New beginning!


New Member
Hi all, I'm new to this.
I'm 26 and feel extremely depressed and continuously sad and angry at how much I have let myself go. I always monitored my weight but over the last few years I've let it slip.
I feel awkward, bloated and uncomfortable and can't bear to look at myself in the mirror.
My mum has just lost 10 stone just by will power and determination so surely I can do this. I just can't keep myself motivated and always feel like biggest person in the room.
I work in the hotel industry on shifts so find it hard to sit down and eat a healthy meal. Anyway rant over....feel better already for that!
I know what you mean, I feel the same, but am a lot older and have two teenage manic daughters, but I am now determined to make a go of it. Good luck, your mum should be able to help if she has done it