My Wise Food Diary plus Photos

Yes K - I lost 3lbs. But I have had some crappy news today so haven't been very good. Need to draw a line and be good again!! But currently fed up


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Kia-Ora said:
Oh no, don't blow it hun. What happened x

Bad week - bad moving house news and work has been awful!!!


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Very - more annoying house move stuff today

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Are you off on your hols in your bikini luvvie?

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Kia-Ora said:
Yup, tomorrow. Lost about 2.5lb this week so I'm happier but not totally comfortable bout bikini buy hey Ho x

Have a lovely time - where are I off to?
You'll look lovely babe


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Kia-Ora said:
Hired a place down Southern Spain near Nerja, leave in a few hrs woopwoop. Hope ur feelin better by time I'm back xx

Me too - I hope we actually exchange!!

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Hey K! Just catching up after being away and am hoping that things are getting better your end. Moving is a huge, hideous, stressful nightmare. I feel for you hun xx
Have moved house Thursday a week ago - no idea where the scales is lol - but trying to be good this week.

No broadband either so connection a nightmare!!


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Stress levels are certainly better Beeg . And I'm off for 2 weeks- yay !!!!

Still haven't unpacked my scales - haven't found it yet lol - then again the diet has not resumed either lol


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Right - scales found (at last - after I decided to order some off amazon - typical eh? Now I will drive myself potty with 2 scales lol - although Amazon ones not yet arrived!!)

Weighed and have only put 4lb on since my last weigh in which was early July!!

I have continually tried to getting on the wagon, but my lardy a**e has pulled me back again!!

I am now and truly moved into the new house which is lovely, and shortly I will know exactly what will be happening job front wise, so I am feeling a lot lot happier.

Kitchen is gonna be out of action Mon, Tues & possibly Wed- but have tried to plan as best as I can (making 2 roasts now to have one cold tomorrow) although oven should be working tomorrow - but no hob. Then tues (no hob or oven - well thats dependent on whether the new oven is put in) and Wed I am hoping I should have both - but it could be late!!

So here goes (not sticking to targets as they are impossible ) wish me luck :)

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