My trials and tribulations

Hi Emmasmum,
I hope your week goes well. :D
How did the interview go? Are you doing okay? Just checking in. x
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Am ready to get back to it. Feeling much better about everything this week. Still not heard about my interview. They did say 7-10 days. How can it take that long?
Weighed myself this morning and haven't put on any weight which I am very pleased about. My way of eating has definately changed and I don't eat so much. Will have to update my Xmas challenge though! Just going to catch up on everyones diaries.
Great to hear from you again. Give 'em a ring about the interview... can't hurt and they owe you a ring back either way. And great that your weight is the same - that is fantiastic and shows this plan does change us at the deepest level. I think it's the fact that when we are on JUDDD we don't have to feel deprived so we also don't have to go overboard when not JUDDDing. I used to try and pack as much in as possible before going back on a 'traditional' diet. Now it's just like getting on and off a bus - with no dramas. Well done.
Well done with sts whilst you haven't been on juddd, that's fab! Soon you'll be right back into the swing of it, yes join us on the Christmas challenge!! Hope you find out about the interview soon, I hate it when they take ages. But I have got jobs where they took way longer than they said and I thought I'd never hear from them again! A lot of companies (esp big ones) aren't too great it that department lol!
Great to see you back and well done on the STS. Hope you hear soon about the job if not as Hoe says give them a ring :D
Yeah give 'em a ring or we'll do it for you!
Had the most horrendous day yesterday. Got a call from an agency about a job. It soubded exactly what I had been doing in my previous one, so was very excited. Was told I had to do a psychometric(sp?) test. Although I haven't done one of these for years as they don't really do them anymore in this country, thought to myself - personality test - am not a lunatic - should breeze it. NOT!!! American company sent me the test do do online. Absolutely horrific questions and I failed it.:mad: They don't care that I have 15 years of experience of exactly what they were looking for! I'm sure you can train yourself on these, but of course haven't. B****** americans - sorry you on our wee board who are american!
Phoned agency today about interview last week and she didn't even bother to get back to me. I am not a happy chappy:(
Back to food being last on a long list of worries. :cry:
Oh dear that is so awful on all counts. Just disgusting they don't respond and as for the psychometric testing well you don't want to work in that sort of company ethic and environment do you? But yes damned rude re the first job.

What's meant for you won't go by you - there will be something better out there... keep the faith. And as for failing the test don't worry, my cousin is the only person to fail an 'Anger Managment' course - she is very proud of that. The tutor is still in couselling! :p
Oh, that made me laugh!:8855:Failing an anger management course! Forgot to add to my ranting I got up this morning and made fudge!! Had to have a wee try of course.:sigh: