's great, i always try and eat low GI but like you say it's about control... it's something i'm still struggling with and i need to master, or all this will have been a waste of time and money x
Awwwwwwwww what a lovely boy you have picked!!!!

Your going to have soooooo much fun with him :0) I'm so pleased he is behaving!


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Biscuit is showing his true puppy behaviout this morning and so far has brought in a slipper and dropped it at my feet, the tea towel from the kitchen and the suede glove from the wood burner. he doesn't chew them just brings them in and puts them at your feet; but obviously we can't encourage that.

Awwwww he's a little scamp, you are going to have soo much fun, I'm envyous (sp?). xxx
Well we have just returned from the vets; need a bloody mortgage lol. But worth every penny. The cats have both had their annual boosters. Got a tick collar for Biscuit and 6 month of flea spot on; then, because he has come from a refuge and even tho he was wormed last thursday, both cats and Biscuit have to be wormed again in 3 weeks to make sure there are none lurking. Apparently the refuges are rife with them and one treatment just kills the adults but not the eggs, so we have to wait till the eggs hatch and then kill the baby worms too; all 3 animals need to be done to make sure they are not passing them to each other.
I know its a bit of a palava but best to keep your animals as healthy as possible.
Biscuit was as good as gold in the vets, he just went for the experience as the last time he went he was castrated, so could have an aversion to vets; but he was great and the vets loved him.
Good morning all, I am off out this morning to the monthly craft get together, a different person hosts it each month; this is my 1st time of going so will see how it goes; think they call it stitch n ***** in some places lol. Anyway i will go armed with the ruffle scarf I am knitting and suss it out.
meanwhile Biscuit will stay here with his dad and play in the garden, think they may even have the bonfire, to burn the garden rubbish.

Diet is still going well having the one meal a day, I have been coping much better. It's my birthday at the weekend so we are going out for lunch, but I decided I wanted to go on friday (the cost doubles at weekend over here, so call me tight if you like lol)

Catch you all later and good luck everyone
I love crafting, I just don't get the time lately, my favourite is decoupaging onto items such as furniture, bottles etc.....

I went through a huge phase of scrapbooking and quilting along with cross stitch a few years back!

How's Biscuit???.....

J x

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Me too I LOVE CRAFTING! lol Cardmaking, decoupage, knitting, sewing you name it...

Enjoy, nice for hubby to have some time with Biscuit to get to know each other. Hope he's feeling better today xx
The craft morning went really well, lovely bunch of ladies and some very talented ones; I've always wanted to do quilting and one lady there was just so amazing, so may have to get her to teach me.

Biscuit spent a great morning with his dad; he wanted to help him do some work in the garden and kept bringing him small bits of kindling from the wood pile and dropping them at his feet; he then pinched the pencil out of hubby's hand and ran off then got in the way of a paint brush and ended up with green fence paint on his nose, so had to have it washed off lol. He is just a lovely puppy and into everything, but he is also very quick to learn and once corrected does behave, but he is so much fun to watch. he is now knackered and sparked out on my feet with his soft toy.
Little Biscuit woke me this morning at 6,30am crying; he wanted a wee, so I got up and decided I might as well stay up. He is now lay in front of the patio doors watching it get light.
I am off to the market this morning to meet my friend and we will have a coffee after doing our shopping.
I must also get back on to knitting my shrug, as 1 more day knitting will finish it and then I can start thinking about making a table runner and placemats for christmas; I'd like to have a go at patchwork for it, so think I will have a look on ebay for some fabric.
We are off round the lake to give our new boy his first really big walk tomorrow morning, hope he copes lol. Then we are off to the shelter so he can meet our new puppy who will now be called "LUCY"; we decided that Tia was not a pretty enough name for her.

Have been knitting for france the last few days and have made some beautiful scarfs for me and friends for crimbo. Now need to make a hand warmer as a gift for friend whose hands are always freezing, going to fill it with baking beans so that it can go in microwave to heat up.
That's a fab idea for christmas, it's always so lovely to receive a gift that you know someone has thought about and put a bit of effort into. I used to knit and sew when i was little, but totally forgotten how to now... once i've got a bit of me time again i'll definitely endeavour to pick it backup again. How are you feeling adding in the meal? Hungry or headachey at all? x
That's a fab idea for christmas, it's always so lovely to receive a gift that you know someone has thought about and put a bit of effort into. I used to knit and sew when i was little, but totally forgotten how to now... once i've got a bit of me time again i'll definitely endeavour to pick it backup again. How are you feeling adding in the meal? Hungry or headachey at all? x

I love to make thoughtful gifts, and they don't need to cost the earth and can be enjoyed just as much as an expensive bought gift.
I am loving having the one meal a day; I have felt hungry at times as I am obviously no longer in ketosis. But this is the way I am managing, plus I've had a sneaky look on the scales this morning and they have still gone down so it must be working.

Breakfast 2/3 of a bar
Lunch soup or shake
small slice of ham or
small piece cheese
Dinner Low GI meal 500
Low fat yoghurt
eve snack 1/3 bar

So I am having on average 1000 calories a day; I feel satisfied with that and am still losing weight. Not felt headachey at all, just at lunchtime I feel a little hungry hence the reasone I added a small piece of protein.
Biscuit was really funny today walking round the lake; it was all new to him and he was wary of a few things, so i had to lift him onto the hand propelled ferry to cross the lake.It's just a matter of time till he gets used to it. we then went to visit our puppy and he was mesmerised at her and her 7 siblings tumbling about, but he hid behind my hubby's legs. Then we went up to our friends farm with him so they could meet him. so all in all he's had a busy day today and has slept most of the afternoon. we have had a eurika moment with him tho; he has actually played with 2 of his toys today, which was lovely to see.
we also had a lovely email from poorpaws where we rescued him from, thanking us for giving him a chance; I dont know how anyone couldnt love him; he's so adorable and for his age, very good.